« Stomp 442 »
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1 | Random Acts Of Senseless Violence 04:03
 | 2 | Fueled 04:02
 | 3 | King Size 04:00
 | 4 | Riding Shotgun 04:27
 | 5 | Perpetual Motion 04:21
 | 6 | In A Zone 05:07
 | 7 | Nothing 04:34
 | 8 | American Pompeii 05:31
 | 9 | Drop The Ball 04:59
 | 10 | Tester 04:22
 | 11 | Bare 05:30 |
   Scott Ian : Rhythm guitars, assorted noises, vocals
Charlie Benante : Drums, guitars
Frank Bello : 4 and 12-string bass, vocals
John Bush : Vocals
Dimebag Darrel is the guitarist from Pantera |
All music by Charlie Benante
All lyrics by Scott Ian and John Bush
Melody lines by Ian, Bush, Bello, and Benante
All songs arranged by Anthrax
All songs (c)1995 NFP Music, admin. by
Zomba Enterprises Inc., ASCAP
Produced and Mixed by The Butcher Brothers and Anthrax
Engineered by the Butcher Brothers,
Dirk Brobelny, and Ian Cross
Assistant Engineer and Key man : Mike Monterulo
Assistant Engineers : J.J. Bottari, Chris Gately & Phil Nowlan
Editing : Manny Lecuona
Recorded and Mixed at Studio 4, Conschohocken, PA
Mastered by Bob Ludwig at Gateway Mastering
Cover Design by Storm Thorgerson & Peter Curzon
Photography by Tony May & Rupert Truman
Band Photos by Kristin Callahan
Ball by James Payton. Artwork by Mark Fraser |
 | 1. Random Acts Of Senseless Vilence
Shut up, don't pass the blame
The same god-damn thing just the name's have changed
On the day you were busted your forgot the line
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time
An animal's acting instinctively
Glorified murderer, insanity
Do you think I'd k |
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 Второй опус «эры Буша». Почти все участники к этому времени уже обкорнали свои металхэдские патлы и ещё более углубились в изучение альтернативной музыкальной сцены США. Чувствуется это очень сильно, но не забывайте – это же середина девяностых! Мне приходилось читать совершенно разные рецензии на "Stomp 442" – от проклятий в сторону Джонни Буша, который «испортил» такую замечательную банду, до хвалебных, дескать, конечно, не то, что было, но всё равно респект… Признаюсь, принадлежу ко второму лагерю – альбом, несмотря на некоторый альтернативный налёт, довольно бодрый, есть и лирика ("Nothing", "Bare"), есть и трэшевый забой ("Random Acts", "In A Zone", "Riding Shotgun", "Drop The Ball"), есть и проходные номера, не стану обманывать. "Stomp 442", в общем-то, продолжает гнуть линию, начатую на предыдущем альбоме. Необходимо сказать, что на звучании сказался уход Спица, что делает альбом не столь мелодичным, как его солидный предшественник. Язвенники, конечно, пытались заткнуть дырку в саунде – за гитару брались и сами Чарли Бенанте со Скотом Иэном, и ныне уже покойный дружбан Даймбэг Даррелл (в особенности на "Riding Shotgun"), и некий Пол Крук, которому принадлежит большинство соло на альбоме, но всё не то, не так как-то… Кроме того, альбом показал и слабую сторону новичка Джона Буша – не умеет поцик петь спокойные, медленные вещи вроде "Bare“ - голоса не хватает… Поневоле задаешься вопросом: а чем-то занимается Джои? В целом же, добротный альбом, хотя и требующий поначалу вникания. |
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Не то беда, Авдей Флюгарин,
Что родом ты не русский барин,
Что на Парнасе ты цыган,
Что в свете ты Видок Фиглярин:
Беда, что скучен твой роман.
А.С.Пушкин, Эпиграмма, 1830
Я никогда особо не любил этот альбом Anthrax. Но была одна причина, заставлявшая переслушивать его снова и снова: то, что я просто обожаю их первую пластинку с Джоном Бушем — 'Sound of White Noise'. Я просто не мог поверить: неужели после настолько яркой и сильной работы они могли записать альбом, в котором почти ничего не цепляет? Может, это я плохо слушал 'Stomp 442' и что-то в нем пропустил?
