My Insanity
« Scattered Soul Puzzle »
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1 | My World
 | 2 | Cocaine
 | 3 | Call My Name
 | 4 | Extinct
 | 5 | Champagne For Me
 | 6 | Wake Up... Prisoners!
 | 7 | Monkeys
 | 8 | Giants Little Ghost
 | 9 | Anything To Anyone
 | 10 | Tiefenrausch
 | 11 | Some Days
 | 12 | Good Bye In The Bloodred Sky |
   Christian Faust - vocals
Mario Ermisch - guitars
Sascha Shettler - keyboards, vocals
Tobias Below - bass
Rene Jauernik - drums |
 | 1. My World
I lay down naked on my world
Eyes are swollen, bones numb with the cold
My sun which gave me strength doesn't shine
I am tired of sleepiness which is not enough to sleep
An I cannot put them in order
So when I come closer, there is just a grey
Immortal remain dried up, without a |
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 Первым, что пришло мне в голову после прослушивания этого альбома, была песня Андрея Макаревича "Люблю я макароны". Для тех, кто не помнит текста, приведу коротенький отрывочек, который, собственно, и всплыл в моей памяти: “Полейте их томатом / Посыпьте чёрным перцем / Смешайте с тёртым сыром / Запейте их вином / Поймёте вы всем сердцем / Какое это чудо / Потом вам станет худо / Но это уж потом." Этот отрывок, как нельзя лучше иллюстрирует то, что представлено на третьем диске немецкой готик-металлической группы My Insanity. Диск открывает песня “My World", и с первой же секунды на вас обрушивается шквал электронных звуков, потом вступают гитары, а затем вокал а-ля Charon. Вторая песня начинается как стандартный лав-метал, но потом… Потом у меня возникло такое впечатление, что название “Cocaine" появилось у нее неспроста - такое можно создать только под влиянием какого-то наркотика, потому что далее следуют звуки, лишь отдаленно напоминающие вокал. Не буду расписывать каждую песню, скажу об альбоме в целом. В нем намешано все, что можно (и нельзя) было только намешать. Лав-готик-метал, танцевальная электроника, тяжелые индустриальные вставки, женский вокал, мужской вокал… Нет, ну нельзя так. Я не говорю, что не надо экспериментировать, но смешивать все подряд вот так, просто кидая в музыкальный котел элементы, найденные у других групп, кажется мне откровенно неуместным. Возможно, из этого диска и получилось бы что-то дельное, если бы “процессом приготовления" руководил умелый повар, но, как известно, история не терпит сослагательного наклонения, поэтому все, чего заслуживает этот диск, это пятерка, правда из десяти… (Диск предоставлен компанией CD-Maximum) |
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Заставившая обратить на себя внимание своей работой "Solar Child" формация My Insanity наконец-то разродилась новым творением. Однако, особой радости данный альбом не вызывает. Возможно, причина кроется в том, что на сей раз предводитель коллектива Фауст решил спродюсировать диск самолично, но так или иначе фаустовский готик-рок/метал, основательно приправленный электроникой, на вкус оказался пресноват. Вялое течение альбома с жидковатым звуком и унылым вокалом иногда все-таки прерывается вполне недурными фрагментами (прежде всего стоит отметить "Wake up... prisoners!"), но именно фрагментами они и остаются, цельная же картина из этого паззла складываться никак не хочет. |
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Во многом с предыдущими двумя рецензиями нельзя не согласиться - музыка и вправду является этаким винегретом. Разве что вокал ни грамма не похож на Charon. Альбом относится к таким работам, которые не вставляют с одного прослушивания. В первое прослушивание его реально тяжело одолеть за раз. У многих песен ритм настолько рваный, что если на минуту отвлечься трудно понять, та же ли эта играет песня или другая. Но уже к концу первого прослушивания привыкаешь и даже начинаешь получать удовольствие. Я прослушал альбом уже много раз и могу сказать, что хороших песен на нем приблизительно столько же как и откровенно проходных. Хитов, а уж тем более ХИТОВ (как, например, их же "Cosmic Orgasm" с альбома 2001 года) нет. Мне запомнилась и надолго осела в плеере песня "Anything To Anyone" – красивая грустная композиция. В общем, альбом тянет на твердую шестерку – семерку поставил бы, но для меня «7» это уже совсем хороший альбом, а здесь мы имеем просто неплохой экспериментальный готик метал альбом. Если вы послушали практически все, что успели сделать в готик рок-метале, то непременно уделите внимание этому опусу. |
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просмотров: 8125 |
A ghost who isn't it wants to touch me
Sieze me
Somebody tries to suffocate the good in me
I can't identify what it is
Forget the past seconds... past lifes
Where are all these scars come from
Disfiguring the beauty of my skin
Do I have the devil on tounge
Do I have the devil in my eyes
I have the devil in me
So when I come closer there is just a grey
Immortal remain dried up, without a face
A ghost who isn't it wants to touch me
Sieze me
One Trip, two pills, three lines, four
I can't stop takin' it and seaching for more
Put the needle in my head
Put the needle in my veines
I'm addicted... who cares?!
