Deep Purple
« The House of Blue Light »
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1 | Bad Attitude 05:03
 | 2 | The Unwritten Law 04:54
 | 3 | Call Of The Wild 04:48
 | 4 | Mad Dog 04:35
 | 5 | Black & White 04:39
 | 6 | Hard Lovin' Woman 03:24
 | 7 | The Spanish Archer 05:31
 | 8 | Strangeways 07:35
 | 9 | Mitzi Dupree 05:05
 | 10 | Dead Or Alive 04:59
 | | Total playing time: 50:33 |
   Ian Gillan - vocals, conga, harmonica
Ritchie Blackmore - guitars
Jon Lord - organ, piano, sythesizers
Roger Glover - bass, synthesizers
Ian Paice - drums |
 | Bad attitude
Take a look at these dirty hands
Take a look at this face, these blazing eyes
Do you see me as a broken man?
Tell me, are you really that blind?
You got yourself a load of trouble now
You got yourself a bad deal
You say i've got a bad attitud |
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 Сильнейший альбом за всю историю группы. Никогда еще Purple не звучали так разнообразно и самобытно. Материал дает почти физическое ощущение чего-то монолитного, сделанного на века. Выделить какую-то одну песню просто невозможно, группа играет филигранно, как симфонический оркестр. Нет традиционного доминирования Блэкмора, каждый инструмент вступает тогда, когда надо, и играет ровно столько, сколько нужно. В альбоме есть все, и хард-рок высшего качества – «Bad Attitude», и блюз «Mitzi Dupree», и стилизация под рок-н-ролл «Hard Lovin Woman». В первый и, наверное, единственный раз в исполнении Purple я услышал нечто очень близкое к арт-року, вещь «Strangeways» вообще не имеет аналогов в творчестве данной команды. «The Spanish Archer» - сплошные фирменные импровизации от Блэкмора, эта песня запросто могла бы быть инструменталкой и ничуть от этого бы не пострадала. Добивает слушателя мощнейшая кода «Dead or Alive». Много в альбоме и менее заметных на первый взгляд изюминок, одна из них - соло на ударных в конце «The Unwritten Law».
Кажется, данный альбом был недооценен самими музыкантами. В последующих концертниках вещи из него - редкость, в отличие от набивших оскомину «Space Truckin», «Lazy» и т.д. |
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Пожалуй, самый недооцененный альбом в дискографии великой группы. Стиль разительно отличается от предыдущей пластинки. Ничего подобного ни до, ни после, DP не производили на свет. Слушается альбом на одном дыхании, звучит необычайно свежо и оригинально. Возьму на себя смелость назвать его одним из лучших дисков Deep Purple. Только уж очень он не типичен для темно-лиловых. |
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Для меня самым большим разочарованием было отсутствие песен этого альбома (за исключением "Hard Lovin' Woman") на концертнике "Nobody's Perfect" записанного во время тура в поддержку как раз "Голубого Света". Странно немного не играть песни с недавно вышедшего альбома, так что недооценка сего творения самими музыкантами на самом деле близка к правде.
По моему мнению единственное, чем сильнее "Perfect Strangers", это присутствием на нём одноимённой песни и темт фактом, что "Перфект" был первым альбомом после воссоединения, и соответственно, ажиотаж вокруг него был больше.
На "The House Of Blue Light" намного больше запоминающихся песен, и разнообразие в стилях впечетляет.
"Bad Attitude" - немного напоминает заглавную песню с "Perfect Strangers", но она меньше затянута, и драйва на ней больше.
Драм соло на "The Unwritten Law" уже упоминали, а так же надо отметить, что унисон вокала Гиллана и гитары Блекмора в начале песни чем-то напоминает их импровизации времён "Live in Japan".
"Call Of The Wild" - немного пропитана духом 80-х, и это вряд ли комплимент, но мелодика берёт свое... Красиво.
"Mad Dog" - быстра и агрессивна.
