 Эмпиризм – (от греческого empeiria – опыт), философское направление, признающее чувственный опыт единственным источником достоверного знания. Противостоит рационализму.
Советский энциклопедический словарь. 4-е изд. – М., 1989. С. 1570.
Помнится, ровно 20 лет назад, когда стало известно, что товарищ Вортекс (спустя годы вернувшийся в родную гавань) решил покинуть Borknagar ради Dimmu Borgir, народ немного напрягся. И задавался вопросом: “Кто же такую колоритную личность заменит?” А на замену в строй встали Андреас Хэдлунд, он же Винтерсорг, и Ян Эрик Торгерсен, он же Тир, успевший на тот момент отметиться, как сессионный басист Emperor и Satyricon. Результатом такой кадровой рокировки стало некоторое изменение музыки уважаемых норвежцев, и не могу сказать, что данные творческие пертурбации в сторону прога меня сильно расстроили, скорее, даже наоборот. Стал виден реальный творческий потенциал коллектива. В первую очередь следует сказать про звучание – оно более чем превосходно. Саунд был буквально отполирован до зеркального блеска, “Empiricism” прямо-таки сияет, как новенький пятак. И что бы ни говорили любители тру-блэка и гаражно-подвального звука (Darkthrone и раннюю Гражданскую Оборону в расчёт брать не будем – там концепция), такое звучание пошло диску только на пользу. Оно позволило раскрыться и клавишным выкрутасам Лазаря, и безладовому басу Тира, и вокалу Винтерсорга. Последний стал полноценной заменой Вортекса у микрофонной стойки, хотя я никогда не был поклонником его скрима ни в Vintersorg, ни в Borknagar – на мой взгляд, он слабоват. Насчёт Хэдлунда следует сказать ещё пару слов: у меня сложилось впечатление, что швед приволок с собой в группу энное количество музыкальных идей, ибо материал “Cosmic Genesis”, последнего на тот момента альбома его персонального проекта, ощутимо роднится с тем, что мы слышим на обозреваемом опусе. И дело тут не только в вокале, который объективно очень и очень хорош.
Фолковые мотивы, что неотъемлемо присутствовали на первых трёх альбомах группы, растворились, как туман над фьордом. Могучей нордической языческой эстетики, что наполняла холодным ветром и атмосферой суровой северной природы “Borknagar”, “The Olden Domain” и “The Archaic Curse” больше нет. Так же бесследно исчезли блэковая ярость и отчаяние, что отчётливо проявили себя годом ранее на “Quintessence”. Наступила эпоха модерна и прогресса, и место древнескандинавской архаики и блэковых фрустрации и недовольства заняли отстранённое холодное философствование и уверенность в собственных силах. Именно по этой причине, на мой взгляд, название альбома никак не соответствует содержанию, ибо чувств, что должны, согласно эмпирической философии являться инструментом познания окружающего мира и самого себя, на “Empiricism” исчезающее мало. Пятый альбом Borknagar предельно рассудочен, Ойстен Брюн с соратниками создал максимально рациональную, но от этого не менее прекрасную, картину. Это работа действительно талантливых мастеров своего дела, которые знают, что и как необходимо сделать для получения шедевра. Браво, Borknagar! |
Twine the existence, sense of serene
Thousand senses of virtual faction
Existential inputs production of mind
Instinctive, raised to find
As the salt in the sea, burns in me
Forever, the taste in your mouth is I
Eternising the soul soaked estate
Solvable as fractional fragments
Divine gracious divulgence
Pulse, rotation, the spine of creations
Wane as the circle of zero
As the salt in the sea, burns in me
Forever, the taste in your mouth is I
Eternising the soul soaked estate
Solvable as fractional fragments
The genuine pulse - the link of a thousand senses
The genuine pulse - entire celestial allegiance
The genuine pulse - dense induce of the indomitable
Never to fail thus existence I sail
Through the elements of four
The zephyr, the sullen breath
Horizons of history re-erodent
The haven, where the stars are set
Constellations of manifestation
Glow, expanding through forever
Measure the circle of eternity
The treasure of ability
The Genuine Pulse
2. Gods Of My World
"The gods are great, I am the greatest"
Mother of earth, mother of all
Father of air, father of all
Brother in flames
Sister of seas
Gods of my world, behold...
