 Как-то в интервью Lee Dorrian, лидер и вокалист этой замечательной команды, обмолвился, что хочет возвратиться к корням – то бишь угрюмому doom на блюзовой основе, который Cathedral играли в начале 90-х. Не соврал, но я не ожидал, что возвращение будет настолько убедительным! На альбоме нарулили весьма суровый звук – грязные гитары, плавающее железо и вокал, звучащий будто бы сквозь подушку. Эффект получился устрашающий - сразу вспоминаются китайские магнитолы, зажеванные кассеты и джинсовые куртки с логотипами, нанесенными шариковой ручкой.
Тем не менее, звучит все очень убедительно: разнообразный неторопливый хард-рок (или стоунер-рок, кому как нравится), временами скатывающийся в апокалиптический doom. |
Mental crucifixion, love destroyed by lies
Decomposing morals - mummified in time
Lord of retribution, judge us for our crimes
Holy father - reaps earth's seed
Sacred mother spreads his disease
Master of ceremonies - awakens from eternal nyte
For our sins we pay the price - society it's time to die.
Melancholy emperor - king of our demise
Arises from deep shadows - bearing endtyme scythe
Skull of ancient wisdom, cloaked in funeral sky
Spreads his wings wide open, engulfs the cosmos wide
Holy father - reaps earth's seed
Sacred mother spreads his disease
Holy father - reaps earth's seed
Sacred mother spreads his disease
3. Requiem For The Sun
Lifeblood flows down the rivers of sorrow
Love a distant dream we've left behind
Utopic fortunes we see in tomorrow
Blind illusions as all hope fades and dies
Sleeping forest under shimmering moonlight
Enchantment reigns in your mystical haze
Ghosts of life awake unto twilight
As the living rest in cold empty graves
All that's weary beneath the sun
Fades to darkness now his death has come
Frozen ice cold in naked beauty
Oh warmth of nocturn come unto me
Shadows are the sails of night
That soon shall come to hide the light
In sorcery and divine flight
We flock to you to gain our might
I watch the sun fall for the last time
No more visions of it's pain to behold
All light has gone forever from my sight
On this heart and vision falleth the night
All that's weary beneath the sun
Fades to darkness now his death has come
Frozen ice cold in naked beauty
Oh warmth of nocturn come unto me
All that's weary beneath the sun
Fades to darkness now his death has come
Frozen ice cold in naked beauty
Oh warmth of nocturn come unto me
4. Whores To Oblivion
World is falling before our eyes
We've sold our souls for - empty lies
Indoctrinations circle writhes In persecuted brainwashed minds
Master of this empty void controls your thoughts all - love destroyed
Hell is worth it for heavens prize
To war & pain desensitized
Whores to oblivion - rising faster
Death to Utopian - War is Master
Propaganda has bought your mind
An afterlife you fantasize,
The social ladder that you have climbed
Reality left long behind
Carry me away with the setting sun
my dream of death has - just begun
Pain of mind destruction calls
This seething cage I must break from
Whores to oblivion - rising faster
Death to utopian - war is master
Whores to oblivion breeding faster
Death to Utopian -war is master
Apocalypse is coming today........
Or was it supposed to be yesterday???
The world is falling into its grave
Oh lord have mercy, can we be saved?
Whores to oblivion - rising faster
Death to utopian - war is master
Whores to oblivion breeding faster
Death to Utopian -war is master
Whores to oblivion - rising faster
Death to utopian - war is master
Whores to oblivion breeding faster
Death to Utopian -war is master
Whores to oblivion.....................................
5. Alchemist Of Sorrows
Alchemist of sorrow
I am Midas in reverse, my gold has turned to lead
all lovers I've forsaken are dancing with the dead
lust and desire burning in hellfire
great god below me, my future you have read
Euphoria found it's grave with the love you gave
all magic died with my dreams of an Autumn bride
now she's gone away, days are dark eternal
golden shores become grey 'cos I'm always yours
Alchemist of sorrow
Robed in black behind my back, deaths conscience in control
slimy green fingers molest deep into my soul
lost in satire possessed by nothing higher
from the tallest mountain, I gaze into depths so low
Euphoria found it's grave with the love we made
all magic died with my dreams of an autumn bride
now she's gone away, days are dark eternal
golden shores become grey 'cos I'm always yours
Alchemist of sorrow
Back to the womb, my future doomed inside this tomb of pain
before my eyes had opened, your world already insane
magician of sadness, god of unholy madness
left the doors wide open, to live this torture again
Wanton grief, takes the place of eternal peace
dark and cold, memories I forever hold
summer moments saved under violet oceans
beneath life's floor, rest my dreams forever more
Alchemist of sorrow....................
6. Ultra-Earth
Bright red mist shrouds the world - streets in flames,
Robots taking control - human slaves
Auto-mechanical man - human clone,
Technological plan - just beginning
Withered sun overhangs - moon on fire
Universe in reverse - Ultra Earth
Clockwork hearts, plastic souls - breeding fast,
Remote control embryo - manufactured
Cybergod satellite - looking down,
Thought police film your mind - live transmission
Withered sun overhangs - moon on fire
Universe in reverse - Ultra Earth
See earths fate through the mist of a burning pyre
come with me, the inferno will take us higher.
7. Astral Queen
She walks under the moon, into the valley of fire
Astral Queen is dynamite
From this land of madness - she possesses the key
A pyramid shape controls the ocean waves,
She sails the seas of celestial grace
Where the blind man wanders, her darkness carries the light
Soul and mind lost in her deep space,
Her magic power has a hold - oh so strange
Blue Queen of cosmic beauty sanctions all the pain,
Mans loveless world has frozen - trapped in her domain
8. Sea Serpent
Liquid God takes my soul away
Flying high through a bloodshot sky
I fall back down to my water grave
Walking Dead when you leave me dry
Sea serpents surround me
Aqua demons - drowning me
Save my soul from this grave
Liquid God-you have made
Inside your church I worship everyday
unholy water quenches the thirst
There is no future I've drank it all away
Before your altar I accept the curse
Sea serpents surround me
Aqua Demons - drowning me
I swim your seas, limbless, in vain
As senses sink into your domain
Taste his golden blood again
Raise the chalice to the Sea Gods name
As life sips by faith in you numbs the pain
You control this body and mind
Well I've drowned my soul in your poisoned reign
Liquid master - I'm forever your slave
Sea serpents surround me
Aqua Demons - drowning me
Save My Soul
9. Templar's Arise
Our 13th Century ceremony - a vile & wicked rite
A virgin child we took that night, her blood for eternal life
Local peasants tortured us - another daughter sacrificed
With flaming torches in our eyes - our bodies they burned alive
500 years of darkness - entombed devoid of sight
The crowds came out to mock us on this carnival night
Clowns & dolls of Templars ridicule our sacred cult
The Blind Dead have arisen - so now your blood be spilt
Rise! Rise! Blind Dead Arise! Rise!
As fireworks light up your sky - your jolly music plays
Beside our monastery ruins, we're rising from the grave
Decomposed monk warriors with swords enter your town
Riding spectral horses - in Crimson seas you drown
Rise! Rise! Templars Arise! Rise!