"We Set The World On Fire", новое видео группы FREAKS AND CLOWNS, доступно для просмотра ниже. Эта песня взята из альбома We Set The World On Fire, выходящего 28 января на Metalville Records:
"Am I A Freak Or Just A Monster"
"We Set The World On Fire"
"When Evil's Got A Hold On You"
"Hell Raising Woman"
"Scream Until You Like It"
"Dogs Of War"
"Fight Fire With Fire"
"Dance Of The Dead"
"One Last Ticket"
"Children Of The Night"
"Freaks Of The Town"
"Heaven's Calling My Name"
It all started in the year of 2017. We were in a studio in Borlänge Sweden to produce songs.
Johan showed us some guitar riffs he made that took us back to the 80’s Metal Rock.
We decided to put some of todays sound and mix it with old influences like — Dio and other stuff.We began to work on the first song and discovered that — THIS IS US!!!!!!
Johan and I (Christer) together started to produce 16 songs for an album.
We decided to contact the right musicians for this style.
Guitarists MATS GESAR and MATHIAS HENRYSSON from Falun Sweden were contacted together with Bassist ULF LAGERSTRÖM from Borlänge Sweden.
We all sat down in a local pub and decided to move forward with this project now called–FREAKS AND CLOWNS!!!
Johan, Ulf and Mats already had a deal in germany with the label METALVILLE so Johan contacted them and the deal was on.
In our lyrics we do want our listeners to feel free to take them to their own story and happenings in Their lives and Their story…..That is what it’s all about….
Johan showed us some guitar riffs he made that took us back to the 80’s Metal Rock.
We decided to put some of todays sound and mix it with old influences like — Dio and other stuff.We began to work on the first song and discovered that — THIS IS US!!!!!!
Johan and I (Christer) together started to produce 16 songs for an album.
We decided to contact the right musicians for this style.
Guitarists MATS GESAR and MATHIAS HENRYSSON from Falun Sweden were contacted together with Bassist ULF LAGERSTRÖM from Borlänge Sweden.
We all sat down in a local pub and decided to move forward with this project now called–FREAKS AND CLOWNS!!!
Johan, Ulf and Mats already had a deal in germany with the label METALVILLE so Johan contacted them and the deal was on.
In our lyrics we do want our listeners to feel free to take them to their own story and happenings in Their lives and Their story…..That is what it’s all about….