« The Awakening »
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| 01 I Will Never Let You Down 03:34
 | | 02 Let Go 03:58
 | | 03 Another Cold Day 04:35
 | | 04 My Time Has Come 03:41
 | | 05 Life is Too Short 03:42
 | | 06 Give Me A Reason 03:56
 | | 07 Stop Running 03:19
 | | 08 The Awakening 03:53
 | | 09 I Believe.. |
 | | 10 Rise and Fight 03:37
 | | 11 Nowhere to Run, No Place to Hide 03:38
 | | 12 I'll Show No Fear 03:29 |
Manufactured and distributed by Warner Music Australia |
 | 1. I Will Never Let You Down
Wake up,
Stand up for everything you want
Let's go, let's live,
What are your dreams,
What do you wish?
It's up to you,
So open up your eyes
And see,
What could be
The world is there for us!
For us!
We Will Be Together
To love
For life,
Let al |
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 Калибан мне приглянулись еще с альбома 2006 года как быстрая жесткая металкор команда. Честно говоря, я ждал альбома "The Awakening", не сказать что с нетерпением, но ждал. Теперь непосредственно об альбоме. Альбом получился хороший. Парни поют о проблемах насущной жизни, грязных серых буднях и прочем дерьме. Хотя в песне "I'll Never Let You Down" четко просматривается любовная тема. В игре Калибан достаточно мелодики (местами Калибан - mdm), но в то же время мало американщины, они редко следуют схеме "куплет гроулингом - припев чистым вокалом". Я не утверждаю, что это плохо, но это стало клише для многих команд, играющих в данном стиле. В данном альбоме в таком стиле есть несколько песен. Ну раз есть, то можно сказать о чистом вокале. Он ничуть не портит музыку. Он красив, он какой-то отвлеченный от всего, им заслушиваешься, он действительно чистый (за чистый вокал отвечает один из гитаристов - Деннис Шмидт). Часто в припеве, где есть чистый вокал, бэком идет и голос Андреаса Дёрнера (lead-vocal группы). Мощный и в то же время надрывный, пробирающий до костей ммм... гроулинг, иногда плавно перетекающий в скриминг, и наоборот. Но это - то, что нужно к такой музыке (кстати, в песне "Life is Too Short" наоборот - в припеве бэком идет чистый, вот это красота, у меня это вызывает ассоциации с неким светящимся ярким слепящим ореолом, ну у кого как). Ударник работает очень грамотно, к нему никаких претензий. Пробегусь по песням. У Калибан в этом альбоме лиричных песен только одна, заглавная, "The Awakening". Очень красивая песня, однако в конце песни спокойствие прерывается, Калибан начинают играть в своем привычном ключе. Остальные песни можно отнести к "боевикам", однако "боевики" все разные. Как я уже сказал, в некоторых песнях есть чистый вокал, например, в "I'll Never Let You Down", там его вообще довольно много, "My Time Has Come", немного в "Life Is Too Short". В остальных песнях мы слышим только Дёрнера. Альбом мне очень понравился, однако парни слегка однообразны, но это ничуть не снижает моей оценки. В год действительно выходит 4-5 таких отличных альбомов. |
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Действительно отличный альбом. На этой работе жутко консервативные металкорщики Caliban, похоже, собрали все клише и штампы и выжали из них все до последнего, выдав при этом классный материал. Гитаристы играют вполне себе обычные, но цепляющие металкорные риффы, ударник молотит отлично, Андреас Дёрнер все так же агрессивно орет. В чем группе не откажешь, так это в очень мощных и качевых, на мой взгляд брейкдаунах, сопровождающих практически каждую песню. В отличие от предыдущей работы чистого вокала стало поменьше, но совершенно не кажется, что его мало. Теперь он редок, но меток. Само качество вокала, за который отвечает гитарист Деннис Шмидт, очень хорошее, я бы даже назвал его воздушным. Если пройтись по песням, то я бы выделил любовную "I Will Never Let You Down", "My Time Has Come" с классным припевом, абсолютный концертный хит "Nowhere to Run, No Place to Hide" (поищите в интернете видео с live-исполнением этой песни, поверьте, такой слэм в толпе очень редко встретишь) и завершающий номер "I'll Show No Fear". Отдельные моменты песен "I Believe" и "Rise and Fight" напомнили мне творчество группы Arch Enemy. Спокойная песня на альбоме всего одна - заглавная "The Awakening", в которой почти на всем протяжении играет грустная мелодия на клавишных.