В 1995 году 'Stomp 442' стал для Anthrax началом конца. Плохие результаты продаж, неудачное турне, уход с большого лейбла и сильное снижение популярности — из кризиса, начавшегося тогда, они худо-бедно смогли выбраться, только воссоединившись со старым вокалистом. В провале альбома группа обвиняла лейбл, не обеспечивший достаточной рекламы для него, сетовала также на неприятие поклонниками смены Джоя Белладонны на Джона Буша и ухода Дэна Спитца. Все это имело место, и, конечно же, сыграло свою роль. Но, слушая и переслушивая альбом, я в конечном итоге пришел к выводу, что основная причина, как это ни банально — качество музыкального материала.
Да, группа сменила стиль — полностью ушла от трэша, и начала вместо него играть смесь из альтернативного металла 90-х и классического хэви, с пониженным строем гитар. Уже в самой первой песне, — отличном, кстати, номере — 'Random Acts Of Senseless Violence', — под аккомпанемент синкопированных риффов Джон Буш начинает "выдавать" речитатив. Но ведь это совсем не плохо — в конце концов, именно Anthrax еще в конце 80-х начали экспериментировать с рэпом и внесли огромную лепту в появление всего этого альтернативного металла. Да, музыка стала проще — с уходом Спитца исчезли длинные гитарные соло (в песне "Fueled" соло нет вообще, в "Nothing" есть какое-то его подобие), стало меньше смен темпа, упор начал делаться на риффы — но это тоже неплохо, в конечном итоге все гениальное просто. И поет Джон Буш очень даже хорошо, мне его вокал всегда нравился больше, чем пение Джоя Белладонны.
Проблема альбома в другом — в том, что англоязычные рецензенты называют songwriting. Он просто-напросто не запоминается. По сути, здесь есть четыре по-настоящему ярких, хуковых номера — это поставленные в самое начало "Random Acts", "Fueled" и "King Size", и еще "Nothing". Выделяется еще трек "Bare" — потому, что это баллада, которые у Anthrax можно пересчитать по пальцам одной руки. Все остальное — проходняк или недоделка. В "Riding Shotgun" и "Perpetual Motion" прекрасный риффинг, но мелодии неинтересные и не запоминаются — поэтому и сами композиции получились серыми. "In A Zone" начинается мощно и угрожающе, но дурацкий припев с постоянным повторением строчки "I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone' портит ее, точно такой же получилась "Drop The Ball" — начали за здравие (первые два куплета), закончили за упокой. А "American Pompeii" мне пришлось слушать раз 5, чтобы хотя бы запомнить что-то из нее.
Самое печальное — для того, чтобы сделать расписанные выше выводы, мне пришлось очень и очень внимательно вслушиваться в музыку. Расположение треков в альбоме таково, что самые яркие, как я сказал, находятся в начале, потом идут все хуже и хуже, а начиная с "In A Zone" одна за другой поставлены несколько среднетемповых вещей, и это еще сильнее снижает динамику альбома. В итоге получаем музыку, совершенно неспособную привлечь внимание, в которой даже разобраться трудно, не концентрируясь на ней.
Думаю, тысячи старых поклонников Anthrax особо и не захотели этого делать. Просто забросили этот диск подальше и ушли слушать какой-нибудь 'Among the Living', а те, кто хотел музыки посовременнее — 'Far Beyond Driven' с тем же Даймбэгом. Этот же альбом провалился — увы, вполне заслуженно. |
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просмотров: 42619 |
You're the coward, with the gun
Yeah, you thought you knew me
Yeah, you hardly knew me
You don't know me
I know I shouldn't care
My crazy senses of right and wrong that can't be made to break this,
break this, break this
I see something wrong and fix it with my hands
I walk a thin blue line, this cross I came to bear
So now you're dead well wha' dya know
And am I sorry no, I don't think so
They wanted sympathy now that's a bit much
How much did you show, how much
Take the value for one human life
And place it all right down on a roll of the dice
And a one, two, three for the pain you bring
I'm the bird without the left wing
Yeah, you thought you knew me
Yeah, you hardly knew me
You don't know me
I know I shouldn't care
My crazy sense of right and wrong that can't be made to break this,
break this, break this
I see something wrong and fix it with my hands
I walk a thing blue line, this cross I came to bear
Random acts of senseless, random acts of senseless
Random acts of senseless, random acts of senseless
I see something wrong and I fix it with my hands
I walk a thin blue line, this cross I came to bear
I see something wrong and I fix it with my hands
I walk a thin blue line and I'll be the one who laughs when,
You die
[Main Solo : Paul Crook]
[Morsecode Guitar : Charlie Benante]
2. Fueled
I'm out to mix it up and change my complexion
To coat the feelings and cure my depression
A shot of petrol is my bonafide method
To lose control and get thorougly distracted
I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I'm gone
I like to forget why I feel this compulsive
As I toss tomorrow's dreams in the garbage
What's important is a mind that's sicker
Turning Jekyll into Hide much quicker
I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I'm gone
Kickstart and turn me over
Punchdrunk, but I'm still sober
Fourteen years and a whole lot bolder
And I don't flinch
Hungry and I'll take the best
'Cause I never wanted anything less
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger
It's like a war inside me, I'm good, I'm evil
Two sides of the coin and I've been blessed with both
On one hand I am you, but I don't like you
I guess that's the nature of the way things work
I'm on the money, here I come
Fuel for my engine, and I'm gone
Kickstart and turn me over
Punchdrunk, but I'm still sober
Bukowski's on my shoulder
With much to think
Hungry and I'll take the best
'Cause I never wanted anything less
What doesn't kill makes me stronger
It's like a war inside me, action is all I know
Tell me it's suicide, tell me something I don't know
I don't know why I've been made some kind of hero
When I've done all I can do to prove I'm not
It's amazing to think someone could trust me
Tell me what do you know about me really ?
