 Что-то светлое согревает душу после прослушивания этого концертного альбома, записанного в Калифорнии. Звук – живой, мощный и кристально чистый, как будто играют рядом с тобой. Брендан Перри теперь поет свои грустные песни под акустическую гитару или в сопровождении мощных этнических перкуссий. Его голос звучит то раскатисто и грозно, то вкрадчиво и по-домашнему. Лиза Джеррард демонстрирует, тот факт, что студийные записи нещадно убивали первобытную мощь ее невообразимого вокала. Пять приглашенных музыкантов помогли дуэту воспроизвести на сцене студийные номера в их первозданном виде и нужно заметить, что по мощи и вызываемым эмоциям они оставили оригиналы далеко позади. Музыка то подхватывает и несет тебя неизвестно куда, то обволакивает и гладит. Янки были доведены практически до оргазма :)
Не просто концертник, а новый взгляд на творчество Dead Can Dance. Настоящая Музыка. Изменяет сознание и обращает скептиков. Необходимая пластинка в любой коллекции. |
And will lie there forever
With your hands held in mine
I'd be sure we'd not sever
My apple tree my brightness
'Tis time we were together
For I smell of the earth
And am stained by the weather
When my family thinks
That I'm safe in my bed
From night until morning
I am stretched at your head
Calling out to the air
With tears both hot and wild
Oh I grieve for the girl
That I loved as a child
The priests and the friars
Behold me in dread
Because I still love you
My love and you're dead
I would still be your shelter
From rain and from storm
And with you in your cold grave
I cannot sleep warm
I Can See Now
Ever loved a woman who made you feel tall?
Ever loved a man who made you feel small?
If you were a sailor
I'd raise the anchor
To sail the sea
In search of you and me
And god
Conjures currents to break our fragile boats
And both the innocent and the damned
Are swallowed up in his wake
If you were a huntress
I'd be your bow
For your silver arrows
To seek out his heart
Ever loved a woman who made you feel tall?
Ever loved a man who made you feel small?
Who are you to complain
For lack of understanding?
We are all created equal
In just one thing alone
Alone in your thoughts that pursue you through your life
They'll take you outwards to the dark edge of time
And there's nothing more dangerous
Than a man with nothing to prove
Nothing to live for and nothing to lose
American Dreaming
I need my conscience to keep watch over me
To protect me from myself.
So I can wear honesty like a crown on my head
When I walk into the promised land.
We've been too long american dreaming
I think we've all lost the way.
like some somnambulistic maniacal in the dark.
I'm in love with an american girl.
well she's my best friend.
I love her surreptitious smile
That hides the pain within her,
And we'll go dancing beside desert waters
where love is so wastefully spent,
and dine upon the crums of faith
most lovers often reject.
spare a tought for the unfortunate man
who must choose between love and desire
we've been too long american dreaming
I think we've all lost the way.
like some somnambulistic maniacal in the dark.
From the body to the soul
Where our hearts lead we must go
Wherever love may flow
Don't Fade Away
Don't fade away
My brown-eyed girl
Come walk with me
I'll fill your heart with joy
And we'll dance through our isolation
Seeking solace in the wisdom we bestow
Turning thoughts to the here and everafter
Consuming fears in our fiery halos
Say what you mean
Mean what you say
I've heard that innocence
Has led us all astray
But don't let them make you and break you
The world is filled with their broken empty dreams
Silence is their only virtue
Locked away inside their silent screams
But for now
Let us dance away
This starry night
Filled with the glow of fiery stars
And with the dawn
Our sun will rise
Bringing a symphony of bird cries
Don't bring me down now
Let me stay here for awhile
You know life's too short
Let me bathe here in your smile
I'm transcending
The fall from the garden