11 фев 2013 : Новый альбом VIOLENCE FROM WITHIN выйдет в феврале
Французская дэткор команда VIOLENCE FROM WITHIN заключила соглашение с Send The Wood Music, на котором 25 февраля состоится выход нового альбома "Idiocracy", записанного в студии Badroom и прошедшего мастеринг в 357 Productions (ION DISSONANCE, OBEY THE BRAVE).
Видео на одну из песен из этого альбома, "The Umbilical Regeneration", можно посмотреть ниже.
Since then, the band has played across France with famous acts such as Walls Of Jericho, Protest The Hero, Texas In July, The Human Abstract and Darkane.
In 2011, VFW integrates a new guitarist and records a single entitled ‘The Umbilical Regeneration’ mastered by Chris Harris (Ion Dissonance, The Acacia Strain, Born Of Osiris)
During Summer 2012, VFW records new material in the Badroom Studio and mastered it at 357 Productions (Ion Dissonance, Obey The Brave)
In January 2013, VFW release a video clip 'The Umbilical Regeneration' from their new album 'Idiocracy' will be released on February 25th 2013 with the french label Send The Wood (Hord).