I'll ignore all the signs...
I try to write down my name in the dust
But I cant remember
See a featureless face, nameless, godless...
So when I come closer there is just a grey
Immortal remain dried up, without a face
A ghost who isn't it wants to touch me
Sieze me
Blood glued to my fingernails
I want to kiss the dusty picture in the mirror
When I come closer there is just a grey
2. Cocaine
After all a perfect pulse
Leaded in temptation again
Concentrated unstable casual
I'm strong... simply deluxe
Forgotten all the stress
Forgotten to lose conscientiousness
Lights in new dimensions
No speed control
I don't care...
How corrode is my inner side
How infirm is my mind
Leaded in temptation
Is's like a reflex
An act committed in the heat of passion
When I touch you
You beg me on my knees
You're not addicted to me
No I'm addicetd to you!
No matter how is my condition
No matter how it hurts my soul
No speed control
I don't care...
How corrode is my inner side
How infirm is my mind
Leaded in temptation
My love to you is more than the fear
I don't think about my physical decline
3. Call My Name
Call my name
Where are you?
Call me
I fly into a rage
Call my fist in your face
I try to hide but your sensors find me faster... no matter where I am
Day by day a step closer to the end...
Get what you deserve
The pain! The blows! The mockery!
Three times I will spit on you girl!
I hate to love you
I love to hate you
Can't see your face anymore
Can't smell your perfume anymore
You should realize there is something wrong
It's like a madhouse
Unlock my door
I will waiting behind with my gun
Actual I'm sorry!
Just want to leave you
Before I'll kill you
Please forget your innocent playboy
I'm the new born hating machine... Yeah...
Get what you deserve
The pain! The blows! The mockery!
Three times I will spit on you girl!
4. Champagne For Me
I wouldn't sleep anywhere I couldn't speak anymore
It crushes me to death, it suffocates me
Seduce me to a new life
Bursting lips contribute my blood I just detrimental those who will love it
Rescue is out of sight
Champagne for me, salt for the rest Lick it from my filthy stinky hands
Look ahead, this is your civilisation
Should we be pleased on it, could we hate it
We wanna got the way into insanity
Without faithhealers we resell our blood an sweat I make war
You play his holiness I cannot find my peace
My soul made rich
Seduce me to a new life
Bursting lips contribute my blood I just detrimental those who will love it
Rescue is out of sight
Champagne for me, salt for the rest
Lick it from my filthy stinky hands
Look ahead...
Try to find another way I will show you that it doesn't work
Not in this generation, not in the distant future
Who cares? Nobody cares!
Transform to top it all
Lose all my favorites, lose all my visions, lose all my friends...
5. Wake Up... Prisoners!
So why don't you come around for a while
So why don't you stay for a while...
Hello prisoners, hello, life is too short to be true
Your faces are sticky with dried tears I don't wanna know why
Time of loneliness is over... now!
You've spent so much time in the limitation of humanity
Even enemies get friends in here
Follow the tempting sounds
Follow the leaders of the rearranged paradise
So why don't you come around for a while
So why don't you stay for a while
Where do we go?
Who will catch us if we fall?
This is the full stagnation of all our hopes
The time has come
An we hear those voices again...
Life is too true to be good
Unreal realities give us the strength to end it all up
Positive data will be out somehow
Mother earth is erased
So follow the tempting sounds
Follow the leaders of the rearranged paradise...
