« Destined for Defilement »
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1 | Whacked 03:01
 | 2 | Burning Your World 03:08
 | 3 | Chamber Of Obscurity 03:39
 | 4 | Sordid Degradation 03:35
 | 5 | Rape Culture 03:03
 | 6 | Lurid Impurity 02:44
 | 7 | Organ Harvest 03:20
 | 8 | Frozen In A Voiceless Scream 03:08
 | 9 | Litany Of Murder 03:11
 | | Total playing time: 28:49 |
   Rich Lipscomb - vocals, guitars
Steve Murray - guitars
Ray Vazquez - bass
Dave Barbolla - drums |
Pulverizer Records
July 1st, 1997 |
 | 1. Whacked
Watching the victim plead
For an immediate death
Torture is the worst kind
Of brutal punishment
Life slowly erodes
Never ending agony
Unbearable pain
In and out of conciousness
Hoping for a fast death
That seems so far away
Beg for your death
Hoisted upon the meathook
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 Обидно, что человек, который не любит, или не разбирается в каком-то стиле, начинает об этом писать. На самом-то деле, альбом просто класс! Ну, а что касается сходства с Suffocation - ну что, по стилистике - да, но по навороченности и технике - это уже на порядок выше. Если сравнивать с тем же Suffocation - то Suffocation просто отдыхает. Этот альбом отличается, как и весь американский брутал, высоким качеством исполнения, великолепной продюсерской работой и техникой. А еще этот альбом - БОЛЬНОЙ! И этим все сказано. Если вы склоны слышать в данной музыке лишь грохот гантели по мусоропроводу - то эта музыка не для Вас. Но если вы страшный фэн американского брутала - то пожалуйста, это то что надо. |
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Если верить предыдущим рецензентам, то эта группа похожа на Suffocation, я к сожалению ничего по этом поводу сказать не могу, потому что не имел возможности послушать этот коллектив, зато я с удовольствием послушал сей альбом данной группы, и хочу сказать, что диск этот довольно хорош, но немного скучноват и сероват. Всё типично и характерно для американских бруталеров. Правда вокал такой встретишь чаще в грайнде, чем в дэте. Хотя музыканты и играют технично, тем не менее, музыка от этого интереснее не становится. Да, конечно же песни записаны и сыграны довольно профессионально, качественно, однако без таланта и опыта сделать альбом гениальнейшим трудновато. Хотя талант определённо у музыкантов есть, это сразу заметно, только здесь сформировывались какие-то зачатки музыки, которые на следующем альбоме были развиты до полагающего им состояния. А так, в принципе, альбом на твёрдую троечку по пятибалльной шкале. |
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Да, давненько я так не смеялся... Да нет, просто ржал, как придурок, ибо ничто не доставляет мне столько кретинского веселья, как прослушивания групп типа Suffocation. Нормальное исключение составляют разве что Oppressor, Cannibal Corpse (да и то только на двух эпохальных альбомах - "Butchered At Birth" '91 и "Tomb Of The Mutilated" '92), Undercroft, да поздние Broken Hope. Что касается остальных представителей суффокации, включая и ее саму - я начинаю покатываться при первых же звуках как бы ударника, который с как бы техникой в относительно небыстром темпе беспорядочно молотит чем попало по всем своим бочкам-тарелкам-кастрюлям, пытаясь поразить нас своим экстремизмом, гитариста, инструмент которого настроен, наверное, на полторы октавы ниже, пытающегося придавить нас своей сверхбрутальной как бы сверхтяжестью, басиста, с упоением дергающего самую толстую струну своего раздолбанного инструмента, изображая слэп (и, как медведю на пеньке, использовать при этом две руки ему категорически лень), ну, и вокалиста... - классическим вокалом для этой музыки всегда было подражание звукам воды, уходящей из старой раздолбанной раковины в канализацию после обработки вантузом. Короче - отстой. |
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просмотров: 6475 |
Anally impaled
Rectum engulfing the meathook
In excruiating pain
Your screams cause delight
Watching in horror as your
your fucking sodomized
As this wasn't enough
Your knee caps were smashed
With hammers
Methodical torturing
Torture everlasting
Electric shocks to the ball sack
Cattle prod just warming up
Deprived of your manhood
Through the use of a cattle prod
pouring water on your genitalia
Blistered and burnt testicles
Turning and twisting
Ripping your rectum wide
Burnt flesh in the air
Down on the meathook you slide
Screams of pain being at the end
Gates of pain open up wide
If burnt testicles wasn't enough
Ice pick pierces burnt flesh
Fluid and blood leak through
wound just made
your screams are so loud
But no one can hear
It's living not dying is your fair
Shoved into your ureatha
Repitive stabbing of gentalia
Crimson streams exit your prick
Bludgeoned cock lies hopeless, not much left
taking your last breath in the last moments
Died upon the meathook, Mob boss satisfied
Body finally lies lifeless
Eyes sunken in, turn green
Your coffin is a trunk of a car
Homemade funeral for the past
Another victim has been whacked!
