Poets of the Fall
« Signs of Life »
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1 | Lift
 | 2 | Overboard
 | 3 | Late Goodbye
 | 4 | Don't Mess With Me
 | 5 | 3 AM
 | 6 | Stay
 | 7 | Seek You Out
 | 8 | Shallow
 | 9 | Everything Fades
 | 10 | Someone Special
 | 11 | Illusion & Dream
 | 12 | Sleep |
   Mark vocals
Ollie guitars
Captain keyboards & production |
Times when I just can't
Bring myself to say it loud
'Fraid that what I'll say comes out somehow awry
That is when it seems
We move in circles day to day
Twist the drama of the play to get us by
And it feels like fear
Like I'll disappear
Gets so hard to steer
Yet I go on
Do we nee |
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 Чем подкупают и сразу располагают к себе слушателя коллективы, подобные Poets Of The Fall? Стильной сдержанностью и отсутствием разнузданной несерьёзности, свойственной многим современным альтернативным командам. Финским музыкантам удалось создать на удивление сбалансированный и аккуратный релиз, где в равных пропорциях фигурируют и дополняют друг друга лёгкие, в меру трогательные мелодии, капелька эфирной меланхоличности и спокойная, немного прохладная атмосфера.
Представленные на «Signs of Life» искренние и словно невесомые композиции на удивление хороши, в меру лиричны и способны обогатить новыми оттенками практически любое настроение слушателя. Превосходный эмоциональный вокал и томные переливы акустических гитар усиливают лирическую направленность музыкальных идей Poets Of The Fall. Как ни достойно порицания это громкое и набившее оскомину в любом другом случае суждение, но на пластинке хит следует за хитом, а их носитель долгое время не будет извлечён из проигрывателя. Отдельного упоминания заслуживает «Late Goodbye», навеянная пессимистичными порывами главного героя компьютерной игры «Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne» — одна из по-настоящему трогательных композиций, и не только в пределах жанра.
Не стоит воспринимать «Signs of Life» как диск с просто удобной для восприятия «фоном» музыкой: прочувствованный лиризм обязан найти отклик и у подростков с их сердечными переживаниями, и с тем же успехом способен облечь в новые краски поблёкшие воспоминания у взрослых. Очарование альбома способны оценить приверженцы совершенно разных жанров, и все, кто неравнодушен к стильной, в меру энергичной, немного изысканной музыке.
Восхитительный осенний альбом — отличный спутник для прогулок по усыпанных опавшей листвой набережным и паркам или уютного вечера дома с чашечкой кофе. |
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Финская группа с красивым названием «Poets of the Fall» во времена выпуска данного альбома занимала на тамошней сцене примерно ту же нишу, что A-ha в Норвегии, а именно - исключительно качественной, мелодичной и лиричной музыки с потрясающим вокалом, с поправкой на усиленное влияние рок-составляющей. По сути, «Signs of Life» - еще один пример того, насколько рокопопс «там» разительно отличается от рокопопса «здесь». В этих песнях нет ни глупости, ни пошлости, ни занудных заумствований, их вполне можно просто насвистывать на ходу, и при этом не стыдно признаться друзьям в том, что ты «и такое слушаешь». И, в то же время, переоценивать их музыку не стоит: стандартные схемы, стандартные припевы, предсказуемая структура альбома, никакого новаторства. Выделяешь, прежде всего, хитяру «Overboard» с исключительно прилипчивым припевом и приятно-воздушной мелодией, Суоми-версию песни «Что такое осень?» под названием «Everything Fades», да достойную особого выделения акустическую балладу «Illusion & Dream». Немедленно после прослушивания этой композиции ее хочется выучить наизусть и на ближайшем свидании сыграть своей девушке. Эх, был бы у меня еще такой голос, как у Марка... В остальном - больше фоновая музыка, но очень приятная. |
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просмотров: 25724 |
When it seems too late
Like I bleed but wait
Like nothing's wrong
You lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,
Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mine
You lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,
Where all new wonders will appear
Like the other day
I thought you won't be coming back
I came to realize my lackluster dreams
And among the schemes
And all the tricks we try to play
Only dreams will hold their sway and defy
When it feels like fear...