And I you make the mistake of getting close to,
Me, you'll just give me all that you've got
So I don't know why I've been made some kind of hero
When I've done all I can do to prove I'm not
Kickstart and turn me over
Punchdrunk, but I'm still sober
Fourteen years and a whole lot bolder
And I don't flinch
Hungry and I'll take the best
'Cause I never wanted anything less
What doesn't kill me makes me stronger
1,2,3,4,1 I can't close this broken door
It's just the nature of the way things work
You wanna be me, I don't give a damn
Anyone can do it but it takes a man not to
Try so hard to give me a real life
Anyone can do it but it takes a man not to
It's just the nature of the way things work
3. King Size
I want to be part of the program
I want to be part of the whole damn thing
I say, minimum effort, maximum gain
From the inside out it all looks the same
Making me feel stronger
Making me feel like The Hulk I'll be
King Size
Here it is,
I'll stake my claim and I'll be first to warn you
Here it is,
I think the devil lives in California
Check out the freak I'm laughing
Excuse me are you talking to me ?
I say, minimum effort, maximum gain
From the inside out it all looks the same
Making me feel harder
Making me feel like The Hulk I'll be
King Size
Here it is,
I'll stake my claim and I'll be first to warn you
Here it is,
I think the devil lives in California
I'm on a mission, I'm on a mission
For my survival, my king size position
I'm on a mission, in my condition
Outside my world I know there's
No place like home
I'm on a mission, my king size position
Outside my world I know there's
No place like home
I can't stop my life from crashing
Out of control, I'm out of control
Nothing to fear but fear itself and me
I, I'd never sell my soul
I never did a god-damn thing Њcause
I'd never sell my soul for something that's free
Minimum effort, maximum gain
From the inside out it all looks the same
Nothing to fear but fear itself and,
Nothing to fear but fear itself and,
Check out the freak and I'm still laughing
Nothing to fear but fear itself and me
Here it is,
I'll stake my claim and I'll be first to warn you
Here it is,
I think the devil lives in California
[Main Solo : Dimebag]
[Lyrical Assist : Rich Ross]
4. Riding Shotgun
Do it, drive it, drink it, smoke it,
Choke it
Two steps forward
One hundred steps back
We're going the wrong way
It's backwards, it's backwards
Cuffed and branded
I can't stand it
Give me the lane I'm gonna play it my way
when I want to
Charged by the pain
I'm gonna scream out my name if I want to
Live, it, be it, hold it, touch it
Kick it, beat it, love it, suck it
Two steps forward
One hundred steps back
We're going the wrong way
It's backwards, it's backwards
Cuffed and branded
I can't stand it
Give me the lane I'm gonna play it my way
when I want to
Charged by the pain
I'm gonna scream out my name if I want to
I feel like I'm riding shotgun
Not a roll I can play
I would never get on my knees
And walk the walk of the dead
I won't take a back up,
I'm gonna get my back up
I won't take a back up,
charged by life and nothing more
Do it, drive it, drink it, smoke it
Live it, be it, hold it, touch it
Kick it, beat it, love it, suck it !
