 Еще один альбом от шведских насильников ударных и гитар. "Ад Вечен". Достаточно многообещающее название, которое, как оказалось, Setherial полностью оправдали. Кстати, у этого альбома достаточно необычная (для Сэтэриал) обложка. Она сделана не в ярких тонах, а только с "помощью" белого и черного цвета. Мой интерес к этому альбому был вызван еще и тем, что, согласно информации из интернета, в качестве вокалиста на этом альбоме выступает не кто иной, как Themgoroth (бывший вокалист Dark Funeral), обладающий отличнейшими вокальными данными. Здесь его вокал звучит уже не так, как на монументальном "Secrets of the Black Arts", но тоже достаточно прилично. Но сам альбом подобен взрыву. ТАКОГО Сэтэриал не делали еще никогда. Да, "Lords of the Nightrealm" был ОЧЕНЬ быстр, но не настолько. Барабанщик лупит так, как будто за каждый удар по мАлому, их группе зачисляется еще минута в Abyss studio (то есть, ОЧЕНЬ быстро). Это, наверное и есть самое интересное на этом альбоме. Вокал Темгорота, как я говорил, также неплох, но на менее скоростную музыку его вокал ложится куда лучше. Гитарист также не отстает, хотя и не выдает никаких особенно интересных риффов. Но, увы, похоже, что в погоне за "минутами в Abyss" (то есть за скоростью), Сэтэриал лицо группы потеряли совсем. Видимо, главным ориентиром для них является Dark Funeral, потому что "АД Вечен" звучит, как опус, созданный музыкантами именно этой шведской группы. Да, этот альбом по-своему интересен, но дальнейшее "увлечение" и ориентирование на музыку Dark Funeral привело к появлению такого дерьма, как последующий "Endtime Divine". Похоже, этот альбом может служить "надгробием" для, некогда, очень неплохой и перспективной банды. |
And as the fires touch the sky,
a dimension denied through aeons reveals...
From the vast abhorred deeps.
Through the clouds; from infernal storms; he appears.
In front of thousands of demons hordes.
A domain of damnation and death.
And a shivering voice led me towards the fire.
Towards the realm of night...
Black clouds embraces the light of the moon
and legions of demons appears;
As fires touch the sky, an uncontrolled vision
calls from the dark depths.
Disciples of Satan;
Awaiting for the awakening...
Like a cold winter breeze sweeping silently
across the northern wasteland.
I fly towards the nightrealm and
an eternity in darkness.
I have always longed for this existence
through the centuries of my time.
Forever sheltered from light,
forever a servant of Satan.
"I wonder, am I a demon?
I can feel the power flowing through my veins"
From the vast abhorred deeps.
Through the clouds; from infernal storms; he appears.
In front of thousands of demons hordes.
A domain of damnation and death.
And a shivering voice led me towards the fire.
Towards the realm of night...
The sign hell has been revealed on the sky.
By the demons of Ira; the reaper;
Ankou has been send forth. Only the silence of the
deserted lands remains. All life devours in the fires.
The final chapter of humanity; is finally
closed and forgotten Creation; reverse
I remember how I've seen the horizon at daylight;
been painted black by horned devils,
And wide opened gateways into dark unearthly dimensions
The unhallowed ones, who dwells invisible
among the shadows, disciples of Satan;
Awaiting for the awakening.
2. Shadows Of The Throne
The rise of the ancient dragon, from the darkest depths.
The seventh gate is open, and the weak god is dead.
The rise of the ancient dragon, from the darkest depths.
The seventh gate is open, and Satan rules the world.
Satan master of darkness, I speak thy name.
Let the darkness grasp the earth, mighty demon Lord.
When the stars fall from the sky and the earth is laid in ashes.
Armegeddon has come forth. Unleashed is the wrath of Satan.
Demons of realm below. I call upon the thy names
Satan sets his legions of demons, to embrace the world in darkness.
Burned by the flames of hell!
Shadows of the throne,
This is the hour of Satan. The abyss unfolds.
I shall forever be burned, by the fires of hell...
The rise of the ancient dragon from the darkest depths.
The seventh gate is open, and the weak god is dead.
The rise of the ancient dragon, from the darkest depths.
The seventh gate is open, and Satan rules the world.
Black freezing night. It's the night of the holocaust winds.
Sacrificed on the altar of Satan. Cast into the chambers of hell...
Satan emperor of times, towards hell we march.
Angels struck down from heaven, as the soil turns red.
Reveal the secrets, unfold thy wisdom.
Bring damnation, unleash your wrath.
Shadows of the throne...
3. Hell Eternal
The storms sweeps over this land forlorn.
Damnation reigns, only the silence remains.
Hell brought forth over the endless horizon,
demons crawl eternally beyond my flesh.
Night; my dark delight. Entranced by thoughts of tragedies.
A hell born creation locked between two worlds.
Through empires of time now vanished in the wind.
Ages; of darkness await. A messenger of hell,
a spirit of the night. By the eclipse of the red moon;
Twilight shall give birth to the new age of Satan.
Nocturnal call, in the final hour of saturn.
Nightsky, the source of dark delight.
A dim reflection of what shall prevail.
The coming of the infernal hordes by the eclipse.
The majestic throne of the endless night,
beyond the gates of time. I am the key to the infernal powers...
My heart is black as night and through the veils of fire;
Malicious storms of hell eternal.
Hell eternal.
Night, my dark delight. Entranced by thoughts of tragedies.
A hell born creation, unleashed in fury.
Through empires of time now vanished in the wind.
The majestic throne of the endless night,
beyond the gates of time. I am the key to the infernal powers...
