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14 июл 2019

Новое видео DISENTOMB
"Indecipherable Sermons Of Gloom", новое видео группы DISENTOMB, доступно для просмотра ниже. Эта песня взята из альбома "The Decaying Light", выпущенного на Unique Leader Records.
“Collapsing Skies”
“Your Prayers Echo Into Nothingness”
“Indecipherable Sermons Of Gloom”
“Undying Dysphoria”
“Centuries Of Deluge”
“The Decaying Light”
“The Great Abandonment”
“Dredged Into Existence”
“The Droning Monolith”
“Dismal Liturgies”
“Invocation In The Cathedral Of Dust”
“Rebirth Through Excoriation”
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