Give me the lane I'm gonna play it my way
when I want to
Charged by the pain
I'm gonna scream out my name if I want to
I'm riding shotgun
[Intro Solo : Dimebag]
[Main Solo : Dimebag]
[Feedback : Dimebag and Scott]
[Cool Noise in Verse : Joe Nicolo]
5. Perpetual Motion
The cracks are showing, on my face
I didn't think that I was, that old my story is
I weathered every storm I, pulled it through
Falling by the wayside, I've seen a few
But I never went down, never went down
I never will
Taken every single blow and countered
Never went down, never went down,
and better still
Look at my face and see your father
I'm ready to take my turn
Taking the shot that I've earned
Chance is what keeps me rolling
Diamonds in my eyes
Oceans full of pride
Can't you see I'm only human
I'm in perpetual motion I'm rolling, rolling
Can't you see I'm only human
The cracks are showing, on my face
The well ain't empty, never out of place
It seems to be harder, for some maybe
And I won't play, the game of wait and see
But I never went down, never went down
I never will
Taken every single blow and countered
Never went down, never went down,
and better still
Look at my face and see your father
I'm ready to take my turn
Taking the shot that I've earned
Chance is what keeps me rolling
Diamonds in my eyes
Oceans full of pride
Can't you see I'm only human
I'm in perpetual motion I'm rolling, rolling
Can't you see I'm only human
I don't fight I win, underneath it I'm human
And my pride is not a sin,
underneath it I'm human
and I respect my mistakes,
and decisions that I make
In time I've earned my cake,
have my cake and then
I'll eat it
I'm ready to take my turn
Taking the shot that I've earned
Chance is what keeps me rolling
Diamonds in my eyes
Oceans full of pride
Can't you see I'm only human
I'm in perpetual motion I'm rolling, rolling
Can't you see I'm only human
[Main Solo : Paul Crook]
6. In A Zone
I'm standing on a ledge cold and naked
Will someone come and offer me their help
Sometimes I forget my medication
Sometimes I forget to pray
I'll make it through this fuckin' day
I'm unconscious, drunk and blinded
Count to ten and then I unwind it
I'm unconscious, drunk and blinded
Take a deep breath and then I unwind it
I'm wearing out my skin I'm under pressure
Pressure makes me burn it makes me ache
Sometimes I want to burn the things that make me...
Sometimes I stop myself too late
It's written all cross my face
I'm unconscious, drunk and blinded
Count to ten and then I unwind it
I'm unconscious, drunk and blinded
Take a deep breath and then I unwind it
Wired, wired
I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone
This is how I live
I never have to justify my actions
Scathing rhetoric my saving grace
Sometimes I really think that it's too noisy
Sometimes I have to hit myself
Words can kill as well as help
I'm unconscious, drunk and blinded
Count to ten and then I unwind it
I'm unconscious, drunk and blinded
Take a deep breath and then I unwind it
Wired, wired
I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone
This is how I live
You can't touch me, ever
Fear burns at my touch
Standing on a ledge will you come and help
Will you burn yourself, would you help me then
Fear burns at my touch, in its wake
An ugly jagged scar across your face
I'm unconscious, I'm unconscious, I'm unconscious, I'm
Count to ten, I'm unconscious
Take a deep breath and then I unwind it
Wired, wired
I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone, This is how I ...
How I live, how I live, how I live, how I live
I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone, I'm in a zone, this is how I live
[Main Solo : Paul Crook]
7. Nothing
It's difficult for me to get a grip on what you mean
When you stick your fingers in your ear and create another scene
You always step into the traps set perfect in your path
Busy going crazy over whose knife's in your back
Dive inside your blackest stare
The one that's saving do you date
Screaming that you're scared
You the tallest soul
With the shortest self-esteem
Painted as the victim
Who's split between the bearns
It doesn't seem to matter
It's nothing
Dead a dream is dying
It's nothing
Best friend I never had
Play me to the point of pushing me too far away
I can only say whatever, ambivalent to your game
You can pretend to the mirror, it's the lie you tell yourself
And I won't walk on eggshells that's a dance for someone else
Dive inside your blackest stare
The one that's saying do you dare
Screaming that you're scared
You the tallest soul
With the shortest self-esteem
Painted as the victim
Who's split between the bearns
It doesn't seem to matter
It's nothing
Dead a dream is dying
It's nothing
Best friend I never had
[Main Solo : Charlie]
8. American Pompeii
I try to imagine the best place I've been
Can I go back again ?
Open my eyes, what was no longer exists,
I can't go back again
I like to pretend that nothing has changed
And never went too far
But it started to lose me like a four-hour movie
I'd already seen
Holding onto my memory of what this used to be
Holding onto my memory of you
Sometimes I tell myself that things are O.K.