Flame my desire
To grow and to breed
The wisdom I need
Gather in the storms asunder
Condone the cosmic hibernation
Steam of rivers, the hive of oceans
Praise the father's of all significance
The reckless burden of existence
I ace the rise of the furious
The amend forces
The amend course
Gods of my world, behold...
Pour rain on the fire
The fire that burns
The day of my birth
Gods of my world, behold...
Flame my desire
To grow and to breed
The wisdom I need
Gather in the storms asunder
Condone the cosmic hibernation
Steam of rivers, the hive of oceans
Recollection, my soul connection
The thrive of reflection, affection
Forever you'll be the tongue of mine
Through time and existence
By instincts divine
Forever you'll be the sight of mine
Through time and existence
By visions divine
3. The Black Canvas
The very maxim of the universe
Portrayed by the greatness the stars rehearse
Premeditated by nature's sense
A modest exuberance so intense
That every mind has failed to grase it
Forged by time on the last of eternity
Complex constructions - a stellar fraternity
Spread out on a canvas of deepest black
The white glowing softness a fierce attack
On every space still to be filled by matter
A pursuance of that very first creation
Expansion and a constant alteration
The fringes of the canvas always stir
The boundary is bathing in a blur
Forged by time on the last of eternity
Complex constructions - a stellar fraternity
Spread out on a canvas of deepest black
The white glowing softness a fierce attack
That odious draught: insufficiency
Touched man as he climbed himself mentally
Alone with his newborn dexterity
Came death to his fear - a corollary
Of the fact that the stars never sensed his presence
The very maxim of the universe
Portrayed by the greatness the stars rehearse
Even Narcissus would drown in the sky
If his eyes ever rose from the mirror ponds
This radiant image, a stellar high
Eternally feeding the gnostions: "why"
To which every nightsky's a vast response
A pursuance of that very first creation
Expansion and a constant alteration
The fringos of the canvas always stir
The boundary is bathing in a blur
Forged by time on the last of eternity
Complex constructions - a stellar fraternity
Spread out on a canvas of deepest black
The white glowing softness a fierce attack
4. Matter & Motion
Always moving
Searching for patters
Digging for angles
Clutching at straws, climbing in air
Opening doors, closing windows
Expanding in our world
And outside
5. Soul Sphere
The guest of omniscience
Forthright eloquence
To behold the end of horizon
Observation of foresights
Inhaling circulations of the soul
The aura of stars, the fusion of frequencies
Measure of all, the blur of the frame that ceases
The certitude of generations adherent
Porpotual folkways of the soul sphere
I grant my visions, the burden I bear
The aura of stars, the fusion of frequences
Measure of all, the blur of the frame that ceases
I am midst by the cause of reality
Entwined by the senses of fantasy
I have walked through fields of grievance
Eras of spiritual fragmentation
I have walked through the wood's of peasants
Dawn of the souls solar morning
The certitude of generations adherent
Porpotual folkways of the soul sphere
I grant my visions, the burden I bear
The guest of omniscience
Forthright eloquence
To spear the hallow star
Conservation of the solar fuse
Exhaling circulations of the soul
The aura of stars, the fusion of frequences
Measure of all, the blur of the frame that ceases
I have fallen through spheres of diversity
Eras of ending spiritual solemnity
Opened the gate of ion fire
The warming well of wisdom
Soul sphere - the fusion of senses
Soul sphere - the pulse of energy
Reflection of a soul's tear
Soul sphere - the fusion of senses
Soul sphere - the pulse of energy
"I am the soul in the sphere. The sphere of the heir"
The certitude of generations adherent
Porpotual folkways of the soul sphere
I grant my visions, the burden I bear
6. Inherit The Earth
The parade of the quaternary symbiosis
Token of a divided existence
Univocal sense of the hallow consistence
A silver stream of cryonics stars
The corrosion of the reality narcosis
Negligence makes the future tense
Axis bent into never ending continuance
Exploring new ground, inverse and far
Coequal nexus of neural perception
Pre-eminant sample of hastins ions
Inherit the Earth
By the instinct of the fallen creation
The bow of the axis, inversely
Inherit the Earth
Conqual nexus of neural perception
Circular reminisce of history lair
Inherit the Earth
By the instinct of the rising creation
To bend the axis, eternally
Inherit the Earth
Past, present and future
Angels of thrice, fusion twice
Past, present and future
Inherit the Earth
By the instinct of the fallen creation
The bow of the axis, inversely
Inherit the Earth
By the instinct of the rising creation
To bend the axis, eternally
Inherit the Earth
7. The Stellar Dome
"Who am I to behold?"