I see you crying and it rains, washing away the bad days, washing away the pain loss brings...
And then you smile though it aches, cos you don't believe in mistakes, just that we made a mess of things...
When the deal that you made with love is just a one way street, a one way street, you feel you'll go overboard, cos you're incomplete, incomplete.
You're not afraid to rely on any way you can try to learn to make some sense of things.
And the way you say we'll get by, with a little laugh we can fly, you know the measure of hope that brings.
I hear you laughing like a child, instead of choking all riled, instead of staring at shortcomings.
Just like the rain when you cried washed all the stains of false pride,
you'll learn to make the best of things.
Have a little more of not enough
More of what is less but isn't love
Little of the same you're dreaming of
That's enough, that's enough.
in our headlights, staring, bleak, beer cans, deer's eyes
on the asphalt underneath, our crushed plans and my lies
lonely street signs, powerlines, they keep on flashing, flashing by
and we keep driving into the night
it's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye
and we keep driving into the night
it's a late goodbye
your breath hot upon my cheek, and we crossed, that line
you made me strong when I was feeling weak, and we crossed, that one time
screaming stop signs, staring wild eyes, keep on flashing, flashing by
and we keep driving into the night
it's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye
and we keep driving into the night
it's a late goodbye
the devil grins from ear to ear when he sees the hand he's dealt us
points at your flaming hair, and then we're playing hide and seek
I can't breathe easy here, less our trail's gone cold behind us
till' in the john mirror you stare at yourself grown old and weak
and we keep driving into the night
it's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...
Sometimes I know there's nothing to say.
So do I pick up my puzzle and just walk away?
Do I follow my conscience?
Am I mock sincere?
I don't know what I'm doing here.
I have a knack for perceiving things.
I can see how it sounds.
I can feel how it sings.
When you paint me an image of who you are,
I know it's the best by far.
Don't, don't, don't mess my hair, if all you do is fake it.
Don't, don't, don't say you care, cos I could never shake it.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
No point of view is enough to quell,
the rigors of passion in this world I dwell.
If I'm going to scale the highest wall,
I'm gonna give it my all.
Riding along with this train of thought,
I see everything, I find all I sought.
And I try to kick the habit of trying to reach.
But there's something I do beseech.
So please,
Don't, don't, don't mess my hair, if all you do is fake it.
Don't, don't, don't say you care, cos I could never shake it.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
I'll say it's not surprising.
You're sweet talking, mesmerizing, juicy and appetizing.
But will I need to get over you?
Feels like my sun is rising.
Tick, tick, tick, synchronizing, readjusting, organizing me.
Is this fiction reality?
Bless the uncompromising
with no shame for advertising
when my needs go through downsizing
I need someone to pick up my beat.
My dreams need realizing.
Candles on sugar icing.
Judgment and harmonizing,
or it'll end up like before.
Don't, don't, don't mess my hair, if all you do is fake it.
Don't, don't, don't say you care, cos I could never shake it.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
Don't, don't, don't mess with me.
3 AM
More than you know it I'm aware
Of this connection that we share
I know it seems like sometimes I don't care
But you are the colors that I wear
It's been a few hours, nearly dawn
You've been real quiet all along
Now, I cannot help but think there's something wrong
Hey baby, what's going on?
3 AM we seemed alright, couldn't be better
On our way into the light
Now 3 AM is gone, along with when there's nothing wrong
3 AM it seemed alright
If I have been thoughtless, let me know
I can take a hint you know, though I'm a little slow
Don't keep it in you, lest it take root and grow
The bottom line here's I love you so
3 AM we seemed alright, couldn't be better
On our way into the light
Now 3 AM is gone, along with when there's nothing wrong
3 AM it seemed alright
3 AM we seemed alright, like never better
On our way into the light
Now 3 AM is gone, along with when there's nothing wrong
3 AM it seemed alright
3 AM...
Morning comes slow today
Memories push through from yesterday
Where will I be tomorrow
What will I have to show
From my life
Stay, I need you here for a new day to break
Stay, I want you near, like a shadow in my wake
Flow with life down the drain
Memories and force of will sustain
Where will I be tomorrow
What will be left to show
It's the little things, little things, little things, that make the world.
