« Failures for Gods »
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1 | Once Ordained
 | 2 | No Jesus, No Beast
 | 3 | Failures for Gods
 | 4 | Unsaved
 | 5 | God Made Filth
 | 6 | Stench of High Heaven
 | 7 | Your Angel Died
 | 8 | The Devil I Know
 | | Total playing time: 40:19 |
   Ross Dolan - Bass/vocals
Thomas Wilkinson - Guitar
Robert Vigna - Guitar
Alex Hernandez - Drums
Recorded at Millbrook Sound Studios - Millbrook, NY - July 1998. Engineered by
Paul Orofino. Produced by Paul Orofino and Immolation. Mastered by Brad Vance at
Quadim Studio.
All songs written by Immolation, published by Four Krods In A Pod Music, BMI .
Artwork (covers/icons) by Andreas Marschall. Art concepts by Immolation. Photos
by Jeff Wolfe. Back cover graphics / icon enhancements by John Vigna. Layout
concept/design by Immolation, layout construction/design by Brian Ames. |
 | 1. Once Ordained
A world in chaos, a people lost
Days of sorrow, days of bedlam
Anticipate it's coming, world upheaval
The darkness upon us, soon to come
At the coming of the dawn
No one hears our dying cries
Our somber vigils nevermore
From humble beginnings comes the one
To lead us bl |
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 Самый недооцененный... хотя нет, правильнее будет сказать "наименее оцененный" среди пяти классических альбомов группы, то есть, описывающих тот период, когда на породистый дэт Immolation с переменным успехом пытались вешать ярлыки "техничный" и "брутальный".
Хотя изощренность подхода нью-йоркцев к исполнению отрицать не собираюсь. Основа "Failures for Gods" - тонко выстроенный баланс двух ритмических гитарных основ, в дуэли которых периодически еще и вторгается плотоядный бас. Ритмы плотные, вязкие, нагруженные диссонансами, словно проваливающиеся внутрь под собственной тяжестью. Ну и, естественно, далекие от "простых" размеров вроде четырех четвертей. Периодически возникают гитарные соло, но звучат они нынче ровно так же вязко и искаженно, выглядя скорее спазмами на теле композиции. Облегчают погружение в "Failures for Gods" ударные, чаще всего вторящие одному из ведущих ритмов; несомненно, вокал, прибавивший в глубине и отчетливости, ну и ставшие фирменными качевые фрагменты: отборная, "жирная", неторопливо-методичная бомбежка вестибулярного аппарата. Кроме того, именно на этом альбоме вы впервые сможете прочувствовать мощь того, что я назвал бы "эпичный иммолейшеновский финал" - когда из всех хитросплетений композиции выныривает один избранный инструментальный рисунок. Одновременно брутальный, грувовый, размашисто-техничный, да еще - если повезет - умеренно мелодичный. Степенно движущаяся махина, убирающая останки с поля боя - или бойни. Конкретно на "FfG" присутствуют сразу два Финала из числа лучших в истории группы - в "Your Angel Died" и "The Devil I Know". Не финалы даже, а убедительные музыкальные Окончалипсисы всего сущего.