Time revises the existence
Forms the timelessness of substance
Thousand paths of furious chaos
Circles the spine of the universe
All the ways that I have been
All the stars that I have seen
I have seen the haven of eternity
The hive of random universal unions
Expire, expand to extinction
Energised by the primal reflections
Resile the innermost inning
The energetics of the substance
Enframing the salt of existence
The gloat characters of the gods
All the ways that I have been
All the stars that I have seen
I have seen the path of eternity
Solid constellations, formations
Sinking, through the black substance
The Stellar Dome
My haven, my home
Through aeons sterile yet stentorian
I am circling twice my visions
Thrice the bait, dive with faith
Docipher of the immersed profuse
The frequency of foresight
The archetype
Of the stellar dome
8. Four Element Synchronicity
Glomeration of the four's constructiviness
An intelligental substance permanent
I sensed the elemental tenderness
In the mind, in Nature's argument
To breed, to grow, to peak, to be reborn
Like a sine curve in an endless loop
The day's crescendo dusk adorn
A process ending in the crescent's droop
An example of what the substantial quartet can procreate
Synchronized they operate
Water feed earth's production
While fire is fed by air's viability
Which compose water's construction
The flux that strengthen earth's ability
Nature's own artful methodology
Where downfall becomes the interlude
Laws, which bases our current cosmology
Completing the constant vicissitude
From storm-beaten mountains to calm-running rivers
As old as the planets rotation
A work of an unknown intellact delivers
The symbiosis, the perfect combination
Water feed earth's production
While fire is fed by air's viability
Which compose water's construction
The flux that strengthen earth's ability
Still though. provoken by a fifth force
A dark companion, Vacuum, Devastation
But somehow the harmony stays on course
With the quartet's unity as profane creator
The result, arrangements filtered through our eyes
Several polarities evolveed into a symmetrical guise
To breed, to grow, to peak, to be reborn
Like a sine curve in an endless loop
The day's crescendo dusk adorn
A process ending in the crescent's droop
9. Liberated
From every human complexity
And nature's twisted analogy
An urge to explain - to understand
Springs out with the nation to expand
The narrow view of what we are
Could a mathematical formula
Improve our existential stamina
Would explaining our kin universally
Keep up our vital vivacity
Or would it onshroud us in disillusion
The notion of our emancipation
Lies far from any genuine liberation
Seeking a detailed explanation
We think therefore we're cursed
As questions multiply with every solution
The "why" stands untouchable - no intrusion
A constant flow of total inconstancy
A natural starfelt divinity
Could a mathematical formula
Improve our existential stamina
Would explaining our kin universally
Keep up our vital vivacity
Or would it onshroud us in disillusion
The notion of our emancipation
Lies far from any genuine liberation
Seeking a detailed explanation
We think therefore we're blessed
A Machiavellian way of thought
In struggle with all that society sought
A full explanation's the king of our dreams
To know: what's our role in the scheme of schemes
Where is our place in this order of chaos?
The notion of our emancipation
Lies far from any genuine liberation
Seeking a detailed explanation
We think therefore we are
10. The View Of Everlast
Great and pounding in its way
Stirring the roaming cosmic sea
Oceans rise, planets igneous fall
As chaos and beauty in fierce rage
Furious are the storms
Forever its rage carries on
Disintergrating to create, upon fate
Wearing the web of solar cast
Hasting the view of Everlast
Exploding Imploding
Ascending, Descending
A spear through life and death
Exploding Imploding
Poised in all chaos directions
In fierce affection
Spawning the orbs of furious light
My sons of fire, you're children of the storm
Breeder of life, harvester of all
The last breath of the fall
Exploding Imploding
Ascending, Descending
A spear through life and death
Exploding Imploding
Poised in all chaos directions
In fierce affection
Weaving the web of solar cast
Hasting the views of Everlast