2. Burning Your World
The smell of burning cinder
The crackle and pop of human flesh
The screams of my victims
I hear as I fade into the dark
Sit around the corner
With success in my obession
As I admire my work of art
Molotovs, gasoline, or a match
Or through any technique
I know how to acheive
To work my work of wonder
To my pure delight!
I want to see it burn, I wanna see you burn
The more people I can burn, the better I feel
I want to see it burn, I want to see you burn!
Sometimes I see my victims
Choke on the dense smoke
But the ones I like best are
Burnt running flesh
See my victims running and rolling
Trying to put themsleves out
But I have them in my trap
Of death and fire
There is nowhere to run
There is nowhere to hide
There is no way out
Surrounded by fire, engulfed in flames
I want to see you burn alive!!
I want to see it burn, I wanna see you burn
The more people I burn, The better I feel
I want to see it burn, I want to see you burn!
I want to play a game of smoke and fire
I want to burn your house to fulfill my lust
My heart starts beating fast as I douse your house
I know in a few minutes my goal will be achieved
Burn your house to the ground!
Burn it down!!!!!
3. Chamber Of Obscurity
I wil take your soul!!!
Come into my chamber of obscurity
Why don't you come with me
Where violence is pleasure and so sweet
Horrible certainty
Never mind the blood stained walls, the human bones
They're just a memory
The putrid stench of rotten flesh is sickening
A fragrance that I love
As I lure you into my chamber
Your skin turns a ghostly white
Submit now to my ghastly pleasures
or suffer the consequence
As I rape the life out of you
your life seems so worthless
Chamber of obscurity
Wretched and unthinkable
Torture and depravity
Chamber of obscurity
As you start to gasp for air, to plead for your life
You won't be living long
You start to bleed, you start to choke
the swelling starts
Beatings will never stop
As you lay in your own piss and feces
Vomit spews from your mouth
You feel like the lowest form of human life
a life that will soon be gone
As I lure you into my chamber
Your skin turns a ghostly white
Submit now to my ghastly pleasures
or suffer the consequence
As I rape the life out of you
your life seems so worthless
Chamber of obscurity
Wretched and unthinkable
Torture and depravity
Chamber of obscurity!
4. Sordid Degradation
Your limp now dead body
I have seen the death and horror
That makes me want to spew!
Writhing, contorting unleashing your soul
Your shrilling is music to my ears
Your terror in your eyes before you die
excites me
The illusion of you living is now gone
As you slowly slip away
My pleasure grows as you decay
As you think
Though of hopelessness
How much longer can this be
The hopelessness and agony
As you scream
Please God let me live
Screaming anguish never ending
Pleasure growing never dying
As you die
Memories and have been forgotten
You are no one just a passing victim
For my pleasures for my fornication
For your nightmares, for your satisfaction
Sordid Degradation!
