« A Nordic Poem »
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1 | (Intro) The Pipes Are Calling [Instrumental] 02:08
 | 2 | Wolfsong in Moonlight 04:41
 | 3 | Horned Trolls and Mystical Folk 05:28
 | 4 | Rhyming With Thunder 05:55
 | 5 | Eldritch Sorcery and Faery Runes 03:41
 | 6 | In Odin's Court 03:16
 | 7 | Storm Ravens Come 04:22
 | 8 | Gryningssеng 02:30
 | 9 | Gaelic Valor 05:22
 | 10 | Outro 02:18
 | | Total playing time: 40:00 |
   Marios Koutsoukos - Keyboards
Nikos Nezeritis - Accoustic Guitar
Stefanos Koutsoukos - Bass Guitar
Ruslanas - Spoken Vocals
Athelstan - Drums, Guitars
Wulfstan - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Chrigiel Glanzmann - Uileann Pipes, Tin Whistle, Bodhran
Hugin - Keyboards
Magnus Wohlfart - Accoustic & Electric Guitars, Bass, Keyboards, Mouth Harp,
Jonas Froberg - Keyed Fiddle, Vocals
Kristofer Janiec - Violin
Jeremy Child - Drums, Vocals
William Ekeberg - Cello, Vocals
Michelle Maas - Female Vocals |
Music on tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 by Magnus Wohlfart.
Music on track 1 by Chrigel Glanzmann, additional arrangements by Magnus
Wohlfart and Michelle Maass.
Music on track 4 by Athelstan and Wulfstan (Forefather), additional
arrangements by Magnus Wohlfart, Jonas Frцberg and William Ekeberg.
Music on track 10 by Alex Wieser.
All Lyrics (except "Gryningssang") by Marios Koutsoukos.
Lyrics for "Gryningssang" by Magnus Wohlfart |
 | 2. Wolfsong In Moonlight (Fenris Unbound)
Child of atrocity - Progeny of Hel
Son of maiden fell;
Bound in dwarven chain
Helpless roar in rage!
Time for stars to fall
Ragnark's inaugural call!
Odin holds the prophecy scroll.
Release the beast!
Fimbul winter comes
Fires dying fast!
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 Релиз по-настоящему мирового масштаба преподнёс нам проект Folkearth, в рамках которого объединились музыканты из шести (!) стран: Греции (Dol Amroth), Литвы (Ravenclaw), Англии (Forefather), Швейцарии (Eluveitie), Австрии (Hrossharsgrani), Швеции (Yggdrasil, Nae’blis, Broken Dagger, Trymheim). Мне приходиться писать рецензию на «A Nordic Poem» спустя два года после его выхода и естественно мне приходилось слышать немало отзывов о нём, как положительных, так и отрицательных, но с одним пунктом, который записывался в «минус» группе не могу согласиться – это качество записи. Оно не идеально, хотя трудно представить лучший результат, учитывая многочисленные сложности из-за расстояния между музыкантами. Однако для такой музыки – folk viking metal - подходит именно такой звук, можно сказать более живой, более аутентичный, чем выверенная запись, но в которой не чувствуется атмосферы эпохи расцвета скандинавской культуры. Собственно материал не содержит каких-либо откровений, но несколько хитовых композиций с запоминающимися мелодиями здесь есть, а если учесть продолжительность альбома в 40 минут, надоесть он не успевает и хочется поставить его по второму и третьему разу. Мои фавориты на «A Nordic Poem»: быстрая "Wolfsong In Moonlight (Fenris Unbound)", "Horned Trolls And Mystical Folk" и эпическая "Gaelic Valor" с лирикой о борьбе кельтов с Римской Империей. В целом же лирика стандартна и ни чем не примечательна, хотя вряд ли это оттолкнёт кого-либо от хорошей музыкальной компоненты. Оформление компакта скромное, но стильное. Единственно фотографии музыкантов принявших участие в этом проекте недостаёт. Одним словом: МАСТ ХЭВ для тех кому небезразлична подобная музыка и между прочим те кто не слушает это направление тоже могут получить немало удовольствия от прослушивания Folkearth. (Диск предоставлен компанией Stygian Crypt) |
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просмотров: 7107 |
Frost whips with hail.
