 Везучая эта группа MARILLION..! Наверное, со времен выхода аж в 1994г. альбома "Brave", только ленивый не обвинял их во всех смертных грехах. Дескать, "исписались" братки в конец и пророчили коллективу, близкую кончину. Ан, нет! Как оказалось, рано ещё списывать в утиль таких флагманов арт/прог-рока, да и достойная смена, пока ещё не подросла, (разве что Porcupine Tree), но сейчас разговор не о них.
Продолжая славные традиции своего "фирменного" песнетворения (которым группа, следует уже не один год) Marillion выпустили очередной альбом, под названием "Somewhere Else".
Вот послушал на днях... Что сказать?.. Наверное нужно всё по порядку. Потому, как альбом получился, уж весьма не однозначный и местами не ровный... и, я думаю, вызовет ещё массу споров и дискуссий.
Нажимаем "play" и... возможно, у вас возникнет ощущение, что первые 3-4 вещи, вообще слушать невозможно - аж выключить захочется! И ощущение отбраковки с "Марблз" не покинет вас минут десять! но... не спешим с выводами. Итак:
The Other Half - вроде, и неплохая, но какая-то уж слишком "рваная". Вещь явно не для начала пластинки! С каким-то нудным припевом, быстро надоедает и начинает раздражать. Хогарт местами не поет, а как-то кричит...
"See It Like A Baby - вроде как сингл с альбома. Cначала, вроде, всё хорошо но... Эх, если бы не слишком примитивный припев, песня получилась бы, что надо. Ну а так, - быстро надоедает... Приторная-попсовость всё портит. А так, сойдет, разве что, для радио-чартов, разбавить загаженый попсой эфир. Хотя, если внимательно вслушаться, то где-то после 3-го прослушивания, можно и здесь найти, приятные уху гармонии...
"Thank You Whoever You Are - тоже самое. Не лишенная мелодизма лирическая композиция. Но, всё портит навязчивый и чрезмерно затянутый припев... Вот вообще, он тут не к месту! Но, зато в середине, классный проигрыш-инструментал!
"Most Toys" - такая себе, песенка. По моему, какая-то не серьёзная, и выбивающаяся из общего контекста альбома.
На этом первая (не хочется говорить, что позорная) часть альбома, к счастью, оканчивается, и дальше начинаются более интересные моменты.
"Somewhere Else" (наверное, лучшая вещь на альбоме! Супер!); "A Voice From The Past"; "No Such Thing" - отличные треки! Здесь присутствует всё: и фирменные "марилионовские" приёмы, неподдельная эмоциональность и приятная гипнотично-затягивающая атмосфера! Как всегда красивая пафосная гитара, нежные клавишные да и вообще "атмосферность" спасают (так до конца и не раскрывшегося) Хогарта "со товарищи", от казалось бы, неизбежного провала.
Нельзя сказать, что "The Wound" и "The Last Century For Man" (с обалденной мощной концовкой!) менее хороши... И хотя в них тоже явно не хватает "рельефности" и сочности, в целом вещи красивые и спокойные (чего не скажешь, о первых треках).
Немного удивило то, что на альбоме нет явной вещи-хедлайнера (то, что было одно из концепций творчества Marillion пост-Фишевского периода) и казалось бы, безупречная "Somewhere Else", всё же как-то меркнет на фоне "Quartz" или " Ocean Cloud" (где Роттери, сыграл просто "по-Гилморовски" великолепно!).
Резюмируя, хочется отметить, что из-за вот таких маленьких (и не очень) огрехов и помарок, не покидает ощущение какой-то недоделанности, небрежности и незавершенности, альбома. Да и в целом, аранжировки могли бы быть "пожирнее" и помасштабнее. Благо, оригинальных задумок и идей, у музыкантов ещё достаточно, а вот реализация, на сей раз, увы, пострадала... |
Signalling a birth
The northern lights, all burning
Hot and cold at the same time
My spirit, white and liquid
And I have learned and I am learning
But I'm rising
Downwards into blue sky
I'm rising
Downwards into blue sky
I am the other half
And you are what I am for
I won't lie to you or hurt you
I'm not like that anymore
I am with you all the time now
One soul. One mind. One heart.
The other half cannot be parted
From the other half
From the other half
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
See It Like A Baby
Look at it as though you've never seen it before
Try and forget it
So you can see it
Taste it like you never tasted it before
Try and forget it
So you can remember it
See it like a baby
See it like a baby
Love her like you've never fallen in love before
Fall out of love with her
So you can remember
Love him like you've never been with him before
Try and forget it
So you can remember it
See it like..