"Black & White" - редкий случай присутствия губной гармоники, одна из самых сильных песен, а так же чуть ли не впервые Гиллан использовал в тексте нецензурное слово :)
"Hard Lovin' Woman" - короткая, слабая, и к сожалению только она и была спета на "Nobody's Perfect".
"The Spanish Archer" и "Strangeways" - шедевры, это надо слушать, о них надо говорить много, или ничего.
"Mitzi Dupree" - фантастический хард блюз, неповторимый гитарный риф, и красивейшая клавишная аранжировка
"Dead Or Alive" - быстра, как "Mad Dog", а в середине соло Лорда в лучшем стиле классической музыки.
9 баллов и сильнейший альбом классического состава после всех реюнионов. |
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Не могу понять, почему никому не нравиться данный альбом? По-моему, на альбоме представлен очень прогрессивный и интересный материал. Все композиции сыграны очень добротно, много запоминающихся мелодий, а качество звука и аранжировки просто на высоте. Конечно, на ''The House Of Blue Light'' вы не найдёте хитов типа ''Smoke On The Water'' или даже ''Soldier Of Fortune'', но зато на нём нет ни одной проходной или поверхностной песни. Я соглашусь с уважаемым oleg'ом , что лучшая песня на альбоме это ''The Spanish Archer'' (то есть ''Испанский Лучник'') - песня имеющая очень своеобразную мелодию с постоянно солирующей гитарой. Все остальные композиции также имеют запоминающиеся и красивые мелодии. Ритм секция записана идеально, много красивых проигрышей на клавишных (Джону Лорду - огромный респект), гитара и вокал, как всегда, в лучшем виде. В общем, хочется сказать большое, человеческое спасибо музыкантам за этот альбом!! |
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"The House Of Blue Light". Красивое название, загадочная обложка (что же там за дверью?), и абсолютно серый сам музыкальный материал диска. Видать, вдохновения ветеранам после воссоединения в золотом составе хватило только на один предыдущий альбом "Perfect Strangers". Возможно, потому именно этот диск издавался по лицензии печально известной фирмой «Мелодия» - дабы уверить советского слушателя в «отстойности» западной рок-музыки. Из 10 песен можно выделить разве что "The Spanish Archer" с довольно нетипичными для DP мелодическими ходами, блюзово-джазовую "Mitzi Dupree", да еще величественное клавишное вступление к "Bad Attitude". Вердикт – в соответствии со шкалой оценок 4/10 (посредственная вещь, но с необычными моментами). |
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просмотров: 64271 |
Well, how d'you think I feel?
You got me locked in a paper cage
You think i'm chained up but i'm just tied down
Step aside, get out of my way
I won't hurt you, I had enough being pushed around
You got yourself a load of trouble now
You got yourself a bad deal
You say i've got a bad attitude
Well, how d'you think I feel?
Don't want a number - I got a name
Take a look at my face
Talk about a bad attitude
Well, things have got to change
You got yourself a load of trouble now
You got yourself a bad deal
You say i've got a bad attitude
Well, how d'you think I feel?
Don't want a number - I got a name
Take a look at my face
Talk about a bad attitude
Well, things have got to change
The unwritten law
Listen to me, I've got a warning for you, you've got to learn to take more care
'Cause if you swim in dirty water be careful how you dry your hair
In a room within a room, in a hole within a hole
You've got to learn to share your secrets or you'll lose your soul
I've got the evidence
I know you broke the unwritten law
Another town, another one night stand
You know you broke the law
It's so hard to hold back when the fire is in your eyes
A silver dollar in my pocket, I don't like surprises
I've got your souvenir, is that the price I've got to pay?