Ну а по поводу сравнительно скромных оценок релиза на фоне полностью повторяющих его идеи "Close to a World Below"/"Unholy Cult" мне сказать нечего. С точки зрения композиционной целостности и проработанности "FfG" у них даже выигрывает. Так что спишем все на слово "failures" в названии, хотя на деле никаких "failures" тут обнаружено не было. |
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Альбом, пусть и не установивший новых стандартов в brutal technical death, как было с предыдущим опусом, но, безусловно, сложный, атональный и атмосферный. Что сразу бросается в глаза, так это нарративный и прямолинейный звук ударных, без особого жира, но чёткий, а поэтому, позволяющий лучше разобрать завитые ритмические переходы. Главная заслуга данного релиза в том, что тяжёлая для восприятия музыка ещё и интересно подана, и ничто не мешает Вам погрузиться в вязкую и глубинно-инфернальную картину происходящего. Роберт по-прежнему выворачивает джазовую составляющую таким образом, что она напрямую воздействует на подсознание, минуя все барьеры восприятия. Такую музыку нельзя просто слушать, её воздействие ощутимо, даже если не вникать в ткань диссонансов. Характерно то, что после 6/8 размера идет экспрессивное синкопированное соло с размытыми гранями, поддерживаемое вариативной ритм-секцией. В общем, составляющих достаточно для того, чтобы пытливому разуму хватило для разбора на длительное время. Не умаляет достоинств альбома и то, что его не понимают или не хотят понять, называя невыразительным и блеклым. Каждому своё, но я уверен, что каждый уважающий себя поклонник brutal technical death, найдет для себя массу интересного в этом хорошо прожаренном и тонко приправленном ломте брутала. |
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просмотров: 22816 |
Obscure and prophetic, his rise to God
many will perish in the wake of this savior
As we near our final days
Will we see beyond the dark
Has our blood been shed in vain
You will all be fooled
You will all be fooled
When he reveals himself
When he reveals himself
You will all be fooled
You will all be fooled
He sees withing your hearts
He sees within your souls
A people divided
Turn on each other
No one shall rival
Our new found messiah
And all shall follow
And heed his calling
Ensure his reign
Will span the heavens
He'll rise...
We'll fall...
His rule...
Our end...
At the coming of the dawn
We've seen into the dark
In the shadow of the beast
We'll close our eyes one final time
You will all be fooled
You will all be fooled
When he reveals himself
When he reveals himself
You will all be fooled
You will all be fooled
He sees withing your hearts<
He sees within your souls
2. No Jesus, No Beast
No Christ...no cross
No pain....no loss
No wanton guilt for us to bear
No body...no blood
No crown...no thorns
No bastard son, no chosen one
I count the days
When the oppressed are released
The ending of his reign
No Jesus, No Beast
No pits of sin to languish in
No path of just for us to follow
No foolish prayer and seething lies
No virgin birth on pagan earth
I await the time
When our hatred is unleashed
He'll rule no more
No Jesus, No Beast
Leader of fools
Creator of sin
Extractor of hope
Deceiver of truth
Can you hear us...Death to Jesus
As horizons overcast with menacing formations
Those who will stand are committed no more
Icon of icons, shattered and overtaken
This Bastard, this Beast, this Jesus must die
No Christ...no cross
No pain...no loss
No wanton guilt for us to bear
No body...no blood
No Crown...no thorns
No bastard son, no chosen one
I count the days
When the oppressed are released
The ending of his reign
No Jesus, No Beast
3. Failures For Gods
Have faith in their words
From your weakness they are born
Messiahs to the masses
But failures for all
Send millions to worship
Send millions to die
Devoted, they follow in blindness
Lost, they can not find their way
Crowned by our hands
Bringers of terror, all will cower in fear
Bringers of war, their people perish and die
Bringers of plague, the faithful wither and fade
Bringers of famine, the hunger grows and grows
Cure not our ills...
Feed on our souls...
Promise eternity...
Eternity never comes...