Release the beast!
Gluten maws in bloody feast
3. Horned Trolls And Mystical Folk
Horned trolls and mystical folk
Within the deep woods of twilight
Ethereal misty fingers entwine
Crooked boughs and mossy roots
Smell of the rain soaked ground.
Yet hark! What be this sound
Coming from afar?
Haunting tunes, the fairy song
They join in rings to dance
Plucking fiddles hewn of oak
Dwell in a citadel of fog
Horned trolls and mystical folk!
These horned trolls and mystical folk!
They dwell in the brooks
The dwell on the trees!
They live under rock,
They live by the sea!
Astride frogs and dragon flies
The travel far and wide
Mortal dreamers they invite
To their realm of ever light!
Perchance in thy strangest dremas
You glimpse fairies soynd asleep.
There by the creek.
Yet deeper still
They join in rings to dance
Plucking fiddles hewn of oak
Dwell in a citadel of fog
Horned trolls and mystical folk!
These horned trolls and mystical folk!
They dwell in the brooks
The dwell on the trees!
They live under rock,
They live by the sea!
4. Rhyming With Thunder
Great God of the storm, Ruler of the skies above,
Mighty ever-warrior Thor
Thy name we call
Descend to Midgard
Great God of the gloom,
We summon you!
Rhyming with thunder, chanter the holy Galder!
Modi, Thruder, Magni - Thor!
Master of the tempest, lord of wintry call,
Modi, Thruder, Magni - He is Thor, one and all!
Swing thy holy hammer
Warriors revel in the sight
With swords upraised
To hail the pouring rain
I greet thee chariot rider,
Frost giants bane!
Never fall, always uphold this battle hymn of old!
Mortal kinsmen die,
As crops wither and subside
Wealth is passing by.
Yet eternal remains a glorious deed's name!
A legacy of honor, legend for tomorrow!
For what glory warriors await
Once their heyday goes under
Save a skald's praise, rhyming with thunder?
Swing thy holy hammer
Warriors revel in the sight
With swords upraised
To hail the pouring rain
I greet thee chariot rider,
Frost giants bane!
Never fall, always uphold this battle hymn of old!
Rhyming with thunder, chanter the holy Galder!
Modi, Thruder, Magni - Thor!
Master of the tempest, lord of wintry call,
Modi, Thruder, Magni - He is Thor, one and all!
5. Eldritch Sorcery And Faery Runes
Spirit of the ash tree
Dweller in the oak, Thy realm I wish to traverse;
I whisper the ancient verse
Whisper the ancient verse
Passage safe to earn.
Gods of the earth,
You who made sylvan breath
Hear now my spells
Hear now my spells
As I flirt nightshade
In pagan forests primeval
Where dusk enthroned is king!
Once upon a day
On the wings of fairytale, Shamanic paths I take
Where in adoration
Wolves to the moon bay;
To the moon bay
Another figure I bcome
Inside the sylvan canvass
Hidden, away far from your world
I have ridden!
Spireless lands await me
In a world of elder magecraft
Elven runes engraved
Upon hyperborean skies
Like stars arrayed.
The man in black
There he awaits;
And there's no coming back!
Forest calling to mine ear
Distand echoes of the Dryad.
Enthralled I stand by this woodland melody.
Upon the altar of yew
Before Fangorn's palace
The Elven heart is beating;
Rhythm of my breathing
My hands lie bleeding
Dagger bitten grimly
An offering of life
To ethereal folk I sing.
An eerie moon beckons me
Gnarled boughs whistle
Attuned to a magic wind,
Call of elder arts I hearken!
Rings of stones, Idols of crows
Whilst primordial wonders stir the air
Trees lively welcome me
In this mystical realm
Of eldritch sorcery and Faery runes.
Faery runes...
