« Difficult to Cure »
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1 | I Surrender (4:10)
 | 2 | Spotlight Kid (5:04)
 | 3 | No Release (5:42)
 | 4 | Magic (4:15)
 | 5 | Vielleicht Das Nachster Zeit (Maybe Next Time) (3:23)*
 | 6 | Can't Happen Here (5:09)
 | 7 | Freedom Fighter (4:28)
 | 8 | Midtown Tunnel Vision (4:44)
 | 9 | Difficult To Cure (Beethoven's Ninth) (5:58)
 | | Total Time: 42:53 |
   Joe Lynn Turner - vocals
Ritchie Blackmore - guitars
Don Airey - keyboards
Roger Glover - bass
Bobby Rondinelli - drums |
Produced by Roger Glover |
 | I surrender
I surrender to your heart, babe
Do anything that you want me to do
Please, be tender, I'm in your hands, girl
This is a feeling I never knew
You know I tried to make it on my own
That's not the way it was meant to be
Spend my time waiting by the phone
Oh darling, |
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 Заразную болезнь под названием "коммерциализация материала", действительно, очень трудно вылечить. А пациенты, страдающие этим недугом, вы не поверите - совершенно не хотят быть здоровыми! Кому же охота отказываться от плывущей прямо в руки гигантской прибыли с Американского континента? Запустив пробный шар в виде "Down To Earth", Ричи Блэкмор с Роджером Гловером от этого тоже отказываться не захотели. Недовольных в лице Кози Пауэлла и Грэма Бонннета быстренько удалили, и новыми членами Rainbow стали барабанщик Бобби Рондинелли и вокалист Джо Линн Тернер. Именно в таком составе и был записан пятый студийник, получивший искрометное название "Difficult To Cure". Итак, все апологеты раннего Rainbow плачут горючими слезами - от эпохи Дио не осталось ровным счетом ничего. "Рафинированность" песен порой зашкаливает за совершенно предельную черту, и самую большую роль в этом играет, безусловно, Джо. И хотя лично я отношусь к этому человеку с большой неприязнью, не могу не отметить его действительно сильный, запоминающийся, и идеально подходящий для именно коммерческого материала голос. Песни на "Difficult To Cure" получились двойственными. С одной стороны присутствуют несколько крайне удачных хитов. Таких как супер шлягер всех мэйнстримовых радиостанций того времени, романтический трек "I Surrender", скоростной и очень энергичный боевик в старых традициях Deep Purple "Spotlight Kid", блистающий к тому же классным текстом о бремени славы. Другой хорошая лирика Гловера представлена в отличной песне "Can't Happen Here", на этот раз про всеобщее загаживание нашей планеты. Ну а на самой вершине диска воцарился ее признанный король - совершенно великолепная хард роковая обработка знаменитой "Оды К Радости" Бетховена, в которой и Блэкмор и Эйри показывают умопомрачительную красоту и технику игры. Но вот в чем штука - весь остальной материал на диске не более чем проходняк. Серые песни с серыми мелодиями, которые забываются сразу после прослушивания. Так что общую оценку придется сильно снизить, и с таким результатом, "Difficult To Cure" занимает первое место снизу в хит-параде альбомов Rainbow. |
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Это альбом Радуги, который я люблю меньше всего, конкретнее из-за мальчишеского вокала Тернера и слишком коммерческого саунда. Итак, Rainbow покинул один из самых сильных вокалистов группы Боннет. Тернеру выпал шанс заменить Грэма. В итоге получился альбом, весьма необычный для группы.
Конечно пахло коммерцией и на "Down To Earth", но он получился очень сильным, в отличие от рассматриваемого альбома
1. "I Surrender" - очень красивая песня с душещипательным солом Блэкмора в конце песни, одна из немногих слащавых песен группы, трогающих меня за душу
2. "Spotlight Kid" - пятиминутный возврат в прошлое, в этой песне Блэкмор очередной раз показал всем, то на что он способен.
3. "No Realese" - довольно неплохая песня, малоопытному слушателю урок, что представляет собой хард-рок, с АОРным уклоном.