See it like a baby
See it like a baby
See it like
Touch it like
Taste it like
Feel it like
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
THankyou WHoever You Are
What a time this is
Everything changing
Faster than the eye can blink
Faster than we can stop and think
What will the future hold?
Well whatever..
I won't ask you to care
But say you'll be there
If you can't love me tonight
Just remember the light
Remember the light
Thankyou whoever you are
Thankyou whoever you are
If we get half of half a chance
We'll party til dawn. We'll run and dance
Sleep on a train and rent a car
We'll gamble in the South of France
We'll be a friend to this mad world
Happy together
I won't ask you to sign
On some cold dotted line
But if you can love me tonight
I'll remember the light
Only the light
Thankyou whoever you are
Thankyou whoever you are
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
Working Title: Thank You
Most Toys
But he who dies with the most toys....
is still dead.
He who dies with the most toys....
is still dead.
You have to be cool
You have to be hip
You have to be chic
You have to be rich
You have to be young
Whatever that is
You have to listen to what's in and
what's happenin'
He who dies with the most toys....
is still dead.
You have to keep up
Take the right drugs
Know when to be cagey
Know when to shut up
You have to talk fast
Know who to thank
Drive the right car to the right bank
He who dies with the most toys....
is still dead.
Poison your life
As you turn the knife
He who dies with the most toys....
is still dead.
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
Somewhere Else
This rock-star trip. Some serious ship
White-knuckle journey blackened my eye and cut my lip
Better to be a doctor or a man who walks the earth
Hedonistic laughing boys
What's any of it worth?..
Look at myself
Look at myself
Escaped to the car
Drove to a bar somewhere
The beautiful game
Such a thin line between love and hate
Look at myself
Look at myself
Mr Taurus ate a thesaurus
Made the girls cry and skipped straight to the chorus
Mr Taurus had a great fall
All the King's horses were no good at all
No good at all
Here's one I broke earlier
I broke earlier
Woke up in a spaceship of shimmering gold
Tutenkhamen sleeping
Should'a left him alone
Floating round in Orion
Arrow pointing to heaven
Between all the planets
Out in the cold
Everyone I love
Everyone I love
Everyone I love lives somewhere else
And I have time to look at myself
Look at myself
Look at myself
And I've seen enough
I've seen enough
Everyone I love lives somewhere else.
Everyone I love lives somewhere else.
Somewhere Else
Somewhere Else
Somewhere Else
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
Working Title: Here's One I Broke Earlier / Mr. Taurus
A Voice From The Past
A voice from the past
Entered my head today
Fresh and alive. Full of life, passion and pain.
A voice now past.
A beautiful soul. Gone, gone, gone.
Speaking clearly - clearer than the living
Talking perfect sense
Used to not being understood
While talking perfect sense to the next generation
Have we caught up yet?
Is it time?
I think it is.
Enough is enough
Enough is enough
A voice from the past
Entered my head today
Tiny child sighed in my ear.
Giving up breathing in
Over and out
Over and out
Taken by bad luck and the ill fortune of geography.
Common cold. Dirty water. HIV.
Common apathy. Common crime.
Perfect nonsense to the next generation
Dead yet alive
Dead yet alive
Gone but shouting anger
Gone but talking perfect sense
Have we caught up yet?
Is it time? Well I say it is. I say it is.
Deaf and dumbed-down
Enough is enough
Give me a smile. Hold out your hand.
I don't want your money
I don't want your land
Gimme a smile. Hold out your hand.
I don't want your money
I don't want your land
I want you to wake up and do
something strange
I want you to listen
I want you to feel someone else's pain
Someone else's pain
Someone else's pain
Someone else's pain.
Deaf and dumbed-down
Deaf and dumbed-down
A tap with clean water
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
Working Title: Waltz Piano Idea
No Such Thing
There's no such thing
As an answered prayer
There's no such thing
As the ozone layer
There's no such thing
As an action hero
There's no such thing
As an easy ride
There's no such thing
As a place to hide
There's no such thing
As a perfect day
There's no such thing
As the pearly gates
There's no such thing
As an ordered world
There's no such thing
As an easy girl
No such thing
No such thing
There's no such thing
As peace-of-mind
As a faithful wife
As the bottom line
There's no such thing
As owning something
It's all borrowed for a time
It's all borrowed for a time
There's no such thing
There's no such thing
No such thing
There's no such thing
No such thing.
