 Дебютный альбом едва ли не главных экзистенциалистов современного хардкора и металла. Быть может, сам Сёрен Кьеркегор, не увидев в сердцах Hatebreed веры в Христа, не пожелал бы признавать в них своих учеников. И тем не менее в лирике американцев и трактатах датчанина есть немало пересекающихся понятий и общих принципов. "Satisfaction Is the Death of Desire" равно так же не признаёт существование некой гегелианской универсальной и абсолютной истины ("There is not one truth cast into stone.
Only lies cast into flames"). Имеет место лишь субъективное осмысление собственных переживаний. И если лирический герой Джейми Джасты страдает, то не из-за проявлений или отзеркаливания детских комплексов, и не ради выплеска внутренних боли и агрессии в пространство. Страх и отчаяние - тяжелые испытания для личности ("Fear and sorrow push you away from yourself? How can you face the world? When you can't face the mirror?"). Но это испытания необходимые. Они дают свободу выбора; а осознанный субъективный выбор - опять же, вполне по Кьеркегору - шаг на пути к осознанию себя ("Every single choice I must make. Driven by suffering"). Возможно, Hatebreed так и не отделили "религиозный" принцип веры от "этического" принципа долга. И скорее даже следуют последнему в большей степени; в духе несомненно знакомых хоть раз видевшим пацанские паблики в соцсетях строк "не можешь поступить хорошо - поступай правильно" ("I've been fed lies I can't comprehend. I've become but a mere seed again. And I'll prophesize the end. Now. I have yet begun to fight. There is no fear in my heart"). Но уж точно не приемлют "низший", он же эстетический, принцип жизни ради наслаждения, удовлетворения наиболее низменных, потребительских инстинктов ("Your illusions are comfort for your conscience. My sacrifices will be made in honor of what is truly sacred").
Конечно, гипертрофированность юношеских переживаний пока находит отражение в текстах Джасты, полных фатализма, уверенности в неизбежности итогового поражения ("In the end I'll rot"). Но даже это не заставляет его сдаться; ведь он живёт, пока в нём горит страсть, и удовлетворение этой страсти (см. название альбома) приведёт к окончанию осмысленного бытия - и это будет даже хуже смерти... Хотя, безусловно, в будущем посыл у Hatebreed станет заметно более оптимистичным.
...Ах, да, что же там с музыкой-то? Нужно сказать, что хоть "Satisfaction..." от "Perseverance", в силу различных обстоятельств, и отделило без малого пять лет, узнаваемые принципы сочинения песен без проблем видны уже здесь. Разве что здесь чуть больше чисто хардкорных скоростных запилов, да продолжительность треков даже скромнее привычных показателей - от полутора до двух с половиной минут максимум. Саунд Hatebreed уже отличает тяга к грув-металлическому жиру (хотя звук не настолько плотен и скомпрессирован, как в нулевые), имеются и первые, не очень смелые, но вполне мясные брейкдауны ("Сonceived Through An Act of Violence" как лучший пример). Голосу Джейми, так и застрявшему навеки на полпути к полноценному надрывному скриму, пока ещё недостает объёма в миксе и выразительности, но общая позиция в подаче уже однозначно установлена. Ну и да: вообще никаких мелодических "соплей", ни захудалого солячка, ни хотя бы просто коротких проявлений лид-гитарного присутствия (сродни слышимому во вступлениях "Another Day, Another Vendetta" или "Horrors of Self"). В общем, это Hatebreed, чёрт возьми! Напористые, грубые, прямолинейные первобытные металкорщики - но далеко не глупые, уж кто бы там что ни говорил. |
You can't save yourself.
2. Burn The Lies
They're so persuasive, with their fucking lies.
Not an ounce of respect.
They'll do anything to sell deception.
Burn the lies.
Their words of ignorance.
Shove them back.
Back down their throats.
All that I have for you is hate.
They will quickly abandon, what little morals they have.
Tell you that you are worth nothing, with no regard for anyone.
3. Before Dishonor
[Back ups by Watt Macintosh]
What make you think everything is this world that you have can be taken away?
In a world this day, it's kill or be killed.
I live each day like it might be my last.
In this lifetime few things are worth fighting for.
My Blood, Your Honor.
Everyone has a destiny.
I'll choose my own! I will not be a victim.
I'll choose my own! My cries won't go unheard
I'll choose my own! I've got to fight for myself
I'll choose my own! And what I hold so true. Destiny!
I'll choose my own destiny and I'll never let anyone take away what I hold so true.
I won't live in denial. And I won't turn the other cheek.
I must remain convicted and never accept this suffering.
I've learned from my mistakes and I've made a promise to myself.
I won't live in the past... I won't live in the past!
I've been affected by your lies and I've let that hold me back.
I wasn't thinking for myself. I wasn't living for myself.
I will not be a victim.
I'll choose my own! My cries won't go unheard
I'll choose my own! I've got to fight for myself
I'll choose my own! And what I hold so true.
What I have in my heart...
What I have in my heart, I'll take to my grave... I'll take to my grave
4. Puritan
Bastard cries, feed the fire.
The burning desire to rob human life.
In this world full of fear of the unknown.
Twisting the perception of the weak.
Lying to progress.
Only achieving greed.
Seated behind the sun.