4. "Magic" - пошел черед проходных номеров. Довольно слабенькая и попсовенькая, сразу видно, для хит-парадов.
5. "Vielleicht Das Nachte Mal (Maybe Next Time)" - одно из любимых произведений Радужного Блэкмора, до безумия красивый инструментал , трогает за душу, так прямо, как мы трогаем предметы руками, этой песне флаг в руки и титул лучшей песни на альбоме.
6. "Can't Happen Here" - см. описание песни Magic.
7. "Freedom Fighter" - тоже далеко не лучшая, но из проходняков самая лучшая
8. "Midtown Tunnel Vision" - отличная тяжелая песня, но еще непрорезавшийся голосок Тернера все портит.
9. "Difficult To Cure" - в этой песне несомненно Блэкмор - бог, довольно известная обработка одного из известнейших произведений Людвига ван Бетховена. Очень люблю этот инструментал и ценю.
Моя оценка - четыре из десяти, и все из-за каких-то недочетов |
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просмотров: 57881 |
I surrender, I surrender
I'm giving up the role of pretender
Oh, be tender, girl, be tender
Can't you feel the love that I send you?
I surrender
I surrender
I remember, seems like a lifetime
Can't believe it's a matter of days
Since you left me I'm near to heartbreak
I want you so bad, don't turn away
What does it take to stay by my side?
You know I'll do what you want me to
Don't take away this feeling inside
I'm still in love with you
I surrender, I surrender
Giving up the role of pretender
I remember, I remember
Can't you feel the love that I send you?
I surrender
I surrender
I surrender, I surrender
Don't need no wound to be tender
Surrender, I surrender
Feel the love that I send you
I surrender
Spotlight kid
You don't know what's happening, you want to go home
But there's nowhere to hide
You walk out on stage, your first time alone
The crowd's going wild
And you feel so alive
You could stand up and take this all night
They love you
But you're in love with the spotlight
You're the spotlight kid
You're in love with the spotlight
You're the spotlight kid
Jokers and women, they hang 'round your door
They're all part of the scene
Just like a junkie you've got to have more
It's a pleasure machine
And you fly every night
But the dressing room mirror don't lie
They love you
But you're in love with the spotlight
You're the spotlight kid
You're in love with the spotlight
You're the spotlight kid
Your audience died, faded away
Leaving you on the stage
It's been so many years since that first matinee
It seems like an age
Encore one more time
For the ghosts of the past in your mind
They love you
But you're in love with the spotlight
You're the spotlight kid
You're in love with the spotlight
You're living in a dream
You're in love with the spotlight
You're the spotlight kid
You're in love with the spotlight
You're in love with the spotlight
You're in love with the spotlight
You're in love with the spotlight
No release
Through the smoke the dancers move
Demonic dirty downtown groove
Visions of the day retreat
Come on, baby! Feel the heat
Then I can disappear
And be at peace
But when my mind is clear
I can't get no, no release
No release
In the dark the dancers shout
Scream the cry of freedom out
Strobe crescendos in the night
Minds take cover, souls take flight
Let me disappear
Set me free, set me free
But when my mind is clear
I can't get no, no release
Can't get no release
Set me free, baby
Let me be
I can't get no, I can't get no
I can't get no release
I can't get no, I can't get no
I can't get no release
I can't get no, I can't get no
I can't get no release
I can't get no, I can't get no
I can't get no release
No release
Set me free, set me free, baby
Well, I can feel it again
Feel it, feel it, feel it, baby
Can't get no release
Can't get no release
There's a light in the sky
That hangs on the edge of illusion
Something very fine but it's something you know is there
Mystery of time hidden by a man of confusion
But the hand is quicker than the eye
Only the stranger knows why
'Cause it's magic
You know it's magic that you'll find
You see it's magic
I know who you are and there's magic in you
Keep your eye on the man
And don't look away for a moment
How is it done? How does he make me see?