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
The Wound
I've done everything that can be done to heal this wound
Left it on it's own for years
I've done everything that can be done to heal this wound
Left it on it's own for years
Couldn't touch it, didn't pick it, didn't get it wet
It didn't stop the bleeding
I bandaged it, I wrapped it, stitched it, tourniqueted it
I held it stiff and aching in the air
Held it there til I went beserk
Didn't sleep
It didn't work
Didn't stop it weeping
And the wound is your life
And your life took on a life of it's own
(Or so you foolishly thought)
And your life rolled on over me Bang-Bang like 56 train wheels
Every time I heard news of you
And the wound was in every lousy song on the radio
And the pain was like a tree-fern in the dark, damp, forgotten places
Darkness didn't stop her growing
New-born baby cells dividing..
Curled up tight unrolling day by day
Stretching up, stretching out
Forming the same identical shape
Clones. There aint too much sadder than
Clones - relentlessly emerging from the hairy heart of the wound
And the fern is beautiful in it's own way
Uncurling in the dark
Beautiful with no one there to see it
As the wound weeps and aches
(Now there's some sad things known to the man from the planet Marzipan)
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
The Last Century For Man
Here we are
At the beginning of the last century for man
Usin' up parts of the world we haven't even seen or been to
The wretched of the earth exploited
by the rich few
What's new?
If you are not outraged
You haven't been paying attention
If you are not outraged
You haven't been listening
God bless America, I mean it
God bless the UK, I mean it
God bless la belle France, I mean it
And God help us all
Climb into the car
I know that makes you happy
The sound of your laughter
Will get you so far
Grace or disgrace
Can make you a star these days
Reality pays
Let's decide who the terrorists are
God bless America, I mean it
God bless the UK, I mean it
Hats off to China, and India
And Africa too.
Eat all we can
Drink all we can
Use all we can
Do what we can
Screw what we can
Don't miss a chance
In the last century for man
I wanna feel ALIVE
Gas up the 4 wheel drive!..
God bless America, I mean it
God bless the UK
God bless our children
And God help us all
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
What I have here in my hand
Is like faith but not faith
For those without faith also have
What I have here in my hand
What I have here in my hand
Is like feeling but deeper
It's why I am here
What I have here in my hand
Is knowledge without proof
What I have here in my hand
This is what I feel for you
It's why the earth is alive
It makes electricity work
And fire dance in the sky..
Feel it
Feel inside the atoms where the science breaks down
Feel inside the atoms where the science breaks down
If you don't believe in love
You'd have to make it up
You'd have to make it up
You'd have to make it up
What I have here in my hand
Is like faith but not faith
What I have here in my hand
This is what I feel for you
What I have here in my hand
Is like knowing but deeper
It's why I am here
It's why I am here
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
Circular Ride
Life itself is a detail
We talked in a bar under the stars of Copenhagen
She said, "Oh my God! It's so hard, breakin-up.
Oh please say to me I'll survive like Gloria Gaynor"
I said, "You'll be fine. I've been burned but I've learned one thing to bear in mind..
It's only life
A blink of an eye
The lows and the highs
It's only life
A circle of light
It's a circular ride
I said "Oh my head. What goes up comes down..
Turn on the TV - here comes world war 3
My life. Tricky stuff. There aint a drink strong enough."
She said, "You don't need a reason to smile.
C'mon grin. Don't get in a spin.
Open your eyes
The lows and the highs
Stare at the sky
It's only life
It's a circular ride
Wasn't meant to be fair
Or meant to be kind
It's all in the mind
It's only life
It's a circle of light
It's a circular ride
Everybody altogether laughing
Everybody altogether crying
Everybody see you later
Later can be greater
Open your eyes!
The lows and the highs
A blink of an eye
It's only life
It's a circular ride
We're here and we're gone
Like grass on a lawn
The dusk and the dawn
It's only life
It's a circular ride
It's only life
A circle of light
It's only life
It's a circular ride
It's a circular ride
Lyrics: Hogarth
Music: Hogarth, Kelly, Mosley, Rothery, Trewavas
Say the Word
A thousand people in the square today
Pushing by - never come face to face
There might as well be no-one here at all
And I’m so lonely I could cry myself to sleep
I'm hungry for some kind of sign from you
Any excuse for something to say
I'm trembling now there’s nothing I can do
I'm scared in case I scare you away
I wouldn’t ask you for anything
I wouldn't play no silly games
We don't need to be lovers
But we could talk just the same
Take my hand and we're walking out
Take on the world
An unspoken understanding
There's more to me than meets the eye
I don't know you so, tell me, why should I lie?
I'm so tired of everybody here
So proud of what their money bought
I've been storing up all these promises
I would keep if we were to talk
Say the word and we're walking out
Say the word and we'll work it out
Say the word and we'll work it out
Say the word and we'll work it out
Say the word.. and WE'LL WORK IT OUT.