Myths bleed into one.
Searching for a saviour to lead us through this life.
Where our sanity is undone.
Killing against our will.
Killing for the bastard maker.
The fairy tale.
The non existent.
Salvation so bittersweet the taste brought fear to our tongues.
Preying on the weak.
Fatherless creation encased in the depths of humanity.
They continue to rape and call it purity.
I will not bow down because of out past.
I see now mankind was not meant to last.
5. Conceived Through An Act Of Violence
Thrown into this living hell.
I was thrown into this living hell.
I am the hatred taken from another's life.
Born unwanted, extracted of all that is humane.
No one can relate to my abandonment.
I walk this earth alone in search of salvation.
Forever, Forever.
A tormented seed given a chance to grow.
The end result of moral choice.
Only to live a tortured life as the product of rape.
Under a mother's face of innocence,
And a father with eyes of a demon.
Conceived through an act of violence.
[x4] I was thrown into this living hell.
I didn't ask to be this way.
I was thrown into this living hell.
6. Afflicted Past
Hatred evokes the memories that make your blood run cold. Fear and sorrow push you away from yourself.
How can you face the world?
When you can't face the mirror.
How can you leave your past?
With blood on your hands?
Can you run away all your life?
Can you escape your punishment?
How many times can you start it all again?
How many lies will it take to cover your tracks?
Mo matter how far you go
Those days are right behind.
The facade of your perfect life.
Cannot hide your perfect past.
There is no escape.
7. Prepare For War
Drifting by the heavens unscarred
Yet unhealed before a bleeding cross
Thrown into the ash
I've been crossed like the lies on a clocks face
I've been fed lies I can't comprehend
I've become but a mere seed again
And I'll prophesize the end
I have yet begun to fight
There is no fear in my heart
No cause worthy of my respect
In the End I'll rot
I won't fall prey to deception
Deception is the means by which they profit
Deceit is in their hearts
Evil within their souls
The cruelty by which they exploit
Will never be part of my life
I've been crossed like the lies on a clocks face
I've been fed lies I can't comprehend
I've become but a mere seed again
And I'll prophesize the end
8. Not One Truth
Living as we rot,
Showered with shadows of dreams devoured.
Our souls descend into endless seas of sin.
There's no turning back.
No repenting, no remorse.
Hate stricken creation.
I realize in this world.
[chorus x2]
There is not one truth cast into stone.
Only lies cast into flames.
It's time to burn.
Burn alive.
Burn at the stake.
Our eyes crystal clear, our bodies frozen with fear,
And there's nothing to save us now from endless suffering
and solitude.
We've lost the chance to save this dying world.
So we pay the price, of which no one can afford.
This is our last breath.
The first in a world.
9. Betrayed by Life
In a cold unforgiving world
Alone with fear and weakness
Oppressed and dying slowly
Countless people have been betrayed by life
No one is exempt
No one is safe
So many lives have been taken
So many lives have been ruined
So many lives hang in the balance
So many lives will be lost
Betrayed by life
Betrayed by life
As survivors we are left to mend their wounds
We are left to dry their tears
We are left to pick up the pieces
Of those who have been betrayed by life
10. Mark My Words
I was so blind.
I couldn't see the truth.
I was unable to see how my life was being used.
To be something so miniscule.
Everything i thought was so definite,
I thought was so real was thrown away and will be remembered among unpaling hatred.
Consider my suffering. Through all your pain.
Remember my face. I'm digging your grave.
Since when was so sacred, turning into something so wrong.
Something so important to me.
Cheapened and exploited.
I won't be that way,
I can't, I can't be that way again.
I can't, I won't, I will never let it.
[repeat chorus]
For the rest of your fucking
Life you will mark my words.
11. Last Breath
All the prayers in the world can't bring you back.
It's your last breath, this is our last breath.
Taken from this earth without warning.
Victim of the ultimate injustice.
Nothing will ever make sense of this.
Nothing could have prepared me.
All that is left are memories, and the pieces of a shattered existence.
I wish I could bring back.
Right through your last breath.
I felt you last breath.
All the prayers in the world can't bring you back.
12. Burial For The Living
No on can redeem themselves, no one can be saved.
In a dying world filled with enslavement and endless apathy.
A tortured past and not much future a tattered earth remains,
Destitute and alone in madness.
Burial for the living. Our earth stripped of wealth.
Burial of the living. Our bodies drained of life.
In a world full of enemies,
I'm an enemy of the world.
There is only so long we have to live,
Our dying days are spent waiting for history to repeat itself. Our only hope is vengeance.
13. Worlds Apart
Conditioned to feel nothing.
We turn our backs on all the crimes.
They say what we don't know wont hurt us,
But nothing could be further form the truth.
Cries fall on deaf ears, and the killing continues.
In your uncaring life - we are worlds apart.
In this race doomed to fail - we are worlds apart.
In this system you support - we are worlds apart.
In my soul - we are worlds apart.
14. Driven By Suffering
Every seconds breath life into a reason for dying.
Our ignorance will only stunt our final will to live.
Bound and Gagged.
I feel forced back in a losing race.
I've been stepped on and passed by
But I have enough hope to keep fighting.
All of my pain. Driven by suffering [x2]
Every single choice I must make.
Driven by suffering. [x2]