Dark Funeral
« Diabolis Interium »
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1 | The Arrival Of Satan's Empire (3:47)
 | 2 | Hail Murder (5:02)
 | 3 | Goddess Of Sodomy (4:12)
 | 4 | Diabolis Interium (4:20)
 | 5 | An Apprentice Of Satan (6:05)
 | 6 | Thus I Have Spoken (4:59)
 | 7 | Armageddon Finally Comes (3:22)
 | 8 | Heart Of Ice (4:34) |
   Emperor Magus Caligula - vocals, bass
Lord Ahriman - guitars
Dominion - guitars
Matte Modin - drums |
Recorded and Mixed at the Abyss Studio
Anno Satanas 01.01.25 - 01.03.02
Produced by Peter Tagtgren
Studio Technician: Lars Szжke
Photos by Michael Johansson
Mastered at Cutting Room by Peter In Debetau & Dark Funeral
Front Cover by Morbid (Horde Of The Eclipse Magazine) |
 | 1. The Arrival Of Satan's Empire
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
The unholy war, when Satan's demons are smeared in blood.
Feathers fall from angel wings, from the sky.
Father Satan gather your legions, it is time to claim your throne.
The arrival of your dominion |
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 Самый лучший, на мой взгляд, альбом Темных Похорон. Микширование и запись отличные. Безупречное владение инструментами, хотя такую музыку играть сложно только из-за скорости. На вокале все тот же Калигула, его скриминг уже стал визитной карточкой группы. На даном альбоме неповторимое звучание. DF предстают перед нами в лучшей ипостаси. Лирика как обычно посвящена Сатане. Если сравнить этот альбом с двумя предыдущими, то он самый яркий, на нем больше цепляющих мелодий, которых всегда в достатке у группы. Группа впервые представила на суд слушателей медленную композицию, и она просто бесподобна.
Если захотите познакомиться с DF, начинайте с этого альбома (со мной было то же самое).
Вердикт 9/10, так как хоть я и глубоко уважаю DF, но в блэке есть альбомы и поинтересней. |
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Если вкратце, то по-моему это самый лучший Трушный альбом, который я когда-либо слышал. А если еще короче, то это вообще единственный Трушный альбом, который я могу слушать. Ну а если поподробнее... - этот альбом доказал, что Тру Блэк, четко различимые ударные/басс/ритмГИТАРЫ, мощный звук и самое главное мелодичные партии вещи не только вполне совместимые, но и просто-таки необходимые для создания качественного Тру-Блэка. Правда только в том случае если мелодии эти будут злыми/страшными. О чем, кстати, попсовый Dimmu Borgir напрочь забывает, выдавая слабые копии творений Кренделей и абсолютно не злую, не страшную да и просто попсово/сопливую музычку. Об этом же забывают и сами Хрю-Блэкеры выдавая на гора что-то абсолютно непотребное и до боли уже знакомое. А у Dark Funeral со злой и ужасной атмосферой, выраженной в ужасно-мелодичных рифах всё в порядке. Особенно на этом альбоме. Правда, сначала, все эти мелодичные рифы кажутся немного однообразными, но потом это ощущение проходит. Вобщем альбом очень хороший, хоть и идет всего лишь 36 минут. И я бы мог сказать, что он просто-таки отличный если бы не одно большое НО. ЭТО ЭТИ ХЕРОВЫ ТЕКСТЫ. Нет, я конечно понимаю, что они такие ужасные сатанисты и ненавидят Бога, но пора бы уже было сочинить что-нибудь пооригинальней. Мало того, что тексты очень короткие и постоянно повторяющиеся, так они еще все и ужасно однообразно-наивно-истинно-по-сатанински тупые. Если вы до этого слышали хотя бы одну песню про то как Сатана и его слуги убивают христиан, то тексты Интериума можете и не читать, ничего нового вы там не увидите. Все как обычно - "Кровь Христиан, Сатана, Темный Повелитель, Армагеддон и т.д. и т.п." Просто уже тошнит от этого наивного дерьма, рассчитанного на сопливых юнцов, которые очень хотят стать Сатанистами, только потому что это прикольно или круто. Я не против сатанинских текстов, но сюжет все-таки должен быть. А так... эх :( :( Тем не менее эта большая неприятность не помешала мне полюбить этот альбом. |
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Приятно удивили меня Dark Funeral cо своим новым опусом,я почему-то не думал,что они смогут сделать что-нибудь интересное.Музыка здесь посложнее,чем на предыдущих альбомах,звучит она более внятно и даже весьма мелодично.Несмотря на это агрессивности не убавилось(если не стало больше)Вокал как всегда- похож на визг маленького,но злого поросёнка.Вобщем,рекомендую эту работу всем любителям поросят и хрю-блэк метал.