It ain't been that long since the last charade
I've got the evidence
I know you broke the unwritten law
Another town, another one night stand
You know you broke the law
I know you're guilty but i'm carrying the blame
i took out much more than I put in and I felt the pain
In a dirty little room with nowhere left to hide
You told the truth with your eyes but you lied inside
I've got the evidence
I know you broke the unwritten law
Another town, another one night stand
You know you broke
I've got the evidence
I know you broke the unwritten law
Another town, another one night stand
You know you broke the law
Call of the wild
Operator, I'm looking for a girl
You've got to help me get through
I don't know much about her so I'm relying on you
She got rhythm but no sense of timing
She likes living but she's got no address
Operator, you've got to get me out of this mess
Let me tell you about her
She ain't got a face
She ain't got a name
She ain't got a leg to stand upon
She's out of touch but not out of mind
And I've got to see again that gypsy child
Operator, this is the call of the wild
She's a hitch hiker never gets a ride
But you can bet she's on time
She's always around but so hard to find
She causes trouble - she never takes offence
Dirty mind, a heart of gold
Operator, don't you put me on hold
She ain't got a face
She ain't got a name
She ain't got a leg to stand upon
She's out of touch but not out of mind
And I've got to see again that gypsy child
Operator, this is the call of the wild
She ain't got a face
She ain't got a name
She ain't got a leg to stand upon
She's out of touch but not out of mind
And I've got to see again that gypsy child
Operator, this is the call of the wild
Mad dog
Don't look too long in my face, it could be a big mistake
I'm hanging on a thread so fine, I need a little space
I shouldn't say but I know I must - I've had enough of pain
I'm pissed off standing in the rain
It makes me feel like a mad dog - I got nothing to lose
Mad dog - you got nothing I can use
Mad dog - howling at the moon
A mad dog
I need no friends - I'm on the edge of a broken dream
Laughing at the pain but it makes me want to scream
I should have known she'd be no good - she tore my heart in two
But I don't need to talk to you
You make me feel like a mad dog - I got nothing to lose
Mad dog - you got nothing I can use
Mad dog - howling at the moon
A mad dog
She said a hard man is good to find and then she raised a doubt
All that I could give she took and then she threw me out
Well, I don't care, I don't care anymore, I'm going to lose my grip
I'm going to let it rip
It makes me feel like a mad dog - I got nothing to lose
Mad dog - you got nothing I can use
Mad dog - howling at the moon
A mad dog
You make me feel like a mad dog - I got nothing to lose
Mad dog - you got nothing I can use
Mad dog - howling at the moon
A mad dog
Black & white
Read all about it, tell me - have you heard the news?
Captain Bob - he don't pay no dues
You know he's looking in my window, he's stepping on my toes
Don't want the truth and it goes to show
I got a joker up my sleeve
I know what to believe
It ain't right just because it's in black and white
Find yourself a hero - treat him like a friend
You build him up and tear him down again
It don't hold a candle, hold it to the light
Check it out is it wrong or right
Is this the news of the world
It's just a pretty girl
She's all the news that's fit to print in black and white
Inside information taken down note by note
A silent footstep - that's all she wrote, shit! That's all she wrote
No need to worry - the baby's gone to bed
Dreaming dirty dreams in black, and white, and red
Now i got nothing to fear
Is this the scoop of the year?
Headlines on my bathroom wall in black and white
Hard lovin' woman
She walked into the room, her hand upon her hip
Said: "Look out boy, I'll make your backbone slip"
She looked straight at me, the devil in her eye
I knew what I was getting but took it by surprise
No fooling - she really knocked the stuffing out of me
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
She chewed me up and spat me out
Some woman - she's a hard lovin' woman
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
She didn't wear nothing but a smile upon her face
Licking her lips but I had the taste
Her temperature was rising, I was coming to the boil
Her fires were burning, she was pouring on the oil
I do not jest - she really took me to the cleaners
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
I felt just great when she pulled her 38's
Some woman - she's a hard lovin' woman
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
It started with a smile, it turned into a laugh
It ended with a scream, I said: "Enough's enough"
Never heard a word, she wouldn't let go
A man's a man and every woman ought to know
And there I was and she was dancing
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
Some woman, here we go again
Some woman - she's a hard lovin' woman
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
Some woman - she's a hard lovin' woman
Some woman - a hard lovin' woman
The spanish archer
Well, there must have been a reason
For the smile that you had upon your face last night
Are you the cat that got the cream?
