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Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2009



Лейпциг (Германия)

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Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2009
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На концерт собираются (4):

OfflineIdol OfflineNosfy OfflineTehhi Offlinem1nochrome
Date: 29th of May – 1st of June 2009
Town: Leipzig, Germany (at more than 20 venues, spread all over the city), camping site and main venue at the edge of town at the „agra-fairground“ Markkleeberg; for information on the city you may check

Music styles: All kinds of dark music: Gothic; EBM; Industrial; Ambient; Neofolk; Synthpop, Goth-Metal etc. Advance ticket sale: 4-days ticket for all events within the 18th Wave-Gotik-Treffen Whitsun 2009, 66,- Euro in advance ticket sale (including advance sale charges), available via „Ticket Order“ at

The Treffen ticket includes free use of public transportation (tram, city-busses, regional trains, surburban trains) within the zone 110 of MDV ("Mitteldeutscher Verkehrs Verbund") from 2009-05-29 8.00 h to 2009-06-02 12.00 h (without special routes).

Camping: Possible with „Obsorge“ ticket, limited up to 9999 tickets for 25,- Euro (includes advance sale charges), contains the following service-package:
· Camping at the Treffen-Campground (agra-fairground)
· Silver Disc (Compact Disc) "Artists at the 18th WGT"
· "Pfingstbote" ("Whitsun-herald") - the Treffen-program-book
Please note: Entrance to and use of the campground is impossible without an "Obsorge" ticket. The
"Obsorge" ticket is only valid in connection with the Treffen-Event-Ticket.

Parking: For car parking at the main venue of the Treffen-area you have to purchase a Parking Vignette for 15,- Euro (includes advance sale charges). Please note: Parking at the Treffen-area (agra-fairground) is definitely impossible without a Parking

Expected number of visitors: about 20000
Infoline: 0049-341-2120862
Photos: See „Photogallery“ at our website
Description: Like every year on Whitsun the Wave-Gotik-Treffen (the 18th !) will take place in Leipzig / Germany from 29th of May to 1st of June. Since many years the Treffen is celebrated as a big gathering of the “dark family”. It is the biggest gathering of its kind worldwide.

All over the city there will be more than 150 bands, projects and single artists, performing on about 20 stages. The events take place for instance in the vaults of the Moritzbastei, in the splendid neoantique cupola hall of the Volkspalast, in the green round of the Parkbühne, as well as in large concert halls. Once more the whole wide range of Gothic-music will be covered: from Electro-Pop to Goth-Metal, from EBM to Neofolk, from medieval music to Industrial. However, traditionally the crazy Gothic stuff is sometimes contrasted by including some classical music as well. This year WGT guests may visit Wagner’s dramatic Flying Dutchman at the opera or Mozart’s requiem in the impressive crypt of the Völkerschlachtdenkmal. A melancholic program with songs of the German romanticism will also enchant its visitors.

From its beginning the Wave-Gotik-Treffen has been much more than a music festival: Its guests may switch back to the romantic atmosphere of ancient times at the medieval market place and a at pagan village, we will have authors reading, unusual theatre and cinematic performances will take place as well as a big role play. One of the largest halls on agra-fairground (the wide place of the German agricultural fair) will turn into the biggest Gothic-warehouse of the world for four days. DJs from all over the world will let you celebrate unforgettable special parties until dawn. There will also be a large fetish party where entrance is only possible following a strict voluptuous dress code. A stroll through the city centre of Leipzig is especially worthwhile this year: The entrance to the huge art museum (Bildermuseum) is free for WGT-guests. A wide range of important artworks of all époques can be viewed there.

A cheap and entertaining accommodation is the huge Treffen camping ground. To enter, one needs a special ticket (called “Obsorgekarte”) which includes also the extensive WGT-program-book with a CD featuring some of the artists who will perform. The public transport in the city is free for all WGT-guests.

The inhabitants of Leipzig are familiar with the Treffen since 17 years - the gothic guests are welcome. The most fascinating thing during the Wave-Gotik-Treffen is the unique atmosphere that covers the whole city. Gothics from all over the world are celebrating their gathering peacefully and with relish, turning Leipzig into a diverse black. Once a year about twenty thousand Gothics are coming home: to the Wave-Gotik-Treffen. We would be happy to welcome you in Leipzig too. Visit the Treffen – your friends from all over the world are already there!
See you!