My heart is black as night and through the veils of fire;
Malicious storms of hell eternal.
Hell eternal...
4. The Aeschma Deava
Awake again, the lurking beasts of chaos.
Demonic spectres; chilling winds rise from the netherworld.
Anthems of damnation, whispers through the air.
Omniscient demons, obsessed by the force of the fallen one...
Satan, demon; Horned king with fiery eyes.
Satan, dark one; Descending from the nocturnal sky.
Satan, horned lord; Conjures the age of mayhem.
The demon abyss; The empire below, the fiery realm of hell...
The messenger of Satan. I am.
My spell is the spell of damnation.
My incantation is the incantation of hell.
Beyond flesh, I am the Aeschma deava...
Death's shadows, drifts over a land forlorn.
Consternation elohim, all light devour.
Born of darkness, summoned by the hellfires.
A void of chaos, lurks upon the thresh hold of infinity...
Satan, demon; Horned king with fiery eyes.
Satan, dark one; Descending from the nocturnal sky.
Satan, horned lord; Conjures the age of mayhem.
The demon abyss; The empire below, the fiery realm of hell...
The messenger of Satan. I am.
My spell is the spell of damnation.
My incantation is the incantation of hell.
Beyond flesh, I am the Aeschma deava...
Death's shadows, drifts over a land forlorn.
Born of darkness, summoned by the hellfires.
The messenger of Satan... I am. From the demon abyss;
Amongst the chilling winds I fly...
5. The Sign Of Wrath Awaked
Landscapes below, besmeared with angels blood,
and rivers filled with tears from grim tortuer acts;
That dwells within the cold dungeon chambers.
The agony of damned souls frozen the dim night.
What can better than to dwell here, driven out of bliss,
in this abhorred deep to utter woe.
Where the inextinguishable flames must forever burn.
Without hope or end...
As a great furnace flamed, yet from those flames.
No light, but darkness visible...
A fire so high; mighty and as a scythe sears the sky...
Brings scars in the face of god.
They viewed the vast immeasurable abyss.
Outrageous as sea, dark, wasteful, wild.
Up from the bottom turned by furious and surging winds;
As mountains to assault heavens height.
In the sign of Hell, the blood of angels enslaved.
In the sign of the horned, where peace never can dwell.
They viewed the vast immeasurable abyss.
Outrageous as sea, dark, wasteful, wild.
Up from the bottom turned by furious and surging winds;
As mountains to assault heavens height.
"The gate is open and I command my disciples
to come forth from the pits of hell, and to grasp the kingdom
of god with the infernal powers of darkness..."
So spake the voice, and clouds began to darken the hills
and smoke to roll in sudky wreaths, reluctant flames;
The sign of wrath awakened...
Before the gate there sat on each side two formidable shapes in
the gloom, two hounds of hell; with wide ceberean jaws.
The sign of wrath awaked...
6. The Nighttrealm
Through the nightwinds as demons rips the sky.
A somber field arises. In blackened night,
my body is possessed. The earth; aflame for Satan.
Firestorm; over empires forlorn.
Darkness calls, the demons rejoice.
Through the nightwinds... Satan; in hell awaits.
The angel dies as Satan devour their blood.
The hordes of hell rejoicing, as daylight dies the soil turns red;
aflame. Creation ends for Satan...
Satan through flames arrives-darkness prevails.
Omniscient Lord-creation ends in pain.
When the night cloaks my thoughts, and by nightwinds,
I'm embraced. When the mist is coloured red,
and the moon is on the rise.
When the chill bites my skin, I ride the winds of death.
When the shadows haunts the night, I'm the sword of Satan.
Satan; thine throne set upon earth.
Omnipotent Lord; The darkness claps the world,
Infernal; thy flame - the world set aflame,
Infernal; thy flame - the earth set aflame.
Through the nightwinds as demons rips the sky.
A sombre field arises, In blackened night my body is possessed.
My soul aflame for Satan.
Firestorms; over empired forlorn
Darkness calls, the demons rejoice.
Through the nightwinds... Satan; in hell awaits.
He arrives from shadows - He descends from gloom.
Through the flames arising - though the fainting moon.
Cast aside; the heavens cast aside; its corpse.
I'm the sword of Satan - I am the war of old...
7. Guardians Of The Gates Of Flames
Tkel, demon lord. Come forth unto me; by the flame.
The one who walks; beyond the world.
The one who is solitary; beyond solitute.
Rise. Heights of darkness, limitless spaces of night.
Ever-seeing, ever powerful... Ever hearing one.
Rise from your mountain of pain... From your toom of cooper.
Prince of the night; Gereshma... Lord of the throne of skulls.
Satan you are summoned. You are called.
Satan you are summoned. Come forth.
Satan you are summoned. You are called.
Satan you are summoned. Come forth.
Kurritakl - arise - Overshadowing one...
Hailed feared - Of many aspects of beings.
Waiting, lurking within the deeps Between the planes of being.
Majesty - Of deep tenebrous shadows.
Raise the dark; Release the boundaries of matter.
Bring forth the night; Arise from your throne.
The demonlord has arrived, through the stargate;
From the chambers of utter darkness, come forth...
Rise. Heights of darkness, limitless spaces of night.
Ever-seeing, ever powerful... Ever hearing one.
Rise from your mountain of pain... From your toom of cooper.
Prince of the night; Gereshma... Lord of the throne of skulls.
The guardians of the gates of flame.
Nightside spirits; fallen angels...
Fly through the nightsky, from storms of death.
Creation reversed; the age of mayhem.
All life falls into oblivion.
The guardians of the gates of flames.