18 мар 2021 : NEGATOR всё
Группа NEGATOR объявила о распаде:
«Круг замкнулся. После 18 лет существования, мы решили отправить NEGATOR на погост. Это было сделано, помимо прочих причин, и из-за недавнего заявления Nachtgarm об уходе из музыки. У нас были намечены несколько концертов и, конечно же, мы планировали прощальное шоу, но пандемия внесла свои коррективы.
Мы хотели бы поблагодарить поклонников, лейблы, промоутеров, продюсеров и всех, с кем мы пересекались за эти годы за все, что вы для нас сделали. Без вас существование группы было бы невозможно. Наша музыка будет доступна на всех известных платформах».
Under that very banner this Black Metal-Machine – the Negator – was once forged in the year of 2003. Mastermind Trolfbert (Guitar) was eagerly focusing on putting his vision of extrememe Black Metal into action. He found Nachtgarm (Vocals), Tramheim (Battery) and Berthelm (Bass) as proper comrade-in-arms.
As the music of the debut OLD BLACK (2004) did speak volumes, it did not take long until the album was properly released one year after Negator‘s founding. Press and fans alike pretty much showed similar praise of the debut’s spirit, which made OLD BLACK turn into a success story pretty much.
- Lined up to create values – made to be indispensable! -
Enlivened by the debut’s success, the four-piece was hardly interested in a creative break. At that very point in time, the ensemble had found its musical focus and direction. The slogan „Angetreten, um Werte zu schaffen – Gemacht, um unentbehrlich zu sein“ (Engl.: „Lined up to create values – made to be indispensable!“ from ʻEisen Wider Siechtumʼ) was not only going to be the Negator-credo, but also the headline for their successful second album DIE EISERNEN VERSE (2005), which was again received very much enthusiastically by critics and fans alike. In order to promote the album additionally „on the road“, Negator went on a co-headlining tour for some weeks with Koldbrann. However, in life different people sometimes have a different approach towards certain things. There are those who want to stop at an alleged peak, whereas others strive for total domination. Trolfbert – founder of Negator – was of the opinion that he had already voiced the ultimate statement with regard to extreme Black Metal with the first two Negator-albums. He and the fellows on the instruments left in ordert o re-activate their old Melodic Black Metal-Band Pantheion. Consequently, it was frontman Nachtgarm that was left behind. In an amicable man-to-man talk Trolfbert handed over the Negator-Scepter to Nachtgarm, who, from now on, was not only in charge concerning all things Negator, but also the force behind this Black Metal-Panzer from Hamburg, Germany.
But: No companions, no band. And it must have been a mix of prevision and luck, that at the end of 2006, Nachtgarm and Finnskald (formerly Drautran) crossed each other’s path. Immediately, they found themselves on the same wavelength. This blind mutual understanding was going to be headstone for Negator’s future: Finnskald and Nachtgarm are the congenial songwriting-duo for Negatorʼs vision of extreme Black Metal.
- Panzer Metal – You Better Be Ready! –
And the new spirit still can be second to none – two people still don’t make a powerful armada. After a few line-up changes, Finnskald and Nachtgarm were finally able to recruit Samebrann (Drums), Kliffjård (Guitar) und Harlegrim (Bass) as additional armoured infantrymen. That new brooms sweep clean was impressively shown with the new Negator-chapter – PANZER METAL (2010). Finnskald and Nachtgarm untimely crowned the Negator with regards to song writing at that point in time. „PANZER METAL is the ultimate answer for those, who long for extreme and hard Black Metal, which offers a 90s spirit but is delivered in a 21st century sound and features state-of-the-art firepower.“ This is as Band-General Nachtgarm sees it. And it was this blaze the scene was waiting for. And although Negator were literally away for almost five years, the manifest PANZER METAL provided nothing but awe. Consequently, requests for gigs and festival appearances were soon to follow. Besides numerous single- and weekend-shows Negator played the Metalfests in 2010.
However, the most successful year in the Negator-history so far was 2011. With a lot of tailwind provided by PANZER METAL the Negator bulldozed popular festivals such as the Eisenwahn festival, the With Full Force as well as the famous Wacken Open Air among others.
That a good name as well as continuously good performances produce interest from other, bigger names, did experience vocalist Nachtgarm in the same year. No one less than Sweden’s Black Metal-Kings Dark Funeral signed Nachtgarm as their new vocalist. Without a doubt, an honour for Nachtgarm and his work and, of course, an honour for Negator as well. However, from the very first day one thing was crystal clear: Negator will of course continue to exist WITH Nachtgarm at the helm of duties and the Panzer will continue to do his work: To scorch and annihilate the world with extreme Black Metal Negator-style.
- Negator - The Bringer Of War –
It goes without saying that Nachtgarm’s new obligations with Dark Funeral made him busier than before. Consequently, Negator utilized the break from live-obligations for continuous writing, composing and arranging new material comprising the eagerly awaited successor of PANZER METAL. Since the contract with Negator’s old label had expired, the band and ist Management went on searching for a new home. The band was looking for a company that thoroughly shared the band’s vision. Some labels show interest, but the acceptance of bid was given to the small, bit high-class German label Viva Hate Records (Der Weg Einer Freiheit among others). However, this is not enough with positive highlights in 2012: Since bassist Harlegrim left the band due to lack of interest (and surely left a gap to fill), the band was more than happy to find a great replacement with a comparatively short period of time. Be it luck, coincidence or chance – or the devil’s wish – Negator are proud to announce Hjalmort as the new man for bass duties. Hjalmort is not only a person who fits very well into the band’s structure, but who has also gained his reputation through his longtime duties as the lead singer of fellow Hamburgian Extreme Metal outfit Todtgelichter. The change was executed on amicable terms and by mutual agreement. Hjalmort is now returning to his musical homeland: Black Metal.
Since Negator want back to the future with this new and invigorated team, it goes without saying that it will not take another five years to release a new master piece. Consequently, it will leave all Negator-Fans filled with joy, when they learn that Negator have booked studio time for December 2012. As with their previous records Negator will again enter Hammer Audio Studios with their friend, fan und long-time fellow Eike Freese (Gamma Ray, Negator, Callejon, Dark Age, Neopera among others). The highly anticipated fourth album will see the black of the world in spring 2013 and will – again – take no prisoners. The Panzer keeps on rolling relentlessly, even though there will be some surprises. Expect nothing but a great Negator-Album.
And it will be that very year – 2013 – when the Negator will see his 10th anniversary. And after one decade of raging, extreme Black Metal one thing still applies:
- Lined up to create values – made to be indispensable! -