6. 3 Monkeys
Welcome to a world of media atrocities
Lean back, relaxe and turn it on
I know the longing for watching human theatres of war
Makes you impatient
How it tastes?
Your manipulated television meal
Take it!
Enjoy it!
Devour it!
Mabye it's your last
Our planet is very small
The eyes of sensation could be focused on you too
The mad world of today
Is that the will of god?
It's sad (That) we don't hear it when someone cries
Don't see it when someone dies
It's amazing that we do not even talk about...
Who tells us the truth?
Blindness creeps in the heads of those who open wide their eyes
Your intellect don't recognize the truth
Don't let misslead you now
The individuality is faked
Hide behind your sceens
Intelligence lay down in the chains of the reason... caught
Not seeing!
Not hearing!
Not speaking!
Maybe you're the next
Let's escape into a prayer
Purify our conscience with an amen
Hypocriticaly we mourn for the fallen
Hypocriticaly we mourn for the victims
Imagine a world without all these bloodshed
It's possible that it's impossible
People excisting, living of others pain
It's sad...
Imagine a world without all this dreadful scenes
Imagine a world without all this bloodshed
People excisting, living of others pain
It's amazing how good we are in that...
7. Anything To Anyone
I'm so hungry an the only thing I have are these bitter pills in my hand
I'm so thirsty and the last drop which remains to me trickles
Through my trembling fingers... still
I want to stand up
A promise to myself
Don't wanna prove anything to anyone
I want to stand up
Searching for Sunlight
And don't wanna prove anything to anyone!
The ground of truth is painful
The ground of truth is more serious than I thought
And the way back to paradise runs in circles
No one here who wants to lead me
I yearn for the "day"
Don't wanna cry... Just wanna be needed again
How long do I have to wait to do penance for my mistakes?
For how long am I cursed?
I want to stand up...
As I started to believe was alone
In the stroboscope pretence of you noble restriction
As I started to see I was shocked about the ridiculous mask
I was searching shelter behind...
Slowly it grows in me... The desire for a change...
8. Tiefenrausch
Hunted by insufferable agonies
And I decide on the way in the liquid sphere
I want to disappear in my own silence
And no one tries to delay me
I'm away...
Slippin' away on the cool waves of the lifeless sea
Swimming with the dead fishes is not more a fantasy
I live my dream
Diving down and feel a new kind of freedom
And the water turns red
And it's flavoured with rottenness
I begin to breath it
I dream my life
Sunset reflects in the crimson wetness
Drifting in slowmotion through ma underwater mind trip
In the infinite depth I float to extacy
Almost the pressure takes my breath away
Starts to crush me and increase my lust
I don't know where up, where is down
I don't miss space an time
An the ocean twists around me...
The journey is over
I've found my destiny far away from madrush and hate
Not out of my mind
I am back again
In my place of emptiness... now...
It isn't flavoured with rottenness
I'll begin to breath it
I dream my life...
9. Some Days
Slowly I start to hate this unpleasent sentiments in me
Was it all for nothing?
Was it all for me?
In faces the first, the second shock
Total zero ending
Nevertheless it was my part
To keep it alive
To keep myself alive
To keep justice alive
To keep the whole chaos alive
It seems that it was my mistake
But why now I... am I the monster?
The calm around my person is a sinner used subject
This neverending questions for the why
I have to start to assemble my scattered soul puzzle
Don't wanna moan about it
Feeling of uneasiness
How could I've be so maleformated?
To keep it alive
To keep myself alive
To keep justice alive
To keep the whole chaos alive...
Is it hate about the thirst for knowledge?
Is it hate about the goddamned species?
Is it hate of my own what give rise to mourning?
The monster?
In your eyes...
10. Good Bye In The Bloodred Sky
There are running men through the streets
With broken souls
They escape from theirself
There are walking women down the streets
With broken dreams
They are on the run
There are running children through the streets
With broken necks
Escape from theirself
Birds of pray try to fly in the bloodred sky
This is the end my only friend
You don't have to understand
Just put a pretty smile
And try to fly... in the bloodred sky
There are walking robots down the streets
With broken steps
Escape from theirself
There are running animals on the streets
With broken ribs
They are on the run
There I am walking down the street
Lost identity
Escape from myself
The world behind me and see the bloodred sky
And I fly... I fly... good bye