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Euroblast Festival 2013



Cologne (Германия)

* Афиша
Euroblast Festival 2013
* *

На концерт собираются (1):

The EUROBLAST FESTIVAL is a festival concept, which was created by “THE EUROBLAST COLLECTIVE”, a Cologne based management-, booking-, and event- collective. John Giulio Sprich and Daniel Schneider founded the business in 2008. The European thought, the intercultural exchange and the junction of artists and followers of a rising new music style sharing
the passion and love for progressive music as a common element, has been at the core of
the EUROBLAST Festival and the organizers’ central motivation right from the beginning.
In the last couple of years Djent and progressive metal styles have developed into a
serious trend. This is reflected by the increasing number of signed bands and new strategies employed by influential record labels. In response to the trend the EUROBLAST
FESTIVAL has been dedicated to showcasing rising and established talent from a musical
background that is gaining in importance.


The EUROBLAST FESTIVAL considers itself as a plat form inviting fans, musicians,
media and the industry to socialize and to foster valuable relationships. As a conse quence is has b e come the premiere event dedicated to the Djent- Prog-Tech Metal sector. While new talents are given a chance to perform, established acts are garanteeing for the actractivity of the event.
The EUROBLAST FESTIVAL 2013 edition will take place in place in Cologne, Germany for
the ninth time. 2012 it boasted more than 40 artists from 18 countries spanning over 4 days
and 3 stages.The organisers expect 1400 visitors and a sold out festival in 2013. This reflects the
constant growth of the festival and its number of followers. In 2011 the event was sold out
with 650 visiors. 2012 it was visited already by 850 people. The fact that people from more than 43 countries (including Australia, Malaysia, Mexico, Venezuela, and Israel among others) travelled
to Cologne to attend the event last year, points to the international relevance of the
EUROBLAST Festival and to the notably high fan involvement. With the 8th anniversary,
this event has truly developed into a platform for artistic and intercultural dialogue. This
tradition is to be cnontinued with the nineth edition in 2013. A European “EUROBLAST- Tour”, which is also planned to spread the EUROBLAST message,
will further reach an estimate of 13.000 fans
in about 16 countries. . The tour is scheduled
to start in May 2013.

Essigfabrik (2 Stages) +
Workshops/ Clinics at the Essigfabrik or other
special location
11 Oct: Day 1 Essigfabrik, Cologne + Aftershow
12 Oct: Day 2 Essigfabrik, Cologne + Aftershow
13 Oct: Day 3 Essigfabrik, Cologne

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