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просмотров: 30037 |
So gather now my legions, it is time to fight for our lord.
Hail Satan, scream the masses, smeared in angel's blood.
Lords of war, the wings of twelve, open all the gates.
Fly high into the canopy; bring to me the head of god.
Hell lord, unholy father.
Your wish is my command.
I will cut the liar throat; Christian blood will fall to the ground.
Demon legions, fly through the gates.
Into the darkened sky.
Held up high, the spears of evil.
As they run, through angels flesh.
They scream out in pain, as they see their kingdom fall.
Angel tears fall to the ground, as Satan again will reign.
Lords of war, the wings of twelve, open all the gates.
Fly high into the canopy; bring to me the head of god.
Hell lord, unholy father.
Your wish is my command.
I will cut the liar throat; Christian blood will fall to the ground.
2. Hail Murder
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
In the dungeon so cold, sits the Nazarene son.
His eyes filled with tears, his soul with fear.
Asking himself, where is my god now?
Preacher of lies, soon to be nailed.
Hail murder, your god of filth wont help you now.
Hail murder, soon to meet the evil one.
Carry your cross, to your own doom.
Meet the people's hatred.
You will die amongst the dirt, where you belong.
Christian blood soon will cover the ground.
As I drive the nails of evil, deep inside.
A crucified whore, that's what you are.
The only crown you have, is one made of thorns.
Hail Murder, your god of filth wont help you now.
Hail murder, soon you to meet the evil one.
Hail murder, as the nails are hammered in deep.
Hail murder, I am the spear in his side.
Carry your cross, to your own doom.
Meet the people's hatred.
You will die amongst the dirt, where you belong.
The demons fly high, they circle above.
Waits for his blood to stop flow, and to collect his soul.
The lord of lies, soon to die.
Thousand of years of pain await.
Hail Murder, your god of filth wont help you now.
Hail murder, soon you to meet the evil one.
Hail murder, as the nails are hammered in deep.
Hail murder, I am the spear in his side.
3. The Goddess Of Sodomy
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
Come forth, the goddess of sodomy.
My body is the source of pain, bow.
Worship me.......And suck my soul.
Every single hole in you is mine, so now.
Deep inside, you feel me pulsate.
More and more and more.
I hear you groan, you want me inside.
Again, again, again, again......
You give me pleasure, I offer you pain.
The highest level of ecstasy, sexually insane.
Behind my mask of pretending, I hide.
In my dominion of pain.....
I am your god, I am your believes.
I control your desire, with my godlike white salted wine.
Behind my mask of pretending, I hide.
In my dominion of pain.....
I am the way to the land of your pleasure.
I am the way to your eternal lust......
4. Diabolis Interium
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
Diabolis Interium
I wander along the path of darkness.
Heart so cold, skin so pale.
Driven forth by the question,
My answers are written in blood.
Sweet Christian blood.
You can't escape my wrath,
For I am one of the lords.
I am the keeper of your pain,
I am the holder of the spear.
Like a serpent I'm slithering,
In a maze of sin and filth
Look down, you so called god.
Step down, from your heavenly throne.
Let your divine tears of blood, rain over us.
And behold what I do to your servants.....
And behold what I do to your servants....
I am a demon that dwells in the darkest flame.
The evil from inside....
I am a demon, king of the darkest realm.
For I am Satan......
Diabolis Interium.
Diabolis Interium.
You can't escape my wrath,
For I am one of the lords.
I am the keeper of the key to the cosmic pain,
I am the holder of the spear.
Like a serpent I'm slithering,
Through your world divine.
Diabolis Interium.
Diabolis Interium.
5. An Apprentice Of Satan
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
A darkened place beyond the eternal death,
Hung many victims chained lifeless.
Stolen of all their dignity.
The dried blood on her pale skin,
Witness her beliefs.
She's an apprentice of Satan.
The wind is blowing strong from the north.
While the demons force their way through the flames,
To grant her with their wisdom wide.
Inside the circle she feels safe.
She can feel the power grow.
She's an apprentice of Satan.
A sigh echoes through the woods.
Like a winter storm it spread through the maze.
When she's finally embraced by the darkness.