Their lies will lull the chaos
While humanity falls around them
Impoverished, in droves they'll grovel
In confusion and fear they flourish
They've failed to lead the way out of darkness
their wourds man nothing, your gods are dead
Let them rape you
let them rule you
They will take you
You're failures for gods
No promis land
No love toward man
No perfect end
You're failures for gods
Can they not see the deception and thetyranny
So desperate they've become the victims not eh victors
Can they not see the tragedy in thier beliefs
The failures you worship are the failures you've become
Crowned by our hands
4. Unsaved
Shining with hues of magnificent splendor
Leading the way, revere him
The righteous, the saved
hand in hand, poised in rapture
Blissful delusion, believe in forever
Choirs of angels strike chords of transgression
How you are like your savior
With souls impure and vile
Rescued from our presence
your fall will be divine
Behold, the days of righteousness are coming
For wicked are the hearts of men and gods
Cleanse yourselves, step out of the light
Purge me of Christ...empowered, unsaved
Humble before him...the price for their saving
Don't pray for my soul for I'll rise above you
My hatred is my strength and through this I'll conquer
The fear and the weakness I see in your eyes
Touched by the divine
They hide in the light
Adorn me with his crown
5. God Made Filth
The ways of the blessed
Scourging mankind
Such reverence and obedience
As we drown in his filth
The fires of depravity
Are burning with vigor
Professing his name to all
Writhing and crying, for a savior you're calling
Wretched and broken, humanity is falling
Selfish and wicked, you rape and you take
Reach up and take the hand of God,
For everything he touches is turned to shit
Follow him into glory,
Leave behind the Eden that you've ravaged
Filthy Christians
Will your crosses help you cleanse your filthy souls
Filthy liars,
Wallow in the dimming light of promise
Laughing and beaming, revel in our ruin
Turning his back, shakes our blood from his hands
A world in denial of being denied
Will you ever see the river of black spilling from his wounds
Will you ever hear the somber walls of winds that carry hope
Can you crawl from beneath the layers of his filth
The fires of depravity
Still burning and burning
Professing and declaring
His kingdom on earth
6. Stench Of High Heaven
Father in Heaven, a desolate kingdom
His paradise, his promise, a faded flame extinguished by the dark
Lifetimes of devotion...eternities of nothing
The place for which you long, eludes and embitters
In the hands of fools and liars...trade your lives for grace
Your souls are weak and empty, now kiss his throne of sorrow
From crooked tongues...takes of pristine glory
Consumed by flames it burns, the fall of the holy kingdom
So high...
Sickening...is the stench of high heaven
Through the clouds
Through the lies
You'll never see what's never been
At the passing of life and the coming of death
Pass not through it's gates, but into the dark
No light...
No love...
No glory...
No heaven...
Fallen has the king...fallen has the kingdom
Fall into uplifted arms below
The stench of heaven...lingers above
Sour is the air
But soon the air will clear
7. Your Angel Died
Angel of beauty
Angel of the spirit
Come down and walk among us
Let the spirit die within you
Shed your ties to God
Shed your holy grace
Come down and walk among us
Be tempted b the flesh
Denounce he who keeps you
Turn away from his light
Let your eyes feast upon
The debauchery that awaits
Indulge in your desires
Taste the fruits of sin
Angel of the spirit
Become one of the flesh
I will tempt you
Child of light
Show your weakness
Child of God
Revolted by it's weakness
So easily corrupted
Let us plague you with perversion
You've become what you abhor<
No longer will you know
The raptures of the heavens
But instead what you will see
Is the sickness of the world
Taste the sweetness of the flesh
Let it feed our vestal needs
Taste the sweetness of desire
Your wings will burn and turn to dust
The flesh is crude, this flesh is evil
Forever banished to flesh and blood
Abandon he who commands the light
forsake the holy spirit
You will feel the charms of lust
Know the pain of loss
Envy what's not yours
And covet with selfish greed
Now flesh of my flesh
Open to my hunger
Permeate your pureness
With the corrupted seen of humanity
I will tempt you
child of light
Show your weakness
child of sin
8. The Devil I Know
Cold and empty
His essence malign
This absence of light
Casts out and condemns...
God's will
His soul, his essence
Lives inside us
This wretched mark
Has stained our souls...
Through us his war is won
Victorious over God and his son
Persuasive and dominant his presence
Shall break the strongest of wills
The devout can't endure his storms
Grant passage into our world
His shadow will consume his storms
Grant passage into our world
His shadow will consume and feed
Upon your blessed trinity
Cripple and erase it's curse
Bring upon the end of faith
Until your savior comes again
He'll come alive through our beliefs
We hear his laughter through our tears
His cries of glory as we stray from the light
Defeated and shamed, chastised and silent
Angels, and Saints, and God forgotten
The path to heaven ends at conception
Our souls will fall far below the clouds
Through us his war is won
Victorious over God and his son
Persuasive and dominant his presence
Shall break the strongest of wills
The devout can't endure his storms
Grant passage into our world