The Treffen-Team If you subscribe to our newsletter at you will always get informed quickly about the latest WGT-news.

Currently there are 139 artists confirmed:
Comm (GB) - A Spell Inside (D) - Adoration (GB) - Agonoize (D) - Akanoid (D) - Alice In Videoland (S) - Amnistia (D) - Antimatter (GB/IRL) unplugged - ASP (D) - Atargatis (D) - Autumnblaze (D) - Ava Inferi (P) - Blitzkid (USA) - Brillig (AUS) - Burn (D) - Bushart (GB) - Calabrese (USA) European premiere - Cat Rapes Dog (S) - Catpeople (E) - Clan Of Xymox (NL) - Client (GB) - Combichrist (N) - Container 90 (S) - Corde Oblique (I) - Cranes (GB) - Cumulo Nimbus (D) - Current 93 as Anok Pe Current 93 (GB/USA) - Der Blaue Reiter (E) - Die Art (D) - Die Form (F) - Die Perlen (D) - Die So Fluid (GB) - Dies Ater (D) - Draconian (S) - Drop a Line (D) - Eden Weint Im Grab (D) - Edenbridge (A) - Edo Notarloberti (I) - Egoamp (D) - Eisbrecher (D) - Eisenfunk (D) - Eyes Of Eden (D) - Fabrik C (D) - Fangs On Fur (USA) - Feindflug (D) - Fetisch:Mensch (D) - Feuerschwanz (D) - FGFC 820 (USA) - Fire+Ice (GB/D) - Fliehende Stürme (D) - Frank The Baptist (USA) - Frozen Plasma (CH) - Geistform (E) - Greifenkeil (D) - Grendel (NL) - Henke (D) - Hollenthon (A) - Ianva (I) - Icon Of Coil (N/CDN) - iLiKETRAiNS (GB) - Illuminate (D) - Inkubus Sukkubus (GB) - IWR (IL) - Jeniferever (S) - Katra (FIN) - Klimt1918 (I) - KMFDM (USA) - L'Âme Imortelle (A) - Lacrimas Profundere (D) - Lahannya (GB) - Leandra (D) - Les Fragments De La Nuit (F) - Letzte Instanz (D) - MDM (CDN) German premiere - Megaherz (D) - Melotron (D) - Minerve (D) - Modcom (GB) - Mono Inc. (D) - My Dying Bride (GB) - Nachtgeschrei (D) - Neutral (RUS) - Noctiferia (SLO) - Nosferatu (GB) - Nurzery Rhymes (D) - Opeth (S) - Ostara (GB) - Otto Dix (RUS) - Painbastard (D) - Patenbrigade:Wolff (D) - Peter Murphy (USA/TR/MEX) - Psyche (CDN) - Qntal (D) - Rappacinis Tochter (D) Musical - Risque (E) - Rome (LUX) - Sam (D) - Samael (CH) - Sara Noxx & Friends (D) - Scandy (N) - Scarlet & the Spooky Spiders (I) - Scary Bitches (GB) - Schelmish (D) - Schock (D) - Schwefelgelb (D) - Section 25 (GB) - Shadow Reichenstein (USA) - Shnarph! (D) - Solitary Experimemts (D) - Sonar (B) - Sonver (GB) - Specimen (GB) original lineup - State Of The Union (USA) - Staubkind (D) - Steven Severin (GB) - Stoa (D) - T.A.N.K. (D) - Telegram Frank (USA) - The Eternal Afflict (D) - The Exploding Boy (S) - The March Violets (GB) reunion - The Prostitutes (CZ) - Theatre Of Hate (GB) - Tunes Of Dawn (D) - Turnbull AC`s (S) - TYR (FO) - Tyske Ludder (D) - Umbra et Imago (D) - Undead (USA) - Unsun (PL) - Unternehmen Stahlklang (D) - Vendemmian (GB) - VNV Nation (GB) - Volkmar (AUS) - Vomito Negro (B) - Whispers In The Shadow (A) - Winterkälte (D) - Yelworc (D) - Zin (D)

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