That she has finally welcomed into her:life!!!
The wind, cold as the full moon high in the darkened sky.
Carries a weak fragrance of blood.
She can hear the demons call out her name.
Whispers in the shadows, evil forces everywhere.
The wind is blowing strong in the north.
While the demons force their way through the flames,
To grant her with eternal life.
She's the evil messenger of Satanic beliefs.
She's an apprentice of Satan:.
High in the sky flies the evil apprentice.
She has turned to the dark side.
With her beauty and her power of Satan.
She consumes the dead to get more life.
High above all, stands our evil apprentice.
Now seduced by the dark side.
With the power of Satan,
She will never see the dawn until the end of time.
A darkened place beyond the eternal death,
Hung many victims chained lifeless.
Stolen of all their dignity.
The dried blood on her pale skin witness her beliefs.
She's an apprentice of Satan.
She's an evil apprentice.
6. Thus I Have Spoken
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
Hear me now; let this be the day of reckoning.
The gauntlet has been thrown, and the challenge is met.
With death-rattle chains, and brimstone from below.
I will come with black-hearted rage, and eyes of burning coal.
Let the fire burn and blood flow, let skulls and bones tower up to the heavens.
Cloaked in shimmering stellar glow, radiant with the cosmic light I will come...
From the liquid darkness I appear,
My unholy fire is needed to cleanse this world.
Free from my cursed bounds,
I once again will trample the earth.
Bound to evil, carrier of Satan's mark.
Wherever I will walk, the world will tremble.
Thus I have spoken, thus shall it be....
Chaos swallows the earth when I release my Christian hatred,
A hatred older than memory.
I move across the worlds like a dark plague,
Across boundaries unseen.
I ask for the gates to open,
And for my legions to be set free....
I call upon the power of darkness, form and shadow.
I call upon the power of the elder ones, whose fate is bound to mine.
I call upon master Satan, give shadow form and lend me your eyes.
Grant me your crystal vision, and teach me what you would have seen.
The chain of Christian force is broken,
And the great darkness is loosened upon this world.
Thus I have spoken, thus shall it be...
7. Armageddon Finally Comes
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
The earth quakes, and the seas are rising.
As the warlock look deep into the flames.
The fire of evil, are reflected in his abysmal eyes.
As he calls upon the ancient ones.
I call upon thee, keeper of the darkest flame.
To drink from the chalice of souls.
I call upon thee, king of all beasts.
Lord of the hunt, silent stalker of the night.
I call upon thee, keeper of all hatred and anguish.
The one who holds the cosmic pain.
I call upon thee, custodian of the infernal legions.
God of war and the hatred storms.
The sky spit flames, Armageddon has come.
The wrath of Satan descends upon this mortal world.
Men revert to beasts, suicidal despair for his glory.
Every mind is clutched in terror,
As a vortex of evil surrounds the warlock flames.
The legions of Satan trample through the flames.
The earth is scared and burned like dead skin.
Angels blood smirched the Nazarene divine kingdom.
Armageddon finally comes.
The wind carry ashes and the smell of burned flesh,
The rivers are filled with blood.
The mortals are captured in an irreversible strife for their souls,
Against the unyielding forces of..........EVIL........
Armageddon finally comes.
Angels weep, as they slowly sink down the spears.
Their kingdom is gone, now ruled by the cloven hooves.
Once again the Nazarene whore is nailed,
But this time no devotees are left behind.
8. Heart Of Ice
[Music by Lord Ahriman. Lyrics by Emperor Magus Caligula]
They howl in the night,
They are the children of the damned.
Cursed to live in darkness,
With a soul and a heart of ice.
Heart of ice.....
As nightfall sets in, they crawl out from their caves.
Where they been hiding from the sunlight rays,
Until the moon calls out their names.
The endless search for fresh blood.
The never-ending hunger, burns their inside.
Like a flame from hell, never easing pain.
They are the living shadows, cursed to live in black.
You can see the reflection of the moon, in their empty eyes.
Look deep in their eyes, as the burning flames of hell arise.
Burning in their empty souls.
They move in the night, like a pack of wolves.
Hunting down their victims, there is no escape.
As nightfall sets in, they crawl out from their caves.
Where they been hiding from the sunlight rays,
Until the moon calls out their names.
The never-ending hunger, burns their inside.
Like a flame from hell, never easing pain.
They howl in the night,
They are the children of the damned.
Cursed to live in darkness,
With a soul and a heart of ice.