6. In Odin's Court
"And Io, do I see my father
And Io, do I see my mother
And my sisters and my brothers
And the line of my people,
Back to the beginning...
And Io, they do call me,
In the halls of Valhalla
Where the brave may live forever!"
From death's embrace I awaken
Clutching the sword my life had taken;
Roofs thatched with gold
Songs of warriors old
In Odin's court
My eyes behold splendor untold!
What be this place?
What maiden brought my sould herein?
These are the halls
Of glorious Valhalla!
Step forth ye hammerheart,
Blessed champion of the Gods!
Heimdall will guard it
Vidar will welcome
In Odin's court our Einherjer brethren!
Come o beloved of the Raven,
Feast on flesh and mead;
Forever and all time
'Till Ragnarok arrives!
These are the halls
Of mighty Valhalla!
Heimdall will guard it
Vidar will welcome
In Odin's court
In Odin's court
I return to the ancient tree;
What was, shall forever be
Every nche resounds eternally
Warlike triumphant song
There in Odin's court!
7. Storm Ravens Come
Hammers of thunder temper a storm
Wailing the wonds descend from the North
Dragons awaken in their sanctums of frost
Three hundred berserkers strong
Sail a' Viking ere the break of dawn!
Plunder in the East
Raze village - burn monasteries
Wicked thralls of this pale Christ
"In our heart we know no fear
In our eyes swells no tear.
Should death we meet today
Let it be so...
Crowned in glory we shall fall!"
Storm Ravens sweep me away
Howl blood to the wintry sway
In Valhalla for me Odin shall await!
Call beyond the nigthly sky
The brave who lost their lives
Howl blood to the wintry sway
In Valhalla for me Odin shall await!
Feel the rage of the Aesir and die!
Storm Ravens come
With swords blessed by the Gods
Raging and furious
In battle they stand victorious
Twin ravens soaring high
Feel the rage of Aesir and die!
Storm Ravens come
8. Gryningssang
En sommarnatt
Varmen ligger tat
Sover och latt bedovar
Men Harald, han
Sover inte sott
Nagot hans somn berovar
Flickan brevid
Hon var natt och grann
Fager som manens strimma
Harald nervos
Vagar inte be
Om dansen i nattens timma
Dansen i nattens timma
Men nar solen tittar fram
Han langsamt stracker ut sin hand
Och tar henne itu sin famn
Att dansa i gryningens timma
Nar ljuset lyfter nattens fang
Och snarjer den med grybubssang
Han bju'r henne pa en svangom
Att dansa i gryningens timma
Att dansa i gryningens timma
Natten var mork
Men ar snart forbi
Gryningen ar pa ingang
Den lockar trollskt
Med farglekar i skyn
Att bjuda upp till solsang
Harald bestamt
Reser sig upp
Tar modet sitt till fanga
Tar ett andetag
Tanker tillbaks
Pa ensamma natter langa
Ensamma natter langa
9. Gaelic Valor
When the Moon still was young and the mountains were tall
In the realm of the Tuatha De Danann,
My delight was the sound of the hammer and forge
Shaping bronze into weapons of war.
When the Heroes of Dawn put the ginats to the sword
Strong was Cuchulain and shining was Lugh
They would sing to the wind with a falcon at their fist
Hymns of Gaelic valor.
I remember the day when their ships filled the sea
And the emblems of Rome hid the sky,
When the ninth legion marched to subdue the Red Queen
And the sons of the Goddes Danann.
The the Heroes of Dawn put the Romans to the sword
Strong like Cuchulain and shining like Lugh
They would fight skyclad, and to please the Morrigan
Die for Gaelic valor.
Now the Moon's in eclipse and the skies breed a storm
O'er the realm of the Tuatha de Danann
My lament shall be heard for the fires ashen cold
And the anvils resounding no more.
Now the Heroes of Dawn sleep in mounds underground
Cuchulain forgotten - forgotten is Lugh,
Who shall sing to the wind, shed his tears to fill the sea
For the lost Gaelic valor?
10. Outro