Another lie but it makes me feel better
Never as old as I was today
I'm gonna breakdown
In American Pompeii
In American Pompeii
Break myself just to live this way
Never as old, as I was today
American Pompeii
Look in my eyes and see how sick I feel
About what you've become
Filthy and twisted like you never existed
I know what you were
Your beaty forgotten under mountains of schism
I don't want to climb
Giving up my memory of what this used to be
Giving up my memory of you
Sometimes I tell myself that things are O.K.
Another lie but it makes me feel better
Never as old as I was today
I'm gonna breakdown
In American Pompeii
In American Pompeii
Break myself just to live this way
Never as old, as I was today
American Pompeii
Try to imagine the best place I've been
Can I go back again
Open my eyes it just no longer exists
I can't go back again
I'm giving up my memory of what this used to be
Giving up my memory of you
[Main Solo : Charlie]
[Solo Tag : Mike Tempesta]
[Shaker : Scott]
[Bongos : Charlie]
9. Drop The Ball
Killing myself
Someone said the fix is in
Killing myself
Once again, once again
Over easy
Burnt, my mind is overdone
Life's a jigsaw
Why can't I find the missing one
Even though I've felt I've proven what it is I'm worthy of
I can't exist inside the boundaries of the so-called world
of love
Someone rescue my downward virtue
I dropped the ball again
Hands that touch me
Take Њem all away
Will you hear what I say
Fuck your caring
No one knows what's in my heart
Bring it all down
Break it all down to parts
Everytime I have considered why it is I'm even here
Calm collected copasetic, no good reasons why I fear
No one rescue my downward virtue
Even though I've felt I've proven what it is I'm worthy of
I can't exist inside the boundaries of the so-called world
of love
No one rescue, no one rescue
I dropped the ball again
I never felt for you for anyone
I never ate off the same plate
Drop the ball I dropped the ball
I take from you, I rape from you
I kill myself when I think of you
Drop the ball I dropped the ball
I take from you, I break from you
I used to know how to be human
Drop the ball I dropped the ball
I take from you, I hate from you
No one rescue my downward virtue
No one rescue, no one rescue
[Main Solo : Paul Crook]
[Chime : Charlie]
[Floor Tom Hits : Charlie & Scott]
10. Tester
I've changed, by staying the same
What does it mean to be different ?
You've changed, faced from the start
Tell me, an alternative to what ?
How does it feel ?
How does it feel to be part of the picture you...
Paint me into a corner
Tearing my niche,
'Cause I'm the opposite of opposite
Test your new model and see
Test your new model against the original
I'm the man you wanna be
So test your new model and once again you fail me
Planted, I'm staying in touch
Driven, by something with substance
Plugging, away I'm O.K.
You'll be, here today, gone today
How does it feel ?
How does it feel to be part of the picture you...
Paint me into a corner
Tearing my niche
'Cause I'm the opposite of opposite
Test your new model and see
Test your new model against the original
I'm the man you wanna be
So test your new model and once again you fail me
For me, things are the same
I have no problem with fame
I can be everyman
'Cause my friends never shout my name
Test your new model and see
Test your new model against the original
I'm the man you wanna be
So test your new model and once again you fail me
[Main Solo : Charlie]
[End Solo : Scott]
[Talkbox : Charlie]
[Stomping! Scott, Charlie, Frank, John, Paul C., Mike M., Zach.]
11. Bare
Standing on some dotted line
Reacting to the hands of time
A circumstance that I've been fed
Leaving questions in my head
Find the space that was left bare
An empty space I'd gladly share
One must live while one must die
Combined paired up for so many years
Unsure if I really want to shed a tear
Signing off is always so clearly done
A number 2 is now reduced to one
Find the space that was left bare
An empty space I'd gladly share
When your clock is up
And you rest for good
I will cut off my armpiece
Just like we agreed we would
One must live while one must die
While the other argues that
The world ain't fair
But then who ever promised
Anybody equal share
You might as well forget
What you gambled on
'Cause plans never go by the way they're drawn
When your clock is up
And you rest for good
I will cut off my armpiece
Just like we agreed we would
One must live while one must die
I can't say goodbye
It's all I can do to get up every morning
And when all else fails I try
To face myself and everything else
But mostly I wonder why
[E-Bow Solo : Charlie]
[Acoustics : Charlie & Scott]
[Percussion : Charlie]