Something up his sleeve, when he speaks you want to believe him
But the hand is quicker than the eye
Only the stranger knows why
'Cause it's magic
Can't you see? It's magic that you'll find
You know it's magic
I know who you are 'cause thare's magic in you
Driven by a force
Moving in another dimension
Here for today, gone for eternity
Seeking for truth hidden by the word of his wisdom
But the hand is quicker than the eye
Only the stranger knows why
Can't you feel? It's magic
You know it's magic that you'll find
I said it's magic
I know who you are 'cause thare's magic in you
Vielleicht das nachster zeit (maybe next time)
Instrumental track
Can't happen here
Contaminated fish and microchips
Huge supertankers on arabian trips
Oily propaganda from the leaders lips
All about the future
There's people over here, people over there
Everybody's looking for a little more air
Crossing all the borders just to take their share
Planning for the future
And we're so abused
And we're so confused
It's easy to believe
That someone's gonna light the fuse
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
All that you fear, they're telling you
Can't happen here
Supersonic planes for a holiday boom
Rio De Janeiro in an afternoon
People out of work but there's people on the moon
Looking for the future
Concrete racktracks nationwide
Juggernauts carving up the countryside
Cars by the million on a one way ride
Using up the future
And we're so abused
And we're so confused
It's easy to believe
That someone's gonna light the fuse
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
All that you fear, they're telling you
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
All that you fear, they're telling you
Can't happen here
Satellites spying for the CIA
The KGB and the men in grey
Wonder if I'm gonna see another day
Somewhere in the future
We got everything we need for a peaceful time
Take what you want but you can't take mine
Everybody's living on the Siegfried line
Worried 'bout the future
And we're so abused
And we're so confused
It's so easy to believe
That someone's gonna light it
Easy to believe someone's gonna light the fuse
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
All that you fear, they're telling you
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
Can't happen here
All that you fear, they're telling you
Can't happen here
Freedom fighter
You can't control me, tell me what to do
Chained in mediocrity so I can be like you
I am not a statue, not part of a machine
I'm sick and tired of the whole routine
Calculate your future, computerise your past
Instant replay if it's gone too fast
Take away my freedom, take away my home
I'm only human but it might not show, I'm not made of stone
I'm a freedom fighter
I got something to say
I'm a freedom fighter
Get out of my way
Hide behind your politics, hide behind your rules
Tell me I'm a man but you treat me like a fool
It's the same old story with a different name
You give us all a number and nothing changes
Out in the winter of a world upon its knees
Everyone is watching but no one sees
You can't take my freedom, you know it is my right
If you try and stop me I'm gonna fight with all my might
I'm a freedom fighter
And I'm taking command
I'm a freedom fighter
And I'm making a stand
Fighting for breath as the world gathers speed
Time's running out for the things that I need
Out in the winter of a world upon its knees
Everyone is watching but no one sees
You can't take my freedom, you know it is my right
If you try and stop me I'm gonna fight with all my might
I'm a freedom fighter
I gotta take a stand
I'm a freedom fighter
That's what I am
I'm a freedom fighter
I cannot take it no more
I'm a freedom fighter
No, no more
I'm a freedom fighter
But I'm not afraid
I'm a freedom fighter
Get out of my way
Midtown tunnel vision
Take good care, it's a tight rope ride
Neon city is on the dreamers side
Prime time losers going underground
They take you up and they shake you down
Can't see nowhere
Don't know, don't care
'Cause here comes another midtown tunnel vision
Midtown tunnel vision
Sidewalk cruiser in stiletto heels
Frozen heart, eyes of steel
Wrap your body around my soul
Electric love is gonna take its toll
Can't see nowhere
Don't know and I just don't care
That girl is the mother of my midtown tunnel vision
Midtown tunnel vision
Sunset skyline, night turns to day
Down on the street you could fade away
No second chances in this here wasted life
It'll cut you down like a switchblade knife
Can't see nowhere
Don't know and I just don't care
'Cause here comes another midtown tunnel vision
Midtown tunnel vision
Difficult to cure
(Beethoven, arranged by Blackmore/Glover/Airey)
Instrumental track