Never said you'd promise anything
Never told to trust you blindly
Never thought you'd hurt me either
Never had a chance now ain't that so
Never should've wept when you let go
Never thought you'd push me away
Sad as it may be
I'm glad it's over finally
Speaks volumes of me
When letting go is never easy
So I'll seek you out, just to find myself
And I'll worry 'bout consequences later
I hear you out, till I hear myself
Hear myself in you
Never knew if we were really true
Never thought I'd ever get to you
Never thought I'd end up like this
Never was I stronger than I'm now
Never felt this much a fool somehow
Never had much thought for myself
More in my face
Than is my taste
I grow so weary I'll surrender
To what they say
Let them lead the way
Till' I can no longer remember
My darling dreams
Prewritten scenes
Whatever felt my own
So to save face
I'll take my place
Where I may safely feel alone
Glad the waters are so shallow
When the river runs so cold
I'm quick to wait
Too slow to take
They call me gracious for my patience
And I feel proud
Under that shroud
And all the while it's all evasion
Some humor here
To fend off fear
And I'm a little more lost, oh dear
So to save face
I'll hold my place
So I may safely feel alone...
Silly thoughts of small deeds. Everything that once answered to your needs. The thoughtless but kind. The caring but blind. Everything fades away.
Everything fades away, come turning of the tide. For your love I'm sorry. For your pain, don't worry. Everything fades away.
Silhouettes and false leads. That which drew you, like a crow to glass beads. Secrets spied. Wishes sighed. Everything fades away.
All I'm saying is don't give up, when you're getting so close.
All I'm saying is don't give up, it's the right way you chose.
I wake up to the sound of rain upon my sill
Pick up the pieces of my yesterday old thrill
Can I deliver this used up shiver
To how I pronounce my life
And leave it up to faith to go by its own will
Back row to the left
A little to the side
Slightly out of place
Look beyond the light
Where you'd least expect
There's someone special
A foggy morning greets me quietly today
I smell a fragrance in the wind blowing my way
And ever further I run to find her
I yearn to define my life
Placing my faith in chance to meet me in half way
Back row to the left
A little to the side
Slightly out of place
Look beyond the light
Where you'd least expect
There's someone special
And she's here to write her name
On my skin with kisses in the rain
Hold my head and ease my pain
In a world that's gone insane...
Look in my eyes I'll make you see
We're drifting aimlessly
Blind in a world of make believe
Hear them sing their songs off key
N' nod like they agree
Buying the need to be discreet
I've got no hand in matters worldly, I hardly care at all
What's going on fails to concern me, Cos I'm locked behind my wall
But you know what drives me out
Out of my mind
It's whatever makes you see, makes you believe
And forget about the premonition you need to conceive
That the images they sell are illusion & dream
In other words dishonesty
If I speak Ill, please, humor me
Won't rant on endlessly
Just thought I'd try to make you see
It doesn't solve a thing to dress it in a pretty gown
A stone will not need you to guess if
You're still going to drown
So you know what drives me out
Out of my mind
It's whatever makes you see, makes you believe
And forget about the premonition you need to conceive
That the images they sell are illusion & dream
In other words dishonesty
So can you name your demon?
Understand its scheming
I raise my glass and say "here's to you"
Can you chase your demon?
Or will it take your freedom?
I raise my class and say "here's to you"
I've got no hand...
Hear your heartbeat
Beat a frantic pace
And it's not even seven AM
You're feeling the rush
of anguish settling
You cannot help showing them in.
Hurry up then
Or you'll fall behind and
They will take control of you
And you need to heal
The hurt behind your eyes
Fickle words crowding your mind
Sleep, sugar, let your dreams flood in,
Like waves of sweet fire, you're safe within
Sleep, sweetie, let your floods come rushing in,
And carry you over to a new morning
Try as you might
You try to give it up
Seems to be holding on fast
It's hand in your hand
A shadow over your
A beggar for soul in your face
Still it don't matter
If you won't listen
If you won't let them follow you
You just need to heal
Make good all your lies
Move on and don't look behind
Day after day
Fickle visions
Messing with your head
Fickle, vicious
Sleeping in your bed
Messing with your head
Fickle visions
Fickle, vicious