Did you lick your lips? Did you close your eyes?
Can you imagine how it feels? It's so hard to reveal
I can't get through and I'm falling
I'm getting out, I'm losing ground
The spanish archer's gonna bring you down
Is there someone somewhere waiting in the wings to take my place?
Let's not drag it out like a cagney death scene
In this season of change it's not hard to explain
Like the leaves on the trees I'm falling
And as you turn don't look away
The spanish archer's gonna make you pay
Do you remember when the sky was blue we used to talk for miles?
And now we drive along in this thundering silence?
It's such an obvious lie with that easy smile of yours
I'm letting go and I'm falling
I'm getting out, losing ground
The spanish archer's gonna bring you down
Well, is there something I can say as we stumble to the edge?
Have we gone too far?
Why don't we call it a day before we call it a nightmare, darling?
If we made a mistake then all that it takes to be free
Is the wave of a hand and you're falling
And as you turn don't look away
The spanish archer's gonna make you pay
I was born into confusion, my mother said to me:
"When you become a man you'll understand but it's still a mystery"
And if you want to get ahead, get some decent clothes
The only way to make it dress the part that gets right up my nose
And it think to myself in this river of doubt
This is something I can do without but strangeways is what I got
The indians are coming - I saw it on TV
They're 20000 strong but they always get depleted by the cavalry
Salvation is at hand, it's guaranteed
Just send a donation straight to god, 1-800 toll free
And I think to myself in this academy of fear
Where am I going? What am I doing here? But strangeways is all I got
Have you seen the headlines? Princess engaged
Three million out of work but that's on the second page
The alien has landed, finger in his ear
Can't hear a word I'm saying but that ain't such a bad idea
And I think to myself in this cradle of lust
Ashes to ashes and dust to dust but strangeways is all you get
Mitzi Dupree
Flying to Salt Lake City, seats 3a and b
I was down and needed a window but in 3a sat Mitzi Dupree
She said: "Hi, I am Mitzi - the queen of the ping pong
Where're you going boy?" I said: "Nowhere" She said: "I'm moving on"
I thought: "What is this?"
I cannot resist, here she is
And I've always wanted a girl with a name
A name like Mitzi Dupree, a name like Mitzi Dupree
She said: "What do you do?" I said: "I'm a singer in a band"
She said: "Yeah, I'm an entertainer" Reached out and took my hand
She was going to a mining town way up north to do her show
I said: "It must be cold up there" She said: "Depends on who, you know"
Oh, that look in her eye
I can tell you no lies, I'm just a man
She made me feel like a king in my mind
I love you Mitzi Dupree, I love you Mitzi Dupree
I said: "What is this queen of the ping pong business?"
She smiled: "What do you think?"
"It has no connection with china?" I said: "Ooow, have another drink"
Well, I knew right away that i'd seen her act before
In a room behind a kitchen in Bangkok and three or four times more in Singapore
She may not be the first
But I know she ain't the worst
She was mine but I ran out of time
I miss you, I love you Mitzi Dupree, my darling Mitzi Dupree
Dead or alive
Don't turn off the light - you might draw the queen of spades
Don't shut the door - you don't need to be alone
I won't bring you no food - there might be some poison in your meat
I've got to know are you dead or alive?
Don't shut the door, are you dead or alive?
Dead or alive? Pick your window, you're leaving
Don't look in the mirror with a dollar up your face
You've got money to burn, you're cheap at half the price
Don't powder your nose, don't blow your brains just for the the crack
I've got to know are you dead or alive?
Just for the crack, are you dead or alive?
Dead or alive? Pick your window, you're leaving
You're running so fast but you know you're standing still
I'm afraid of your shadow and the knife in it's hand
You're dancing with death to the tune of the dealer
And he don't care, don't give a toss
Don't want to know if you're dead or alive
Don't want to know if you're dead or alive
Dead or alive? Pick your window, you're leaving