В итоге 8, отличный альбом, хотя и собранный из клише и штампов. |
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просмотров: 18032 |
Let me lead,
To be free!
Let me be
Your eyes forever mine
Let me be
Your guide through this life
What is real,
What is fake,
You'll never know for sure
All the pain,
All the lies,
I'll take them away from you,
It's up to you,
So open up your eyes
And see,
What could be
The world is there for us!
There for us!
Let me be
Your eyes forever mine
Let me be
Your guide through this life
I will never let you down!
We will be together
To love
For life,
Let all go,
Let me lead,
To be free!
2. Let Go
When I remember the past sad grey days, when I surrender - I will never smile again.
Look in my eyes - a killing lance.
Love can hurt and that is no secret, but how much pain can I forget?
Everything you let go - brings liberation.
Everything we let go - leads to salvation.
The time we split I felt this anger, you were my blaze but pulled my anchor.
Every cloud has a silver lining and that's blessing in disguise.
Everything you let go - brings liberation. Everything we let go - leads to salvation.
When I remember the past sad grey days, the cold September when you said goodbye, look in my eyes - a killing glance.
Every end is a new beginning, I'm looking forward to rise from the dust!
Everything you let go - brings liberation.
Everything we let go - leads to salvation.
3. Another Cold Day
With open arms, I am waiting.
With open arms, I see the end.
With open arms, I am dying - dying a mournful death.......
.....the landscape wipes out my tears, it's greyness stings my eyes, where the hell is the gloom?
What the fuck, I am so doomed!
Starlight from the sky - lead my heart and tell me why, starlight from the sky - tell me why!!!
With open arms, I am crying.
With open arms, I'm going down.
Wind blows my joy away, help me out of these mournful days....
Starlight from the sky - lead my heart and tell me why, starlight from the sky - tell me why!!!
Too many days I had no faith.
I wish I had someone to blame.
Someone to blame.
Starlight from the sky - lead my heart and tell me why, starlight from the sky - tell me why!!! WHY!!!!
4. My Time Has Come
I fought my way through the darkest days
Out into the light I was scared and I cried
But I believed in something more
You are guilty for
This darkness you gave my everyday
Everytime you pushed me away
The coldness you had shown me everyday
You'll never hurt me again
No mercy for the merciless
No forgiveness
I was not willing to believe that's all
All the pain
All the tears
All the lies
There was a great spark in the dark
A shining mark
This darkness you gave my everyday
Everytime you pushed me away
The coldness you had shown me everyday
You'll never hurt me again
Your time is gone
My time has come
Your life is done
This darkness you gave my everyday
Everytime you pushed me away
The coldness you had shown me everyday
You'll never hurt me again
No mercy for the merciless
No forgiveness
5. Life Is Too Short
Dead end and no way back
Walls came crashing down on me
Whatever I try
Whatever I do
My mind will go insane
Change is the headline and I am reborn
All the crying
All the mourning is gone
I woke up with a new view of life
I don't know what has happened to the past
Life is too short to think all through
Life is too short to waste it all
So listen to your heart
And help your dreams
To come true
Life is too short
Too many dreams kept in the dark
Too many wishes are blown away for nothing
A new time
A new chance
I am a rising star
I am back
I will fight
I will love again
I woke up with a new view of life
I don't know what has happened to the past
Life is too short to think all through
Life is too short to waste it all
Life is too short
6. Give Me A Reason
Let me remind you of the cold mountain skies, the time we felt this red - hot fire inside.