5. Rape Culture
Deep in the rainforest of Brazil
A tribe of fornicators
The raping ceremony from long ago
To violate the newborn
Once the infant is out of the womb
The village starts to line up
The baby is raped everyday of his birth
Until the day of his death
The elder fuck the younger ones
the young ones rape the elder
Primitive perversions
Retarded children are being born
Abuse the mother after labor
All they do is rape and fuck
Orally... anally... incest...
Sodomoize the tribal chief
Anally invade the ugly wife
Pull her by the fucking hair
Jam a dick into her mouth
Listen to her gurgle cum
Like the fucking whore she is
Brutally raped by your best friend
Ambushed by behind, the bastard
What can you do its tradition?
Beat and gang raped by four others
Taking turns while they're laughing
But you know their days are coming
It's a lovely young girl's day
When the village takes their turn
They tie her to a wooden post
She starts to scream
She's knocked unconscious
and then probed with a fist
Starts to bleed profusely
From her tight little ass
Raping... fucking... it's tradition, can't escape it
Rape Culture
6. Lurid Impurity
Lurid Impurity
Lusting for the feeling of impurity
A feeling I cannot hold back, uncontrollable
Wanting, needing, lurid impurity
Dreaming of a time when my needs are fulfilled
Embracing the feeling of impurity, my need for filth
Fulfilling.. satisfying.. lurid impurity
Looking for a victim for my needs to be violated
Sickness, in my mind, twisted thoughts, insane, they
control me
Controlling every thought, every move, delving,
into madness
Innocent people pray for my soul, lurid impurity
Lurid impurity
I cannot believe the thoughts that cross my mind
They make some people puke, they make me
get a hard on
Insanely sick and twisted, I love it
I love it
Fulfilling... Satisfying... Lurid Impurity
7. Organ Harvest
My sweet pretty victim
Destined for defilement
Experience a horrible pain
Her heart will beat in my hands
Knock her out, rip her organs
Rip them out, tear them out!
Knock her out, rip her organs
Rip them out, tear them out!
Methodically take out her organs
With surgical steel and bare hands
I'll fuck her when she's screaming
I'll fuck her when she's dead
Knock her out, rip her organs
Rip them out, tear them out!
Knock her out, rip her organs
Rip them out, tear them out!
I slice her belly open
Expose the large intestine
And watch the crimson flow
Strech incision open
Organ harvest, appendages from a virgin
As I fuck her, I disemboweled, desecrate
Organ Harvest, wrap her neck with intestines
As I eat her I ejaculate on her heart
Smash the ribs, then grab the the lungs, rip them out
Murder, rape, dissection, necrophilia
Her ass is still warm as I invade it
I told her I loved her as I jizzed on her liver
My body shaked, seizured, as I ripped apart my love!
8. Frozen In A Voiceless Scream
In your terror
Whipers in the somber night
Frozen in a voiceless scream
Reflections of your life are senseless
Hoping for a second chance
The dark wind calls your name
ever so gently
Imminent death is here
Cannot be accepted
Fearing your end, your life has expired
In your terror
Whispers in the somber night
Out of sight, You are
Frozen in a voiceless scream
In your last breath
The dark wind closes in
Your time has come
To leave this pathetic
world of shit, of shame
This life that you've chosen
To rebel against
to turn your back on
has repaid you
in full with your life
Dishonor of your family has left you
Frozen in a voiceless scream
9. Litany Of Murder
I'm killing you, motherfucker!
Suffer for your deceitfulness
I will not take these things lightly
As you fuck me I will fuck you
You think you are invincible
Fuck with me and you will be dead
You are as good as dead!
I am certain of your death!
Deep throat my gun
Taste the cold steel
Pull the tigger
you're still alive!
Take my hammer upon your bleeding head
Cranium smashed in, spilling your blood
Now you will die, I'll make sure of it
what can you do, you are now dead!
Stuffing your corpse into a 55 gallon drum
Entombed in your coffin, solidified by cement
As your head sticks out, I will smash it in
Your head is now severed, stuffed in your tomb!
Litany of Murder
I am listening to you die!