I'd like to picture it again.
Your pretty face and blazing eyes.
In front of these burning skies.....
So give me a reason - I just need a sign.
I think I really love you.
I think I'm supposed to fight.
Please let us repeat this time, let's save what we had.
I'm afraid to lose my mind with you on my side.
I don't know why I'm still here.
So give me a reason - I just need a sign.
I think I really love you.
I think I'm supposed to fight.
I need your promise or a kiss.
Show me the way out of the abyss.
Give me a reason.
I think I really love you.
I think I'm supposed to fight.
7. Stop Running
Don't be afraid of me, I'll be there for you - night and day.
Let me be your friend.
Give me the chance to conclude.
Let me erase this time, cause when I look around, I see just pain .
This awful time that makes you cry.
Let me be your friend.
Give me the chance to conclude what drives you insane.
Don't run away away from your inner fears, I'll be there for you - forever - whatever you'll say.
I'll be there for you - forever - in every way.
So what's your answer now, are we friends or should I leave you alone - I'll show you things which make you laugh.
I'll show you thinks which makes you smile.
Let me be your friend.
Give me the chance to conclude what drives you insane.
8. The Awakening
I buried my dreams out of my fear to fail.
But this fear created a hope that woke me up....
9. I Believe...
I believe in my dreams for that as long as I will breathe.
I will never sacrifice myself for you again....
I won't be chained to you, my heart needs something new.
I will give you....I believed in what I saw, in what I had done.
I'll keep my eyes wide open to satisfy myself more than once again.
I will give you nothing more!
Can't you see how I feel?
I won't be chained to you, my heart needs something new.
10. Rise And Fight
What do you expect from life if you just watch and wait.
What do you expect from life?
You sit there in your rocking chair, complaining and cursing about everything.....
It is up to you, it is up to us to bring the change, to start the fight
For you, for us, I will rise before we die.
For you, for us, I will fight to be satisfied.
We are the world.
We are the force.
Together we can win the fight.
We all see the news, we all feel the fear.
But we do nothing against it, wake up and rise for what you want, for what you wish, together we can break free.
It is up to you, it is up to us to bring the change, to start the fight.
For you, for us, I will rise before we die.
For you, for us, I will fight to be satisfied.
11. Nowhere To Run, No Place To Hide
No regrets!
You caused me so much pain,
I can still feel the wounds
You left on my tortured skin...
I won't forget your chainsaw
And the games you played.
Come on, little angel,
Will you play my game
I'm full of hate
And this hate is eternal,
Are you sure you want this fight?
I'll fight with all my heart,
There is no time to pray,
No time to cry.
I'll fight with all my hate,
There's nowhere to run,
No place to hide.
You kept me in this dark hole,
It was like living hell,
With my open wounds that never healed,
You gave me my own blood,
You took it from my heart.
But now I'm free again
And I'll come for you.
And now is the time to strike back...
It will be hard and painful,
No mercy anymore.
There is no more forgiveness!
I'll fight with all my hate,
There's nowhere to run,
No place to hide.
12. I'll Show No Fear
I'm far away from home,
I see the deep blue sky being in a different time,
Nothing matters, no one cares
We have so many ways to go,
But I will always go my way
There will be fear and cries of pain
I'll show no tear and won't complain
Why can't you stay away from me,
I found a key to live my dream
Don't tell me who I am,
I live my life how I want to
You tell me to be someone else
To be what I don't want to be
Respect me, or leave me alone, I am what I am
Nothing matters, no on cares
And to be honest
I don't care
There will be fear and cries of pain
I'll show no tear and won't complain
Why can't you stay away from me,
I found a key to live my dream
Don't tell me who I am,
I live my life how I want to